Chapter 11

The atmosphere froze for a moment, but the production team did not dwell on the matter further. Instead, they moved on with the show.

"For the next few days, you'll have to earn your own food and lodging. Today is the first day, so we've made it a little easier to help you adjust. But to reap rewards, you'll have to put in effort. Next, each of you will demonstrate a skill you've honed over time. After the demonstrations, you'll vote for each other, so do your best!" said the director.

The contestants immediately understood they were being asked to showcase their talents - a typical reality show trope.

"Let me go first, if none of you brothers and sisters mind," said Jiang Shiwen, without waiting for a response. He grabbed his skateboard and jumped on it. "I love extreme sports, but it's hard to demonstrate most of them here. So I'll perform some skateboarding tricks."

Jiang Shiwen's face was sweet and delicate, contrasting sharply with his hip hop outfit, cool dreadlocks, and expensive skate shoes given a close-up as he glided on the board. The dichotomy between his rebellious look and innocent face set the livestream chat buzzing.

【Being single for so long makes even a little brother seem delicate and handsome.】

【Don't say that, I'm waiting till he grows up!】

【A boy needs to be careful when he's away from home!】

【I'm confidently in love, darling!】

Jiang Shiwen performed skillfully, showcasing one difficult trick after another. The crowd cheered loudly, except for Shen Yue who maintained a stony expression without comment - she was committed to her cool persona.

After finishing his routine to thunderous applause, Jiang Shiwen beamed brightly. But he soon noticed Shen Yue clapping perfunctorily with no expression, clearly just going through the motions. He glanced at Shen Shuangyi beside Shen Yue but said nothing, merely shifting his gaze away.

After Jiang Shiwen, the other contestants also performed in turn. Zou Xuezheng and her sister who'd spoken to Shen Yue earlier played a piece on their violins.

Though Shen Yue had never learned the violin, she could tell Zou Xuezheng's skills were decent. Her sister Zou Xuerong's playing was much weaker in comparison.

Shen Shuangyi sang live, which Shen Yue judged as passable.

The other contestants Shen Yue didn't know performed acts she immediately forgot.

Finally, all eyes turned expectantly to Shen Yue. She knew she couldn't escape her turn.

But rather than make an effort, she simply lay down and gave everyone a demonstration of falling asleep instantly.

Production team: ...

Contestants: ...

Shen Shuangyi: ...

Everyone had hoped Shen Yue would provide a surprising twist, but after waiting nearly two minutes, they realized she really was just sleeping.

The audience thus enjoyed two minutes of watching Shen Yue's sleeping performance.

【What is she doing?】

【Surely no one actually finds sleeping humorous in this situation?】

【Thanks for the invite. Because of this sister, my toes are cringing so hard they built a three bedroom one bath.】

【Why is Brother Shen's sister like this? I'd be distressed if she caused him trouble. Thank you.】 Monitoring the livestream comments, the production team timely intervened before the premiere spiraled into disaster.

Ignoring the prone Shen Yue, they organized a vote to rank the acts.

Unsurprisingly, Shen Shuangyi placed first, and the still sleeping Shen Yue ranked last.

"Next we'll head to tonight's lodging. You can choose in order of the rankings," the production team announced.

On the way, everyone's eyes were covered, ostensibly to prevent the contestants from escaping.

Soon, the lively environment faded to quiet, then desolation, finally stopping before a siheyuan.

Removing their blindfolds, the contestants froze in surprise.

The reason was simple - the siheyuan before them was filthy and dilapidated, with walls of yellow clay caked in all manner of grime.

"You can choose your rooms in order of the rankings," the production team prompted.

Immediately, cries rang out, "You want us to stay here? Are you insane?"

The production team patiently explained, "Ladies and gentlemen, we already notified you that food and lodging depend on your own efforts. Today's lodging is provided for free by our program. If you are dissatisfied, you're welcome to earn better accommodations through your own efforts."

Hearing this, the woman who'd spoken, Dong Yunxin, haughtily declared, "Where is the nearest five-star hotel? I'll book a room myself."

The production team obligingly gave her the hotel's address. But when Dong Yunxin arrogantly phoned the hotel to send a car for her, she was refused.

"What? What do you mean? Do you know who I am?"

"I'm canceling the card I have with you!"

"What's with this attitude? Have your chairman call me back!"

After Dong Yunxin angrily hung up, the production team explained, "Before filming, we signed agreements with all your families to freeze your accounts and informed nearby hotels."

"What? I didn't hear about this! I want to leave. I'm not filming this show anymore!" As Shen Shuangyi's diehard fan, Dong Yunxin had only joined to get close to her idol. But having to stay in a place like this was absolutely unacceptable.

She couldn't let her idol see her in such a disgraceful state.

