TM Chapter 174  

Chapter 174  : Who is His Person (6)

TL: emptycube / ED: Isleidir

Say that I won’t be her manager?

Although they say that a celebrity is fickler than summer weather, I couldn’t understand Son Chaeyoung at all. When I looked at the rearview mirror, Son Chaeyoung was staring at the window as though she had said what she wanted. It seemed she didn’t dry her hair all that well as it was still dripping with water.

I tapped the steering wheel before asking,

“Did you ask to meet to say that?”

“That’s right. Is there a problem? Ah, don’t tell CEO Baek about this conversation too.”


“What’s the reason?”

“Why do you want to know?”

Son Chaeyoung looked at the rearview mirror again.

Reflected on the slightly foggy mirror, her particularly vivid lips parted to say,

“Why? Do you want to work with me? Do you want me now?”


I replied immediately. Son Chaeyoung frowned and turned away.

“You’re an eyesore.”

“There is a sleeping mask in the back.”

Son Chaeyoung frowned again.

“So ridiculous. I’ll lose my temper if I keep riding this car.”

More than now?

I was at a loss for words.

“There’ll be no reason for you to ride this car anymore so relax.”

I replied calmly. Son Chaeyoung threw the towel she was wiping her wet clothes with. Then she pressed her back against the seat. I could see the seat getting wet through the rearview mirror. Oh, wow. I bet she’d be rolling in the back seat if I asked her to not get the seat wet one more time.

A long while after I received her irritated glare through the rearview mirror, Son Chaeyoung snorted.

“You probably understand a lot more about this industry now, yet you still aren’t good at calculating. You need to look at the bigger picture. Do you think you’ll easily come across chances to work with an actress of standing?”

“You’re the one that told me not to be your manager?”

“Ah, my words came out wrong because of you! It’s because you asked me for a reason!”

Should I try to sound her out?

“I’m just curious because you’ve changed suddenly. I was wondering if you’re planning on retiring or something.”

I lightly shrugged and observed her reaction through the rearview mirror.

Son Chaeyoung’s mouth was agape as though she heard something absurd.

“Retire? Why would I retire? Who said I was retiring?”

“I’m just asking. They say people die if they change suddenly.”

“What ‘suddenly’? It’s been so long since I’ve asked you to be my manager. The train’s already left the station.”

She snorted again before continuing,

“Also, I’m never going to retire. What will I do if I give this up?”

I don’t know. Although I didn’t know what she did for a living, I did know that she apparently retired.

It looked like Son Chaeyoung didn’t have the slightest intention of retiring. What caused her to change her mind that she retired at the peak of her career? What sort of rumors were there again?

Married into a Chinese conglomerate’s family? Undergoing therapy? Pregnancy? Plays overseas?

The ‘undergoing therapy’ rumor seemed plausible. She seemed to have two or three mental illnesses.

But why were they all rumors? Why did no one know the truth?

If a top actress suddenly declared she was retiring and there were provocative rumors like mental illness or pregnancy, then reporters must have been swarming to find the truth. The paparazzi would have chased her around since she was a top star in China as well.

But how was the truth buried?

It would be impossible for Son Chaeyoung to avoid the reporters’ radar by herself.

Was it really related to a Chinese conglomerate?

A chief from Team 2 did say something in the past. That the person who owns the hotel we were staying at was such a fan of Son Chaeyoung that he wished to have a meal with her. Seeing Son Chaeyoung’s reaction at that time, it didn’t seem like the first time she was dealing with a situation like that.

If not, then the company might have actively quelled any information.

I recalled CEO Baek Hansung’s face as I looked at the rain drip down the windshield.

“I’m telling you again, tell CEO Baek that you won’t be my manager.”

Son Chaeyoung said as she propped her chin on her arm that was on the window. She seemed to have opened the window a little as the wet breeze fluttered her finally dry hair. I saw her half-opened eyes between her fluttering hair. They were restless and excited, like a fighting dog ready to bite and attack its opponent.

“Even if you tell him you won’t, the CEO won’t think bad of you.”

I heard her voice amidst the loud sound of raindrops falling.

“Because most chief-level managers will say they can’t.”


Son Chaeyoung’s words were a prophecy.

