Chapter 289   - Friend or Foe

As the group was busy dealing with the white-furred monkeys, a great howl was heard in the distance.

"What was that!" Max said.

The howl wasn't ordinary and sounded like it had come from a very powerful beast or at least a large one. Suddenly loud footsteps could be heard coming towards them. From the forest, the sounds of the trees being uprooted and falling down were heard, then a fairly large figure could be seen.

As Springett sliced another monkey in half she turned her head to have a look. The large figure was coming closer and closer and it was moving at great speed.

"Damn it, do we have to deal with another beast now of all times."

The figure finally exited out of the forest and was now in full view. The figure was a wolf, large in size and a black horn sticking form the top of its head. Around its four paws, it had metallic claws.

"That thing is huge!" Max shouted.

Kaito was now visibly shaking at the beast in front of him and the two lower-class students had fallen to the ground.

"We can't win, we can't beat that thing, we're all going to die."

Springett started to calculate the odds of their survival. There was still around ten Monkey's to deal with and now with the addition of the new beast, she was unsure if they could still fight their way out of this.

The beast looked powerful and looked as if it was at least at the advanced tier level.

"Everyone, retreat go back int the forest just run. Princess, you have to escape." Springett commanded.

The student did as they were told, and started to retreat, while Springett herself had turned around to face the giant wolf.

However, once again the monkeys that she had been dealing with this whole time. Started to ignore her, instead as soon as they saw the human's running away, they decided to ignore her and head straight for the fleeing students.

Springett had to make the tough decision to leave the monkey's alone. She was hoping that by some miracle the remaining students might be able to deal with the monkeys, but one thing was sure, there was no way they could deal with the wolf.

"Come at me then!" Springett shouted.

But then the wolf quickly ignored Springett as well, it had moved so fast going around her and started to head for the students.

"How fast is that thing!" Springett said, "Oh no the student's!"

As she turned, she could see the wolf had already blocked the student's path, with the white monkey's behind and the giant wolf in front, they were completely blocked off from escape.

"Before I die, I just have to say, Slyvia I'm sorry for being a bad brother," Max cried, "And to all my past ex's, I'll see you in hell."

The wolf then started to charge forward and Max and the others started to prepare for their death. But then when the wolf was only a few feet away, it leapt over the students and was now placed in between the monkeys and them.

The wolf swiped its metallic claws taking out a group of the monkeys. It then picked one up with its powerful Jaw's and swung it to the side ripping its head off.

The student's stood there in shock.

"Are the beasts fighting against each other?" Norah asked.

"I mean that can happen, but I have never heard of the shadow beasts fighting with each other? Only regular beasts." Kaito answered.

Max then started to look at the wolf and he couldn't help but think he had seen it once before, he had a familiar feeling with it but didn't know why.

"Hey, do you think that's just a regular beast, it looks different from the others." Max said, "I mean it's fur, there's no purple patches and foam in its mouth, it just looks like a regular beast."

"Maybe the wolf lost its way and is in the shadow place?" Norah added.

"Even if that's the case, beasts do not like humans, whether they're infected or not, when the wolf is done killing the monkey's then it could go for us next," Kaito said.

Seeing the wolf defeat the monkey's in single swipes and using its incredible speed, the student felt like they had a better chance when they were only facing the monkeys. Even if they ran now, there was no chance they could outrun the beast, it was just too fast.

Finally, the wolf had defeated the last monkey and now the students were worried. Springett who was behind the wolf no longer was in her breakthrough mode.

She had already been in her form for about half an hour and couldn't keep it up any longer. She too had felt the same way as the students after seeing the wolf battle. At first, joy was felt when the wolf had first come and defeated the monkeys, but now, they realised that something far more dangerous had appeared.

The wolf then looked at the students and noticed the uniform they were wearing. It bent down its head and looked at Max in the eye for a few moments.

The other students stepped back but for some reason Max stayed still looking at the wolf, thinking he could have sworn he had seen it before.

"Max are you crazy, get away from it!" Kaito shouted.

But Max ignored Kaito's words and walked up to the beast. Everyone watching suddenly didn't see Max as the class clown or idiot but a brave student at this point and time.

"Guy's, I don't think it's going to hurt us," Max said as he held out his hand and started to stroke the fur on Noir's face.

"Are you?" Max asked still slightly nervous.

Noir then let out a little bark.


"Can you understand me?" Max asked.


The student's stood there stunned, and so did the professor. She didn't have a clue what was going on. She had heard of beast tamers before, but at most they controlled basic tier beasts, nothing like this.

Noir then stood up from the ground, and bent down her head, very carefully using her teeth, she lifted Max by the back of his shirt and threw him into the air.

"Ahhh!" Max shouted, "Why did I trust a stupid wolf!"

But then when Max had landed, he realised he had safely landed on the wolf's back.

"Oh, I see now," Max said, "You want us to get on top of you don't you?"


Noir then laid on the ground once again, waiting for the others to climb aboard.

"Hey what are you all waiting for, come on let's go!" Max shouted.


Special thanks to Bridget_Oviogo, Fenrir2040, DarkShadow_DS, Doodlebug, TheLordGodHimself

And ShiroDN for the gifts, they really help me on my journey to becoming a full time author.