"Our show's motto is effort. As long as Ms. Dong uses her own efforts to leave the show, we won't stop her. Now everyone can start choosing tonight's rooms," the production team responded.

Hearing this, Dong Yunxin indeed didn't enter the siheyuan, instead turning and leaving.

The camera crew followed after her while the others began selecting rooms.

Though dilapidated on the outside, the siheyuan's interior was relatively tidy, clearly cleaned in advance by the team. The only differences were room size and lighting.

Naturally Shen Shuangyi chose the biggest, brightest room.

The others also picked rooms in order until only two remained for Shen Yue - a small dark one and a slightly small dim one.

She randomly took one without fuss.

After choosing rooms, it was dinner time. The production team brought out ingredients and a small piece of meat, generously saying, "Here are your dinner ingredients, take what you'd like."

Shen Shuangyi distastefully eyed the food, then naturally asked the others, "Who knows how to cook?"

Only silence answered him.

At this moment, Shen Yue who had been slacking finally panicked, realizing she was facing the biggest crisis of her life - dinner. "Excuse me, does the production team have a cooking teacher I could hire for a reasonable fee?" asked Zou Xuezheng with a smile, her words still carefully polite despite the circumstances.

The wealthy contestants could offer tempting fees, and some staff grew tempted. But just as one stepped forward, the lead director intervened, "Wealth not earned through personal effort is invalid during filming and has no purchasing power."

So seeking help was also off the table.

Seeing the deadlock, the production team timely spoke up, "We'll give out one daily easter egg. The first person to complete it wins today's prize - a luxurious dinner for two."

Undeniably, the production team knew how to produce good TV. This prize appeared at the perfect moment, its importance obvious.

Even the previously indifferent Shen Shuangyi now looked serious.

"What is the easter egg?"

The production team promptly handed out paper and pens.

The exam question for today's Easter egg was written on the paper: How to attack and clear out an enemy-occupied village in daily life?

There was also a sketch of the village below the question, with a main road running through the middle and buildings on both sides.

Seeing this question, everyone frowned.

The director, however, was very happy. After confirming the guests, he had specifically asked about their strengths, and knew what questions would stump everyone! His goal was to make things difficult for everyone!

Without challenges, where's the motivation!

Seeing you all stumped makes me happy!

Shen Yue, upon seeing this question, had no time to frown. Her mind was filled with thoughts of cracking the Easter egg to get dinner. She didn't even think twice before picking up her pen and heading to the stone table in the courtyard to start writing.

First of all, although this question requires following the actual combat environment in daily life to formulate specific tactical details, a general plan can still be made.

Regarding the target village in the diagram, formed along the highway, with a main road running through the center and buildings on both sides. If the diagram only shows part of the village, and the actual village is larger, there may be side roads. Also, it would take several infantry platoons to clear it out.

"Shen Yue, let me continue where we left off yesterday. An infantry platoon is divided into four parts. The first part is the ambush group, responsible for cutting off the enemy's retreat using firepower. The ambush group should not be too large, usually consisting of two to three soldiers or a light machine gun team.

The second part is the firepower group, whose job is to blockade as much as possible using firepower, making each building isolated and difficult to support each other.

The firepower group should include at least one infantry squad. If conditions allow, try to equip the firepower group with light machine gun teams or snipers to enhance firepower.

The third part is the assault group, responsible for clearing out the enemy inside buildings. The assault group should contain about one infantry squad, depending on the combat situation, may require two to three assault groups. If possible, equip the assault group with CQB weapons and grenades.

The fourth part is the platoon command. At the start of combat, the platoon commander should keep about one infantry squad in reserve as a contingency to commit to battle if needed.

During operations, the platoon command should follow and cover the flank of the firepower group.

After completing the above tactical planning, clearing operations can begin."

Shen Yue's brain was running at high speed, automatically retrieving the memories she needed, without even thinking twice, and started scribbling on the paper.

After starting the operation, first the platoon sergeant leads the ambush group to covertly advance and occupy advantageous concealed positions opposite the direction of attack. The firing position should have adequate cover and concealment, and as much as possible cover the enemy's retreat route, which can be predicted through pre-combat reconnaissance.

After the ambush group is in position, the firepower group advances and occupies advantageous positions to begin fire suppression. The assault groups advance under fire support and begin clearing buildings.

When clearing buildings, the assault groups should split into two teams, support and assault. The support team should remain outside the building, finding cover, while further isolating the building and providing necessary fire support for the assault team. The assault team looks for opportunities to enter the building and clear it.

Advancing in this way until the entire village is cleared.

Well done! Excellent!

Shen Yue rushed to the production team holding her completed response.

Dinner is the kind of thing that will slip away from you if you don't seize the time and put in the effort. - Shen Yue