It's the perfect amount of ...

David saw her glaring at him, but he didn't feel intimidated at all. He had handled many masterpieces like her before. So maintaining his quiet composure he spoke again,

"In case you have any doubts regarding the legal paperwork then you can call me anytime. My contact number is on the last page after the annexure Miss Scarlett".

She looked at him with anger like she wanted to roast him alive.

But he politely returned back her look by saying,

"Now if all is said and done shall we proceed for Magenta House where we have arranged for your accommodation, Miss Scarlett?"

She heard him and clenched her fist in anger and then turned towards Raymond. But he wasn't even looking at her. All dejected she stomped her feet and went inside the guest room to get her stuff. She randomly packed a few essentials in her suitcase and stormed out, but before that, she glanced at Raymond once again.

She saw that his demeanor had changed completely in a few minutes. She didn't quite know what to say. So she just uttered a "Bye" and walked ahead without waiting for a response because she knew that it was never going to come in the first place.

Once she was outside the house, Raymond looked at David and said,

"Good job. Dig out all the possible connections and as for hacking the DNS server, leave that part to me".

"Sure Mr.Raymond. I have noted all the suspicious IP addresses and will email them to you", David said and was about to leave.

"No emails or any electronic medium. Write on pen and paper and give it to me tomorrow".

"Ok", David said and left the house.

The moment he left, Raymond gasped for air and touched the space between his eyebrows all worried and muttered,

"What are you up to Scarlett? What are you up to?"

He stood there in silence for quite some time trying to connect all the dots that had been scattered in front of him. There were a couple of missing blocks and he was somehow unable to trace them no matter what. But he knew that all that he needed was time. All that he had to do was to buy some time.

He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly his phone buzzed.

It was Akira.

He was surprised as to why she was calling him when she was in the house.

He picked up the call and started walking towards his bedroom,

"Hey what happened? Why are you calling on my phone?", Raymond said and entered the bedroom but she was nowhere inside.

"Where are you?", Raymond asked.

"I ... I am in the washroom", Akira stuttered.

"Ok.. and?", Raymond asked unable to understand anything.

But she didn't reply to his questions.

All confused Raymond disconnected the call and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Do you need something like clothes and stuff? I can give you my t-shirt or something", he said.

Still, there was no response from her. So he thought for a while and then spoke,

"Umm... there is a dryer near the sink. In case you need to dry something".

He was hating this conversation.

"Oh ok!!! Thanks", she said from inside the washroom. That was all that she needed right at that point.

"Ok then, I will get you a shirt of mine", Raymond said and rushed immediately towards his walk-in closet. He picked up a black basic gym T-shirt first but then he turned back to his closet and picked up a white shirt for her. A playful smile spread on his face.

He went back to the door and knocked again.

"I got you a shirt", he said.

She sent her tiny little hand outside from the door to pick up the shirt that he wanted to give.

"You get dressed and I will get you a hot cup of coffee", he said and marched into the kitchen.

He was a bit worried though as Scarlett had earlier ransacked his house downstairs completely along with the kitchen. So he wasn't sure if the coffee machine had survived.

But luckily it had. He rushed to make two piping hot cup of coffee and then went back upstairs.

She was out from the washroom and was patting her hair dry with the towel. All her hair was pushed to one side of her head, just the way he liked it. He could see drops of water running down her neck and for a moment he felt like he was going to drop the coffee cups.

So somehow he regained his composure and entered inside, but all that he could focus on was her. The bare smooth skin of her thigh, her red painted toes, her curves, and her edges were swooning him every passing second. He didn't know if he could restrain himself anymore.

He cleared his throat just to make her aware that he was in the room.

The moment she heard him she dropped the towel on the floor and again hurried to pick it up. All confused she then put it on the table.

He saw her tugging the hem of the shirt and was continuously pulling it down. She looked quite uncomfortable as her eyebrows were raised up.

"Hey, are you ok? What happened?", he asked all concerned and kept the coffee mugs on the side table.

"Um... your shirt. Isn't it a bit too short", she said and hung her head low. She had never in her life worn such short clothes.

Raymond looked at her with his eyes filled with desire and said,

"No, it's the perfect amount of short. Just the way I like it".

His words hit her heart and made her blush scarlet red. She tucked her hair behind all nervously.

"But if Scarlett sees me like this then she will not feel ok, Can't you get any of her clothes for me? Any old cloth is also fine", she said feeling all shy.

"Well she doesn't stay here anymore, so can't help you with that", he spoke with a straight face and looked at her, wanting to see the way she reacted to the news.

She raised her head with her mouth opened in surprise.magic