Chapter 356   - Finding Zrey

The carriage had set off with Ray and Jack inside and they were now heading to Zrey. The problem was from Jack's memory his hometown was located in the Allure kingdom which meant they would have to head back out of their territory.

Although they had gotten rid of one guild, Slyvia had mentioned there were several other guilds that had been hired to protect the border as well. At the same time, slowly Ray's image was being known to the outside world. He wasn't na?ve enough to think that the city they were in was full of people he could trust.

The empire bound to have paid one of the people in the city to gather as much information about what was going on. It was why they had also decided to keep the team small and full of trustworthy people to enter the shadow continent.

So right now inside the carriage, Ray was disguised as the younger version of himself he once was, but with black hair instead of Ray. No longer could he use his identity as Nes. For that was too well known as well.

Just outside Jack was driving the strange carriage. It wasn't a regular one controlled by horses, but one that was powered by beast crystals and had a circle wheel type shape at the front. Turning it in a certain direction would turn the wheels as well.

It was a prototype as well as a gift from Slyvia to make travelling easier for the two of them. The idea was also if they were to enter a new town, they would pretend to be merchants who had come up with new technology. Anyone who saw this piece of technology would want to get their hands on it for their city.

It was their gateway into any cities that required them to show ID, or even if they wanted to see someone of high power.

Suddenly though the vehicle had come to a halt.

"What's wrong!" Ray said as he opened the side door.

"The thing is," Jack said. "I don't know where Zrey is either."

Ray could tell this was going to be a tough journey between the two of them.

It was expected though. At the age of five, they had left their hometown to go study in a school, to only later study further at Avrion. In all that time Jack hadn't gone home once.

"Do you remember anything," Ray asked. "Perhaps a city or town that was close by?"

Jack had to think hard really hard, he was trying to pull the memories out of his head form when he was only five years old after all. But after waiting patiently for Jack to think of anything Ray had given up.

Then something hit him, "Wait, didn't they come to your town at the age of five. With me, it was Wilfred and the two other master knights."

"Oh, yeah I remember!" Jack said exited but then his expression quickly changed as he realized something. "The master knight who came to my home town was only one, and it was Delbert."

Jack was in the year above Ray and before the prophecy had come about they only sent out one master knight, or even just regular knights to do the recruitment in all the nearby towns and villages.

Still, thinking about this gave Ray another idea. Before entering Avrion students were sent to a nearby town. This was where they were educated on Ki, Beasts, the current situation of the world, and so on. Usually, the town chosen would be the closest one nearby.

Ray's case was special as he had red hair they had taken him to the most guarded of towns.

After sending a message to Slyvai she was able together with the information for Ray. Jack had been educated in a small town named Foset. The hope was that perhaps someone had more information closer to Jack's hometown or it might even spark some memories for Jack.

With a destination in mind, they set off once again, to the town of Foset. Going back past the border seemed to be easier. They were happy to allow people to leave but seeing the number of different guards still stationed around the border, they knew it would be trouble for them coming back.

It was something Ray would seriously have to sort out when he came back. IT seemed like his little warning with the black wings wasn't enough.

It took a few days to travel even with the new vehicle gifted to them on the way there, they would hunt for beasts each night collecting the crystals.

At the same time, they managed to luckily find a few Advanced tier beasts. They had stopped by a few towns that had some requests. Recently there had been a lack of guild members taking quests, due to most of the better once being hired out as guards between the Redwing borders.

This allowed Jack and Ray to complete the more difficult ones. With the quests, they managed to obtain four more advanced crystals bringing up Noir's total point to 32. Rasing her strength was nearly just as important as raising his own.

Following the directions that had been given they finally arrived into a valley of hills and forests, the Town where Jack had spent most of his time being educated could be seen just up ahead.

It was surrounded by hills and forests all around, while the town was stationed in the middle. It was the first Town Ray had seen that didn't have any walls. Instead, the Hill's seemed to act as walls. Only n a place so far away from all the kingdoms and borders would a town like this be able to thrive.

It looked peaceful and the type fo place, Ray would have loved to stay at during his time as a Dragon. Looking at the place brought back some memories of his.

But strangely, they weren't recent memories. His head started to bang with pain as he started to remember something. Something from when he was young. When he was only just starting as a baby dragon.

Nearly 1000 years had passed since that time but in those memories was one of a black dragon.