After the drive in the rain, Son Chaeyoung showed what a crazy bitch truly was. Thanks to her committing daily acts of violence and wickedness as she ran through a landmine, wails could be heard from the Team 2 office.

The chief-level managers who the Team 2 Leader set up with Son Chaeyoung quit one after the other like dragonflies swept up in a storm. I heard this from Chief Lee Bongjoon, but a chief who said he would control Son Chaeyoung later clung to the Team 2 Leader’s calves, saying he couldn’t do it any longer.

That was why Chief Jo, who was familiar with Son Chaeyoung, was temporarily assigned to Son Chaeyoung once again. I saw Chief Jo a few times at work, his initial impression of a neighborhood hyung became a ruined man.

It seemed like Chief Jo and the Team 2 Leader was doing whatever they could to soothe Son Chaeyoung, but it was already the fifth day of the week CEO Baek Hansung gave them. Incidents were constantly bursting at Team 2.

And one was about to burst in our team as well.

“Oppa! Oppa, oppa, take the picture when it bursts!”

“Don’t worry about it and pull.”

“Euaah! How can I not worry when you’re the one taking the picture?!”

Party poppers that is.

The fan club sent us a table-sized cake to commemorate Making Film hitting 15% in ratings. We were holding a party in the fourth-floor lounge to express our thanks and take photos showing us eating the cake.

A photo of everyone wearing party hats and cream on their lips.

I took a step back from the noisy center. Then I captured a bunch of photos clearly illustrating the event with a digital camera. One where Neptune launched the party poppers above their heads, and people eating cake like they were starved.

The three goldfish were laughing like they were drunk.

Jung Jae was busy serving pieces of cake and drinks.

I was taking pictures for a while when Chief Lee Taeshin swaggered over and sat down. With a face that seemed to almost suffocate with emotions, he said,

“That day, after their performance, it looks like they gained a lot of confidence.”


“Yes, they had never performed where the audience cheered so loudly.”

As though he recalled that moment, Chief Lee Taeshin let out an excited breath.

“They had gone up thinking that people might boo or throw garbage at them, but a cheer erupted out from somewhere and spread instantly. That moment replays in mind a few times every day that I can’t go about my daily activities properly.”

He added while looking at Pretty Girls,

“If I’m like this, then it must have been much more meaningful to them. They’ll probably never forget it in their lifetime.”

“It’s good that it’ll remain as a good memory.”

I replied as I turned the camera.

Through the viewfinder, the goldfish looked happy like they were having a wonderful dream.

“Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”{1}

I heard someone say beside me. I turned around while holding the camera. I saw Lee Songha through the viewfinder. Lee Songha was sitting next to me instead of Chief Lee Taeshin at some point. She was holding two pieces of cake. Her eyes, which were fluffier than the cream, looked at me.

I wasn’t even surprised anymore.

“How do you always know what the left hand doesn’t.”

Lee Songha turned her head away. Only her head.

Still sitting, she silently shuffled her chair until she was right next to me.

Finding her actions funny, I pressed the shutter again.


“We’re in a haunted house while they on a carousel? What the heck is this?”

Chief Lee of the Management Team 2 grumbled. He groaned intermittently. His mental state was exhausted in two days. Of course, it was because of Son Chaeyoung.

“There’s only one floor between us in the same building, yet isn’t the atmosphere too different?”

He looked at the person beside him. Chief Jo nodded with the exhausted eyes of a dried fish. They were standing in the corner of the stairwell on their way up. The fourth-floor lounge was in the middle of its loud party.

The two stared at the scene.

“Jung Sunwoo, that guy has incredible luck.”

Chief Lee’s gaze lingered on Jung Sunwoobefore looking at Pretty Girls and Neptune. The loud and warm scene in front of them could only be titled as ‘Happy’.

He licked his lips and said,

“How can he be with such good girls? While we’ll have to wait and see about Pretty Girls, Neptune should have had some sort of problem by now. It’s so odd that none of them have taken up a bad behavior or something.”

“I know, right?”

“They need to be awarded an upright celebrity certificate or something. And on top of that.”

He turned his gaze to Lee Songha, who was quietly sitting next to Jung Sunwoo.

“Her. Lee Songha’s the real deal, no?”

“I don’t know.”

Chief Jo replied bitterly.

