She was face-slapped again

Raymond took Akira upstairs to his bedroom. It was the first time that she had visited his room. There were a couple of beer cans on his side table and as she entered she saw some papers under the beer can. Somehow they looked very familiar to her.

Out of curiosity, she walked towards his side table and immediately picked up the papers. They were the torn pages from her diary. She turned back and looked at him in surprise, unable to understand how on earth the pages which she had thrown into dustbin were in his house on his side table.

She turned back and before she could ask anything,

"Isn't it bad manners to touch other people stuff without their permission?", Raymond said and snatched the papers from her and put them in his drawer.

"That was exactly my question for you", Akira said and smiled.

"Go and take a hot shower and dry yourself. I have some business to take care of", Raymond said and started walking out.

"What business?", Akira asked with a worried look on her face.

"It doesn't concern you. You better scoot else I am going to throw you in the bathtub myself", Raymond said and left the room.

Akira stood there and sighed. Then she turned and went into the bathroom.

After coming out of the room Raymond called up David immediately and then went downstairs to the guest room. There were a couple of things that needed to be taken care of immediately. But he didn't want to do any of that in front of Akira.

"Open the door, Scarlett. It's me", Raymond said and knocked on the guest room door.

"What now?", she said opening the door all irritated.

"We need to talk about a couple of things right now and sort them out", Raymond said and sat on the sofa inside.

"First I need you to pack all your stuff, as I have arranged for alternative accommodation for you. This house might be a tad bit small for your usage. My assistant will come and pick you up in precisely 30 minutes. If anything is left here then don't worry, I'll make sure it is transported to your new accommodation. It's a pool facing Villa and you are going to love it", Raymond spoke with all seriousness.

"Are you kidding with me right now Raymond? Are you out of your freaking mind? Why I am supposed to stay away from you when we are going to have a child together. We have so many things to do which are pending. We need to fix a date to get married, get all the proper tests done for our kid, paint the nursery, make necessary arrangements and all", Scarlett spoke all shocked.

"Have you hit your head on the wall by any chance Scarlett? When did I say that I was going to marry you?", Raymond spoke with surprise after hearing her speak.

"What is the need you are asking? We were already engaged and now that we have a kid don't you think it's paramount that we get married? What kind of life do you want to give to our child? Do you want me to raise this child fatherless Raymond? Is that what you want?", Scarlett just lashed out on him.

"I never said that you will have to raise the child fatherless. I am cutting my ties with you Scarlett but not with my kid. My kid still stays my top priority", Raymond said and gave Scarlett a deathly glare.

Scarlett was out of her wits. She understood that no amount of crying or sobbing or wailing was going to change the situation. She was just astonished to see Raymond's changed attitude towards her. He was the same guy who waited hours and hours for her classes to finish, the same guy who always ate the OREO's without cream and she liked to lick them up, the same guy who fought against his family for her. She couldn't believe that he would turn 180 degrees.

"Raymond don't you think you are being too harsh and irrational here. Let's talk it out tomorrow morning ok?", she said and tried to hold his hand.

"Harsh? Do you think this is harsh? Harsh was what you did to Akira. Harsh was the slap that you gave to that poor girl who thought of nothing but your happiness. She wanted to leave me so that we could have a happy family together. She was ready to sacrifice her love and you are saying that I am irrational. It's you who is being irrational here Scarlett and I am not going to tolerate any more of this", Raymond said trying hard to calm his rage.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"That must be my assistant David", Raymond said and went to get the door.

David gave a file to Raymond and a printed one-page document. He read the page and his face instantly burned in anger. He then folded it and placed it in his pocket.

David saw the burning rage in his eyes and immediately understood that he had to handle the situation. So he then took the file back from Raymond and handed it to Scarlett and said,

"This is a legal document and you need to sign. Since you guys aren't married there are some legal protocols that should be followed for the betterment of both the parties. He will be taking the full parental responsibility and would be contributing his part for the child's upbringing for a reasonable period which is till the point you get back to work. So please read all the clauses carefully because you will be clearly stating that you have no right whatsoever on any of his properties or company and for that matter his life. You cannot force him to stay with you as per the legal terms, but still, as a concerned and responsible father, he is going to provide you the best accommodation possible as per his pocket".

Scarlett felt like she had been face-slapped again.