Chapter 196

Shen Yue did not react at all to Si Chengyou's words. As Si Chengyou said, the only things occupying her mind now were how to utilize human nature and control people's hearts. She did not believe in so-called kindness because she had never seen or felt it before.

Compared to this uncertain emotion, she was more willing to believe what Si Chengyou had told her before - that a person can only be absolutely loyal when pushed to the point of having just one option.

Looking into Shen Yue's eyes, Si Chengyou knew what she was thinking.

He did not expect to change Shen Yue's mindset all at once, intending only to slowly influence her. What he wanted to do today was to help Shen Yue regain the ability to discover beauty, starting with her own beauty.

There was no question about Si Chengyou's skills. If the original Shen Yue without any make-up could demonstrate 80% attractiveness, then with Si Chengyou's styling, she became 120% attractive.

Si Chengyou knew how to bring out Shen Yue's most unique beauty.

Shen Yue turned around in front of the mirror a couple times, her dress fluttering open, resembling a willow blown by the wind.

This was the first time Shen Yue had worn this kind of outfit. It was also the first time she realized that just by changing into different clothes and adding some accessories, she could transform so tremendously.

As she looked herself over, she felt very satisfied. She turned to Si Chengyou and said, "Are there other colors? I want to try white."

Upon hearing this, Si Chengyou had an I-knew-it feeling. He led Shen Yue to a wardrobe filled top to bottom with white dresses. Unlike the heavily European-style gowns Martha had picked, the ones here incorporated Nasha's traditional elements.

These traditional touches were reflected in various details like buttons, sleeves, and tailoring. As Shen Yue's gaze swept over them, although her expression did not change, Si Chengyou could tell she was happy.

"Would you like to try on some of these clothes?"


What followed was every time Shen Yue came out in a new outfit, Mo Aman would enthusiastically praise her, causing the other three men present to seriously suspect Mo Aman was using up all the flattering words in her vocabulary.

Eventually Shen Yue, seemingly worn out from all the compliments, went so far as pulling Mo Aman along to try on skirts together.

Blissfully immersed in the joy of clothes shopping with her boss, Mo Aman finally quieted down for a bit.

Si Chengyou said all the clothes they had tried today would be delivered to Building No. 7. If Shen Yue was unsure she could inspect them first before accepting them.

Shen Yue neither agreed nor refused.

After trying on the clothes, Si Chengyou brought Shen Yue to the tea room and started demonstrating tea ceremonies.

It was Shen Yue's first time seeing a tea ceremony performed. The other three didn't need to be said.

Brother Lang had even stopped knitting and was secretly watching Si Chengyou paint on the tea soup with furrowed brows.

Si Chengyou painted for a long time. During this period everyone held their breaths, afraid to disrupt his brush strokes.

They could all see that Si Chengyou was painting Shen Yue wearing the cheongsam from earlier.

When Si Chengyou finally finished the painting and placed the tea in front of Shen Yue, she was reluctant to drink it, holding the cup curiously instead.

Si Chengyou suddenly asked then, "What do you think my purpose is for painting this?"

Clutching the cup, Shen Yue slowly turned it around, gazing at the unchanging image inside as she replied, "Maybe because you were bored."

Hearing her answer, No. 14 quietly turned his head to the side, trying not to laugh. Si Chengyou glanced at No. 14 and said, "Su Yun'an, if you want to laugh then do it openly and upright."

Being addressed by name again ruffled No. 14's fur. He forgot about laughing and said irritatedly, "Don't call me by my name!"

Si Chengyou gave the cat's bottom a pat and dashed off without continuing to provoke No. 14. Instead, he explained to Shen Yue, "Just stealing some leisure time. Did you feel your heart settle down just now?"

Although unwilling to admit it, Shen Yue did feel less agitated than before.

"Mm," she murmured.

Si Chengyou smiled. "I haven't had a chance yet to congratulate you on becoming the authority. My congratulations."

Shen Yue was not at all thrown by Si Chengyou's abrupt change of topic. She calmly replied, "Thank you."

"But how did you confirm it was Tang Yi when he must have used Building No. 1 as a smokescreen?"

Shen Yue's gaze settled on Si Chengyou. "The 35th and 36th floors of Building No. 1 are empty. No. 14 told me that. Over the years, Building No. 1 has never had floors higher than the 34th. It will neither be motivated by nearly reaching the top nor abuse its power from standing at the pinnacle..."

"You knew it was Tang Yi from the very beginning, didn't you?"

Si Chengyou did not deny it. He knew there was no point lying in front of Shen Yue now.

"I knew but I didn't stop him. I thought it would be a kind of deliverance for Martha.

You should understand Martha's situation by now. She had been living for lies all this time. The longer she lived like that, the more cruel it was to her in truth. But there would come a day when she finds out."

"So you needn't blame yourself over what happened to Martha." Snap.

Along with Si Chengyou's words, the teacup slipped from Shen Yue's hand and shattered loudly on the ground.

Shen Yue lowered her head, only now realizing Si Chengyou's words had distracted her mind for a moment.

She bent down intending to pick up the broken shards when Si Chengyou, who had rushed over, stopped her. "Let me. Getting cut by something already broken would be too high a price for damaging soft flesh."