Chapter 382   - VIP auction members

"You are free to go," Ray said.

Hearing these words, Bob started to pinch himself. He grabbed a portion of his extra belly fat around his stomach and gripped down tightly. "Ouch!" He winced.

The pain he had felt was real, it wasn't a dream, Ray had really said those words to him. After delivering the carriage. Bob talked to the auctioneer. It didn't take much convincing, since Ray was already a VIP member and due to the interest that had already been gathered about the item, to have it listed for sale in the VIP area.

The carriage was then taken to a separate place around the back by the yellow cards and a card was handed to Bob with a number one. Once the sale was completed, all one needed to do was hand the card in and they would review their funds once the auction house had taken their own cut.

When Bob had returned, he had expected to be given another task by his slave driver of a boss, but instead, Ray had said he was free to leave.

A strange fate had brought these two together and it was one Bob wished would never happen and also wished would ever happen again. Hanging around with Ray was clearly trouble and even more so after finding out who he really was.

As Bob left the scene he looked back at both Ray and Steven who stepped into the auction house, "I guess it wasn't so bad being with him the whole time." He started to giggle to himself. "Maybe it was even fun. Good luck."

The two that would be entering the VIP auction was both Steven and Ray. The reason for this was just in case anything was to happen, Ray would still have contact with the outside. After all, Jack had access to the System while Steven didn't. Jack would stay with the others who looked like they were ready to go into war.

To be so bloodthirsty at such a young age was a saddening sight Jack felt, but he understood if what was to happen to Rachel was a fraction of what happened to him down in that cellar.

After seeing what they had planned to sell at the Auction, Steven started to have more confidence in this mysterious person that Jack had introduced. On the way here, Steven had asked Jack multiple times just who was this person he kept on referring to as boss.

Due to Jack being unsure how much information he was allowed to share, he stayed silent but was adamant that this person would be able to help.

Looking at Ray now, Steven felt like he must have been quite a wealthy merchant with a powerful backing, maybe Jack had saved him during their journeys and now hired him as a guard. He gave off quite the confidence which made Steven feel better about the situation.

The only thing he didn't like was the fact he didn't have someone who was strong enough to cover his back. At least with Jack, if a fight was to break out then they might have been able to leave the place alive.

The two of them continued to walk forward until they had reached the normal set of auction doors. Ray proceeded to show one of the workers his card, who immediately then escorted them to the opposite area. A completely different section of the auction house.

'It looks like he really did have a VIP card. Who is this person?' From Steven's own experience those with VIP cards weren't particularly good people. Especially if they knew what was being sold there, but unknown to him it was Ray's first time as well.

After going through the checks, and confirming the card and both Ray were real, they entered the room. It was hard to tell how large the room was as it was quite dark inside, with a slight orange glow coming off from the lights on the walls. The stage even though it was smaller than the regular auction house seemed to be grander.

Spread across the room, where twenty lounge sofa chairs, spread apart from each other in a U shape around the stage. The auction house to him, it seemed more personal, as one was able to see the goods they were purchasing up close.

The number on the panel that had been given to him, was number 20, the chairs also contained a number and they were told to sit in the same seats. Ray chair was on the very end of the U formation. There was only a single chair while the so-called Guard was required to stand.

They waited until the rest had arrived, and all the chairs were nearly filled apart from number nineteen the one closest to Ray. When the others had entered the room, they all looked over at who was sitting in seat twenty. This was because before today there was never a seat twenty before.

It was a new addition to the auction house which was quite rare. After having a look, they had no clue who was sitting in the chair. usually, someone who joined the VIP section of the Auction house would have been known far and wide.

After the group of people took a few guesses one of the men's curiosity had taken over and he decided he had to approach.

Just then, the doors opened once more and number nineteen had entered the room. It was the prince-like figure followed by the boney man. The guild leader of the Black rings.

"What do you think's going on over there Fenny?"?The bony man asked from behind him.

Fenny the black ring's guild leader had no clue, but if they were in this room he knew they must have been a powerful person, it was always best to get on one's good side in situations like this. Especially as a big guild like themselves.

After losing the contract with the empire to stop the Redwings from leaving and entering their own city. They needed to make new relations to earn their coin.

As Fenny walked over, he could overhear the conversation between the two men.

"If you don't mind me asking, the others and I were wondering who you are and where did you come from?" The man asked.

"I guess there is no need to hide it," Ray said, Slyvia did tell him if he was to sell the carriage, they needed to make sure that the others knew it came from the Redwings, and he knew the quickest way to do that. Decasting his transformation spell, his jet black hair started to change to red. Even when the others saw this, they still didn't know who he was. Red was just a symbol for bad luck so it was expected someone would try to hide it.

"My name is Ray Talen, from the kingdom of the Redwings." After saying these words, Ray started to think how many more times would the occasion arise that he would have to reveal himself to these people? He was starting to get sick and tired of it.


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