Chapter 363   - Jack returns

As Jack entered the mansion, trailing after his father. He started to notice how grand everything looked. The whole place was covered in marble, had grand paintings on the wall. It reminded him of what the academy used to look like before it was taken over by the Redwings.

"Was this place always like this?" Jack asked. He wasn't too sure but if his memory was correct. The mansion wasn't as big outside and he also couldn't remember the whole town being this prosperous either and now even the inside of the place seemed to change as well.

"Our family has become really successful since you last came here," Russell explained.?"Our hard efforts seemed to pay off and the whole place just kind of boomed in the last ten years or so."

Finally, they had arrived in the large living room area where there were grand sofas that looked like it could fit 50 people on them and a table in between. Sitting on the sofa was a person Jack hadn't seen in a long time.

"Mama," Jack said as he went rushing over and picked her up, lifting her into the air. "I missed you so much." HE said swinging her around.

"Jack you're making me feel dizzy." She said.

As Jack placed her back on the ground he was able to get a good look at her. She looked tired, there were large bags under her eyes and although she was only in her late thirties she looked like someone at least a generation older. But she still had the same gentle smile as always.

"Welcome home," Judy said.

As the three of them sat down on the sofa, Jack continued to look around the room, as if he was trying to find someone.

"What's wrong?" Judy asked.

"Where's Steve? Does he not want to say hello this his little brother or something?" Jack asked.

When Jack asked this expression, Judy's face had slightly changed as if she was deep in thought about something.

"Steve decided to become an adventurer." Russell quickly interrupted. "After learning you had the talent to be a knight he didn't want to be left behind. If you give us your address when he comes back to visit us we will pass it on to him. He would have loved to see you again."

"Speaking of." Said Judy." We can't say your visit was unexpected, we didn't expect to see you so soon. Honestly, we had heard the things that had happened at Avrion and we fought that maybe you had…. Not made it out of there."

"About that…"

Jack then explained the events that had gone on inside Avrion. To the constant attacks from the shadow and Dark guild and even went into the details of the corrupted members within. Finally, he went on to explain how the Redwings group had saved them and Jack had joined becoming one of them.

Although he decided to leave the details about Ray out, he didn't even tell them that Ray was currently in this city. Today was his day and he wanted to talk about all the accomplishments he had, trying to make them proud.

Finally, though, it was time for him to explain the finer details of how he survived, how he turned into a creature known as a werewolf.

Once he spoke these words, the expression on both Russel's and Judy's faces was one of surprise. They couldn't believe it.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner." Said Jack. "But as you know the Redwings are in deep trouble and that's why I came back here. Did you guys know anything about this werewolf blood that I carry?"

Both of his parents looked at each other before looking back at Jack and shaking their heads. "I'm sorry, Jack, I can't say we do," Russell replied. "Perhaps it might be something one of our ancestors hid form us and it has been passed down to you."

This news had come as a disappointment to Jack. Not just because he wanted more information about getting stronger or learning about his past but because he wanted someone to relate to. Someone who was currently going through the same thing he was at the moment.

"I can see your upset," Judy said as she placed her hand on Jack's shoulder. "Why don't you rest here for the night? Russell and I will look through our belongings see if we can find anything. Who knows maybe a relative of ours put down some information in our journal."

"That's a great idea," Russell said excitedly. "And please Jack, stay as long as you want here."

At first, Jack was debating on what to do, he decided he would send Ray a message asking if he was okay with it. But after waiting a while and receiving no reply it was up to him to make a decision.

'I'm sure Ray will be fine on his own right, he has enough money and Bob is with him'

"That sound's great!" Jack replied. "Thank you."

"Percy!" Russel called. "Take Jack to the best guest room in the house and make sure whatever his needs are they are to be fulfilled."

"Yes, sir!" Percy said as he bowed down and led Jack around the mansion once again.

As the door shut behind and the two had left the room the expression on Russel's face turned sour.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Judy shouted. "He turned and he didn't show any signs of this before!"

"I know, "Russell replied. "It seems he might have been a late bloomer. If I had known I would have never let him go to that academy. I guess I should have seen the signs, he was always stronger than others his age, but I just filled my head with excuses calling it talent."

"Well, what do you plan to do now?" Judy asked.

"What we always do, although he is my son he is no exception to the rule."

While Percy was showing Jack around the house, they arrived back at the main entrance. Jack noticed while walking around the mansion there was a high number of yellow knights standing inside.

In particular, though, there were many stood just in between the two large spiralling staircases. As he walked up the stair following Percy to his room, he noticed a door just behind where the guards were standing and suddenly an old message flashed into his head.

"Jack, you are never, ever to go near this door again you here me!" It was his father's voice. Eh was yelling at him for trying to get inside. Back then there were no guards stood outside only a lock. He would often see his father go into the room when he was younger and his father would say it was his place of study.

"Would a place of study really need that many guards?" Jack thought. If it was the old him he would have never found it suspicious, but after travelling with Ray and being at the academy for so long, he started to notice things here and there that seemed odd, and this was one of them.

"Just what actually is under there I wonder? " Jack thought?