Chapter 280

Si Chengyou spoke as he turned on the recorder. He wanted to record Shen Yue’s words to hold Shen Yichen accountable later.

Si Chengyou understood what Shen Yichen meant. For a family like the Shens, it would be no problem for them to support Shen Yue for her entire life and let her live as an idle rich woman.

However, Si Chengyou felt this would not be what Shen Yue wanted.

On the surface, Shen Yue seemed to love relying on others and did not like doing anything herself. But in reality, she only liked things under her own control.

Entrusting her entire life in the hands of others was not something Shen Yue would be willing to do.

Now, Si Chengyou realized he was the only person who truly knew Shen Yue's inner self! Even Shen Yichen thought Shen Yue was just a delicate little fool!

The relationship between him and Shen Yue was clearly different. They were comrades in arms!

After asking this question, Si Chengyou looked at Shen Yue expectantly, seemingly wanting her agreement.

Si Chengyou wouldn't have minded otherwise, but under his anticipatory gaze, Shen Yue couldn't help but disappoint his expectations.

So Shen Yue said, "I like being a mascot. Why would I work hard when I can just lie down and live an easy life?"

Si Chengyou's eyes widened slightly, then he sighed admiringly that Shen Yue was as cool as expected, he could never guess her thoughts.

What Si Chengyou didn't know was that Shen Yue also couldn't guess what he was thinking right now. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, although Shen Yue did not explicitly agree with Si Chengyou's thoughts, she still remembered his words in her heart.

Diplomat...learning languages and politics also seems quite relaxing.

After all, it's all in my head.

Politics was taught by Si Chengyou, languages were acquired through immersion.

Wing Breaking Place, you’re the best language training partner! After a few more days, Shen Yue finally made up her mind and told Shen Yichen of her decision.

Shen Yichen was a little surprised but did not interfere too much with Shen Yue’s choice.

He only sent a set of tea ware to the Si family afterwards.

That day, Shen Yichen and Si Chengyou had a bet on what kind of person Shen Yue would rather become. Now it seemed Si Chengyou’s judgement was more accurate, so Shen Yichen conceded defeat gracefully.

However, Shen Yichen was happy inside too.

While it was true the Shen family had a lot of assets and could support Shen Yue for life, the Shens did not raise idlers. Shen Yichen could support Shen Yue for now but not forever. In one's life, what one can truly rely on is still only oneself.

Seeing Shen Yue choose what seemed a difficult path, Shen Yichen couldn't help but sigh, she was indeed the child he raised, with ambition!

In delight, Shen Yichen waved his hand grandly, and Shen Yue's allowance increased again.

Where money increases, money decreases.

The money didn't disappear, it just transferred from Shen Wu's pocket to Shen Yue's pocket.

Even though Shen Wu didn't actually make any mistakes.

When Si Chengyou returned home and heard the Shens had sent a set of tea ware, his fatigue vanished instantly.

Haha, he won!

Shen Yue chose him!

That day, Si Chengyou excitedly made tea for his parents, older and younger siblings using the new tea set. As a result, the Si family experienced an unprecedented rush for the bathroom that night.


After deciding on the school, major, and direction for her future, Shen Yue and Shen Hui went on a trip, just the two of them, without anyone else.

The trip was funded by Shen Hui's research award.

With B City as the center, they traveled to places around it. They went not just to big cities but also small rural towns, to see ordinary people living ordinary yet extraordinary lives.

Shen Yue had learned a lot from Si Chengyou and properly read history books. She didn't even need a tour guide. Whenever they came across a place of historical significance, she could explain its story to Shen Hui herself.

Shen Hui had initially thought this trip was just for sightseeing. But the more she listened to Shen Yue talk about the stories of their ancestors that happened on this land, the more she felt the land beneath their feet was more than just land. It slowly took shape. A shape that makes one nostalgic.

Shen Hui and Shen Yue's trip went quite smoothly. Firstly, they didn't lack food and drink. Secondly, they didn't lack food and drink. Except one thing - every day when they returned to the hotel, they had to listen to their big brother chatter away on video call.

"You guys are in K City today? Which hotel are you staying at? Let me see...doesn't seem like a Shen family hotel to me!"

"It's too dangerous for you to stay at other hotels! I packed a hidden camera detector in your little black bag's inner layer. Take it out and scan the place thoroughly, don't miss any corners."

"Get moving, don't be lazy. Girls must protect themselves when traveling."

Shen Yue heard Shen Jize ask in the background, "What about boys traveling outside?"

Shen Yichen turned and yelled, "Them too! Especially you!"

After that, Shen Yichen stared at the two girls scanning every corner including the ceiling before letting them off.

Since then, they rarely stayed at non-Shen hotels.

Big brother was too naggy.

In the later half of the trip, Si Chengyou chased after them under the guise of protecting national talent, so Shen Yichen finally eased up a little.

The other brothers also said Shen Yichen was overreacting since Shen Yue and Shen Hui had bodyguards with them already, what could go wrong?

Big brother doted too much!

In fact, after each call from Shen Yichen, they would pretend to not know anything and secretly call Shen Yue and Shen Hui themselves too.

Endless harassment.

The sisters were nearly driven mad by the phone calls.

Yet they didn't dare not answer.

Otherwise these people would definitely imagine something bad happened to them, and things would spiral out of control.

But all in all, Shen Yue and Shen Hui traveled many places, tasted local delicacies everywhere, learned about different cultures, and had a great time.

"Sister Yueyue, is this what Si Chengyou meant by measuring the land beneath one’s feet?" Shen Hui asked.

Shen Yue's first reaction was, "Why are you calling me sister, did you go crazy from exhaustion?"

Shen Hui: ...

Shen Hui ignored Shen Yue for a few hours.