Unsatisfied with Chief Jo’s response, Chief Lee urged on,

“I mean I thought she was quiet after Cat Guardian Ghost became a hit because she was still in the start of her career, but she hasn’t changed a bit even after two more successful projects and as her popularity grows by the day.”


“I bet there’s no one as easy to work with than her amongst those at her level. She’s not stubborn, fickle, and doesn’t cause any incidents. She also doesn’t have interests outside of work, so you don’t have to worry about a scandal either.”

Chief Lee counted with his fingers.

“And it’s not like her work is just okay. Have you ever seen her get irritated or say she doesn’t like something to Jung Sunwoo? She hasn’t complained once even though her schedule was packed for half a year with her drama and movie overlapping and Neptune’s schedule as well. She’s completely different from Son Chaeyoung.”

The more Chief Lee talked, the more bitter Chief Jo’s expression became.

Like there was something that bothered him.

Chief Jo opened his cracked lips and asked,

“Lee Songha’s reputation is quite good, isn’t it?”

“Not just good. Almost historically great. Dramas, movie, commercials, photoshoots, no bad rumors came out of anything she does. Everyone just wants to work with her again. I’ve seen tons of celebrities while working, but it’s my first time seeing someone like her. She’s just perfect.”

Chief Lee’s voice dripped with desire.

“There’ll probably be tons of people getting in line if she looks for a new manager. I’ve been interested every time I’ve seen her. I feel like it’ll be like winning the lottery every day if I manage her. Aren’t you interested, Chief Jo?”

“… Let’s say her manager changes.”

“Pardon? Her manager is going to change?”

Chief Lee immediately asked. He seemed like he would immediately go and introduce himself if that was the case.


Chief Jo shook his head. Then he swallowed his saliva and said,

“Whether it’s because our higher-ups said so or whatever, let’s just say that her manager changes. But she suddenly starts causing all sorts of problems. She can’t act, doesn’t listen, and causes issues.”

“Why do you say such terrifying things? That’s Son Chaeyoung.”

“So if she suddenly acts like Son Chaeyoung, then what will the higher-ups do?”

Chief Lee rolled his eyes,

“They try to soothe her as much as possible.”

“Don’t you know from dealing with Son Chaeyoung? Do you think that’ll work? Also, Son Chaeyoung’s already a well-known hellion, so at least you’ll get people’s sympathy. What do you think will happen if Lee Songha acts like that under your care?”

As though he had imagined this, Chief Lee frowned.

“I guess they’ll scold me, asking what I was doing for her to act like that when she was so calm with Jung Sunwoo. Damn it, just thinking about it is suffocating.”

He shook his shoulders and changed his thoughts,

“Then they’ll probably have Jung Sunwoo manage her again.”


“The situation with Son Chaeyoung is this bad because there’s no one to rein her in. But you’re saying Lee Songha won’t cause problems so long as she’s with Jung Sunwoo. That’s what I would do if I was an executive.”

While listening to this, Chief Jo’s expression became odd.

Chief Lee tapped his arm.

“But why are you thinking about this? It’s just so drastic. Although Lee Songha does follow Jung Sunwoo particularly well, do you really think she’ll act like Son Chaeyoung because her manager changed? When they are polar opposites?”

“The conversation we had just now, I said the same thing in the past.”

“Pardon? With who?”

Chief Jo stared at Lee Songha.

Although she was simply sitting there with no makeup or lights, she gave off an uncommon feeling. There was a sense of distance like she was in a far-off world by herself. However, her expression lit up whenever she talked with Jung Sunwoo.

Like a wax figure coming to life.

Chief Jo mumbled,

“With Lee Songha.”


“Although it’s a bit crazy, that’s what she said. She might be fooling us all.”

He cautiously said.

Chief Lee, who looked at him with bulging eyes, laughed.

“You must be really feeling the aftereffects of Son Chaeyoung. Isn’t this considered trauma?”

Chief Lee clicked his tongue and massaged Chief Jo’s lean shoulders.

Chief Jo opened and closed his mouth a few times at his reaction but sighed in the end.

“… It’s just what I think. She’s safe because the safety pin’s still on.”

He looked at Lee Songha and Jung Sunwoo again and added,

“If we pull the safety pin, I think she’ll be worse than Son Chaeyoung.”

{1} A verse from Matthew 6:3