"Your Majesty, if we send warships to Morocco, this may further intensify the situation and cause the French to overreact, making the situation even more tense." Foreign Minister von Kidren Wachter was a little worried.

   "Intensification is intensification, what's the big deal. French, do you still dare to really go to war with us?" William II said indifferently. Indeed, although France is Germany's old enemy, after Germany's industrial strength, military strength, and population and other factors can crush France, William II believes that France is no longer a concern, and there is no way to threatened Germany. If it weren't for Britain and Russia to support France, Germany would be able to knock the French down in minutes and make them kneel on the ground and learn to be human.

  Of course, it is precisely because of the support of Britain and Russia that the French are so arrogant and dare to provoke Germany again and again.

"Your Majesty, France is certainly nothing to worry about. But we have to consider the attitudes of Britain and Russia. Especially the British, they are already quite dissatisfied with our vigorous development of the navy. If we intensify the situation at this time, the British People will definitely react accordingly. Once the gun goes off, the situation becomes uncontrollable." Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow said.

   "Could it be that we just do nothing? Let the interests of the empire be shamelessly stolen by the French!" William II was a little dissatisfied.

   "Your Majesty, it is very necessary to express the attitude of the empire. But at the same time, it is best not to detonate the war. After all, our war preparations have not been completed yet." Marshal Count Tirpitz also said.

   "Your Excellency Tirpitz, if we go to war with the British now, can the navy defeat them?" Little Moltke asked suddenly.

Marshal Earl Tirpitz was taken aback, thought for a while, and then replied: "Your Excellency Chief of Staff, our 'King-class' battleships and 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers will not be able to serve until the end of the year." The Bavarian class The battleships and the Mackensen-class battlecruisers are about to start construction. If we only rely on our existing capital ships to confront the British Navy, there is about a 50% chance of defeating the British Navy. Of course, the matter of naval battles , no one can tell, there are too many factors that will affect the outcome of the decisive battle at sea."

  King William II nodded in satisfaction. The German Navy has a 50% chance of winning against the British Royal Navy. This is undoubtedly very remarkable. It is not in vain that he has been vigorously supporting the development of the navy over the years. Otherwise, the German navy would have to wait until the year of the monkey to catch up with the British navy!

  Of course, William II also understood the meaning of Marshal Earl Tirpitz, that is, it is best to wait until the "Bavaria-class" battleships and "Makensen-class" battlecruisers enter service before going to war. In that case, Germany will have two tiers of ten battleships equipped with 380mm main guns, and two tiers of six battlecruisers equipped with 380mm main guns. This will give the German Navy a decisive advantage on top battleships. The possibility of the German Navy defeating the Royal Navy is undoubtedly even higher.

"50% certainty, that's already very high. Your Majesty, although we are not ready for war. But similarly, the British are not ready for war. If we take this opportunity to go to war with them, our chances of winning are also very high." It won't be too small." Little Moqi suggested.

  Obviously, this proposal of Little Maoqi is another crazy proposal. Neither William II nor other senior officials of the empire thought about going to war now.

For everyone, it is a bit too hasty to set off a great war that concerns the fate of the empire and the nation now. After all, once the war starts, it is impossible to stop it before the winner is determined. possible. Therefore, everyone is very cautious about whether to start a war. No one wants to be defeated in the end, so as to become a sinner of the empire and the nation. Even William II, who was headstrong and conceited, was cautious on this issue.

   "It's too early to go to war now, let's look at the development of the situation, and then talk about it!" William II said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Maoqi nodded, but a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

  Qin Tian saw all of Xiao Maoqi's reactions. He was very clear about little Mao Qi's thoughts. As Qin Tian became more and more influential in the army, the living space of little Mao Qi and his group of people was being squeezed. Even though Xiao Maoqi was the chief of the army's general staff, he felt tremendous pressure. If the war can break out earlier, these pressures can be well eliminated.

   "Father, the Navy can send a light warship to Morocco first to see the development of the situation, and then make a decision on the next step." Qin Tian suggested.

  King William II nodded and accepted Qin Tian's suggestion.

  After the meeting, Marshal Count Tirpitz issued an order for the gunboat "Leopard" to go to Morocco. After Qin Tian learned of this, he shook his head speechlessly.

   "It seems that the ability of history to correct mistakes is still very strong! Even though the world has been changed by me now, it is still returning to the original track bit by bit." Qin Tian secretly thought.

  In another time and space, Germany also dispatched the warship Leopard to Morocco. However, in the end, the Moroccan crisis still failed to evolve into a war. Therefore, Qin Tian believes that although the situation is very tense this time, it is still very unlikely that a war will be detonated because of this.

   So far, Germany's war preparations have not been able to complete. Similarly, Qin Tian's preparations have not yet been completed. Various advanced weapons are still under preparation. Qin Tian certainly hoped that these preparations could be completed before the war broke out. In this case, in future wars, the chances of winning will be even greater.

  The 'Leopard' gunboat is a 'Ildis-class' patrol ship belonging to the German Imperial Navy. It used to serve mainly in German overseas colonies. Such a small warship is not even qualified to participate in large-scale naval battles. However, it is precisely because of such a small warship that the international situation has become more and more tense.

  The French reacted extremely violently to Germany sending warships to Morocco. The French government clamored that if Germany did not withdraw its warships, they would send more troops to Morocco. This also made the relationship between France and Germany very tense, a situation of daggers drawn.