Chapter 98

Shen Yue sitting in the classroom was very annoyed.

After her big brother said he wouldn't pick her up today, she had already planned her schedule for the day.

She wanted to take advantage of the rare free time after school to get some french fries across from the school.

But now, because of three people, this great wish was put on hold.

Thinking this, Shen Yue let out a deep sigh, "Ah."

Just this one sigh, which would be perfectly natural coming from anyone else, made Qing Xiaoyu immediately put down her pen and tentatively reached out to feel Shen Yue's forehead.

When Shen Yue noticed Qing Xiaoyu reaching out, she didn't dodge, but moved forward to meet it instead.

Qing Xiaoyu's palm was very warm, she liked it a lot.

Feeling the push against her hand, Qing Xiaoyu gently pushed Shen Yue back to her original position, and said, "You don't seem to have a fever, so why are you sighing?"

It should be known that Shen Yue, this person, basically only considers two things in her daily life.

Resting and eating.

As long as these two needs were met, Shen Yue was the most well-behaved puppy in the class.

A puppy like this would only sigh if the sun rose from the west.

When Qing Xiaoyu checked Shen Yue's temperature, she also deliberately glanced out the window.

Hmm, the sun also rose from the east today, so it wasn't the world's fault.

At the same time, Bai Pangpang, who was not far behind them, also heard what Qing Xiaoyu said. He asked while eating a sandwich and leaning over, "What's wrong with Shen Yue? Should I let Zhuo Wenfei take a look at her?"

As soon as Qing Xiaoyu heard this, she rolled her eyes, "Forget it, he's seen too many rare medical records these past two days. Anyone he gets his hands on, he can come up with 100 illnesses. If he examines Shen Yue, she'd definitely get a terminal diagnosis."

After saying this, Qing Xiaoyu turned her head to Shen Yue again and said, "Shen Yue, don't listen to what Zhuo Wenfei says, okay?"

Shen Yue nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to sister Xiaoyu." Shen Yue had already found the lifestyle most suitable for herself. She didn't need to use her brain, yet could still live comfortably.

That was, listen to her big brother at home, and listen to Qing Xiaoyu at school.

Of course, if she encountered something that she must work hard at, then she would listen to herself.

Qing Xiaoyu was overwhelmed by the cuteness and wanted to rub Shen Yue's head, but was afraid of messing up her hairstyle, so she could only poke Shen Yue's face and ask, "What did you sigh about just now?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Yue sighed again and said, "I want to eat the french fries across from the school."

Qing Xiaoyu didn't understand, "Then just go eat them."

Shen Yue said again, "Can't eat them."

"Why can't you eat them?"

"My brothers are picking me up tonight." A rare hint of pain flashed through Shen Yue's words.

This pain stemmed not only from being unable to eat the french fries themselves, but also from her own self.

Shen Yue didn't know why, she never felt it was a problem when her big brother picked her up for so long, but this time it was changed to three other brothers, and she always felt something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Second brother was too eye-catching, fourth brother would cry at the slightest thing, and fifth brother's gaze could kill.

If these three people came to pick her up, things would definitely be troublesome.

Also... If she hadn't developed the desire to eat french fries today, she wouldn't be so sad now.

Next time, her big brother should just speak faster, so she wouldn't develop unrealistic expectations.


Shen Yue sighed again, making Qing Xiaoyu feel inexplicably heartbroken.

Ever since sitting next to her, when had Shen Yue suffered such grievances! Now that she was called sister Xiaoyu by Shen Yue, she had to shoulder this responsibility!

"Stop with the sighs, they're just french fries. We'll go buy some at the cafeteria at noon."

Qing Xiaoyu had thought this would cheer Shen Yue up a bit, but unexpectedly, Shen Yue still shook her head, "The cafeteria french fries don't have that forbidden taste."

Qing Xiaoyu: ?

Shen Yue then explained on her own, "Big brother doesn't let me eat the french fries across from the school, so I must eat the french fries across from the school."

Bai Pangpang couldn't stand it anymore after hearing Shen Yue say this, "Why can't you eat french fries! French fries are so great! The meaning of life is to get some french fries!"

Bai Pangpang's voice was soft and seemed related to his plump round body, making him sound very cute as well. Shen Yue remembered that this classmate of hers often shared sweets with her, so she turned around to explain to him, "Big brother said the french fries outside are unsafe to eat."

After hearing this, Qing Xiaoyu understood. It was just a matter between adults and children. Although she was past that age herself, she had still gone through it.

Rebelling against parents? Ah, the impulsiveness of youth. Qing Xiaoyu couldn't help but sigh.

After all, ever since she started middle school, she had been completely in charge of her own affairs.

Qing Xiaoyu would have been supportive, if Shen Yue hadn't said the words "big brother".

Big brother, Shen Yue’s big brother, this man had already successfully captured Qing Xiaoyu's heart with his extremely broad academic scope!

In Qing Xiaoyu's eyes, Ye Yin was already weak sauce. What was so great about defeating Ye Yin? She wanted to defeat big brother! Big brother was her new god!

"Shen Yue, I think your big brother is right. The french fries across from the school use unhealthy oil. We can just eat the ones from the cafeteria! I'll have Jiang Shiwen prepare more ketchup for you later." Qing Xiaoyu's attitude changed very quickly, as if the person who had just vowed to get french fries for Shen Yue was someone else entirely.

Fortunately, Shen Yue did not dwell on it further. She just sighed again.

Qing Xiaoyu was helpless, so she compromised by taking out a yogurt to offer Shen Yue, finally managing to stop her sighs for the morning.

At noon, Shen Yue had wanted to eat some cafeteria french fries to satisfy her craving, but coincidentally the uncle who fried french fries took the day off today, so she still didn't get to eat any.

As a result, in the afternoon class, the endless sighs that had been going on all day made Niu Kaihuai unable to continue tormenting her. He didn't make her think for the entire class, only reviewing at the end whether Shen Yue had remembered what he said during class.

The result was still Shen Yue recounting it to him almost word for word.

This made Niu Kaihuai firmly resolve to never ask Shen Yue again if she remembered.

Back in his office, Niu Kaihuai fiercely took another note in his little notebook regarding Shen Yue - don't ask if she remembers, ask if she understands.

Soon, it was time to end class. The dispirited Shen Yue for the entire day suddenly regained her spirit upon learning the menu for dinner at home tonight. She left with Zou Xuerong, who had been waiting for her at the door, backpack on her back.

Although Shen Yue felt there seemed to be a little tail following her and Zou Xuerong, she didn't care, as she didn't sense any malice.

Arriving at the familiar car, Shen Yue suddenly didn't know what expression she should have upon seeing the three brothers' faces when she opened the car door.

What was her usual expression towards her big brother?

Oh, she had never considered it. Usually when she got to the car, big brother would already have opened the door and smiled at her.

Shen Yue hesitated for a while without reaching for the door handle.

Shen Shuangyi was impatient by nature, and coupled with his stereotypical image on the show, seeing Shen Yue standing in front of the car not knowing what she was thinking made him feel she looked so pitiful.

For a time, he didn't care about concealing his identity, and just pulled open the car door, planning to get Shen Yue in the car first before asking her questions.

But unexpectedly, before he could even get close to Shen Yue and lay a hand on her, a small fat boy came jogging and panting heavily from not far away. Still gasping for breath, he shouted at Shen Shuangyi, "Let...Shen fries!"