"Just now in the world of consciousness, I didn't see any news from the boss"

The screen of the magic phone displayed a message from the demon emperor.

"Luo Chuan, what is the world of consciousness?" Yao Ziyan cast a questioning look at Luo Chuan.

"How do I know." Luo Chuan spread his hands, "Maybe it's a place similar to a virtual world, you can just ask the demon emperor."

"Lord Demon Emperor, what is the world of consciousness? 』

"It's a bit like the holographic equipment in the boss's shop, but it also allows consciousness to enter a special world, where it can fight and so on, but it is not as powerful as the holographic equipment."

"You have reached the Ice and Snow Continent now? 』

"According to the normal time, it should have come up last night"

"Then how did you get up? 』

"Didn't you say, a few frost elves found me and invited me to go to that continent in the sky, oh yes, they said it was called the Temple of Heaven"

"The Temple of Heaven..." Yao Ziyan whispered to herself.

"The name sounds very powerful." Luo Chuan nodded slightly and gave his evaluation.

Yao Ziyan smiled: "So the way you look at these unknown things is whether the name is serious?"

"Of course not, it's just a more important aspect." Luo Chuan emphasized.

He felt that Yao Ziyan was a bit biased.

It's like when someone asks you which type of novel you like, and if you answer a light novel, it is assumed that you don't like other types of novels.

"What else do you want to ask?" Yao Ziyan poked Luo Chuan's arm.

"I have something to ask." Luo Chuan took her hand in his hand, "Well... ask the demon emperor Frost Spirit's specific appearance."

Yao Ziyan snorted, her expression clear.

The only frost elf they have seen now is Anno. Although it is basically confirmed that the Ice and Snow Continent is Anno's hometown, it is better to confirm it just in case.

"Lord Demon Emperor, what do the frost elves look like? 』

"appearance? It's like a spirit

The Demon Emperor seems to have no idea about Yao Ziyan's problem.

It's not that Kolo has no elves, it's almost the same anyway.

"No, I mean, do they have anything special, specific details"

"Well... they are all pointed ears, I can't tell their gender."

Yao Ziyan agreed with the demon emperor's opinion.

According to the general aesthetic concept, the appearance of elves basically belongs to the impeccable level. As the darlings of nature, most of them also have slender bodies.

This also had a notable consequence.

In some cases, elves of different genders are really indistinguishable when standing next to one another.

Luo Chuan thought of when he first met Anno.

Nor did they distinguish the gender of the elf girl.

"Luo Chuan, what are you laughing at?"

"Well, I thought of something happy."


"My new novel is almost ready."


Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan suspiciously, "New novel?"

She obviously did not believe the words of a boss.

How many times have I said it before, but now there is no shadow.

"Then what about the current one?" Yao Ziyan felt that compared to the new novel, it would be better to finish the current one first. Eunuchs or unfinished endings are not good behaviors.

As a reader, the reader closest to the author, it is necessary for her to supervise Luo Chuan.

"Of course it's finished." Luo Chuan pressed the girl's head, "I'm a principled author, when did the novel not finish?"

"What about the first book?" Yao Ziyan couldn't help but gave Luo Chuan a blank look.

"The first part is finished." Luo Chuan replied as a matter of course.

Yao Ziyan opened her mouth, unable to refute.

"Okay, this topic ends here." Luo Chuan waved his hand, "Ask the demon emperor to have any other characteristics, it's too general."

"Okay, okay." Yao Ziyan sighed, picked up the magic phone again, and started sending messages.

"Lord Monster Emperor, can you be more specific? 』

"Most of them have silver-white hair, but there are also other colors. The house they live in is made of ice and snow, so there seems to be nothing special."

"Silver-white hair, frost elf, it should be right." Yao Ziyan clenched her fists and turned her eyes to Luo Chuan.

"Well, let's ask about other things." Luo Chuan lay back on the back of the sofa.

"Annuo doesn't remember what happened in her hometown now, she still needs to think about how to tell her, and she also agreed to Anweiya's invitation..." Yao Ziyan lit her slender, light-white fingers and whispered about the things that need to be solved at present. .

"Stop, stop, stop talking." Luo Chuan sighed.

Things piled up again inexplicably, making him a little irritable.

Time moves forward one night.

"How do we get to that?" The Demon Emperor pointed to the sky.

The continent cast by ice is suspended in the sky, like jewels dotted in the starry sky, accompanied by stars and bright moon.

"Let's use magic to go up." At the same time as Yilu replied, her eyes always fell on the little white fox on the shoulders of the demon emperor.

In fact, she was very curious from the beginning, this little animal was obviously different from the monster beast royal family in front of her.

If I had to give an example, it would be almost like wearing a vest and pants to a banquet.


The demon emperor raised his eyebrows.

The word appears frequently on the magic phone. Most of the customers of the origin store have mastered the power of magic through holographic equipment, which is a special power different from the spiritual power system of Tianlan Continent.

But these frost elves clearly don't know anything about the Origin Mall.

"I want to ask, how much do you know about the current Tianlan Continent?" The Demon Emperor asked the question in his heart.

"Hey, I've always understood it."

Yilu tilted her head, as if wondering why the demon emperor asked this, "Every once in a while, the elders will send high-level priests to collect information on the civilizations of various races in Tianlan Continent."

I don't know what a few words in it mean, but it doesn't really matter.

"A period of time you said, how long is it?"

Since coming into contact with the Origin Mall, the demon emperor has deeply understood a truth, and he must not continue to use the previous concept of time.

How long has it been since the Origin Mall appeared, so many novelties have been created.

If it would be tens or hundreds of years if it were to retreat again, the demon emperor felt that Tianlan Continent would become something he couldn't understand at that time.

In the words of the boss, it was abandoned by the times.

Clearly, the pointy-eared frost elves' conception of time is completely behind the times.

"Then how long ago was the last time you collected information?" the demon emperor asked.

"It seems to be more than 90 years ago. It's almost time for the high-level priest to leave the Temple of Heaven. This time I must seize the opportunity!" Ilu clenched his fists subconsciously as he spoke.