My sous-chef

She looked at him with mild disdain in her eyes as she sincerely felt that he had cheated. He was too clever with his words and she had realized it now the hard way after falling into his traps multiple times.

She was angry and she pouted her lips and said,

"You cheated. Twisting the words is not fair".

"Cheated? That's a very strongly opinionated word, Miss Akira. Don't you think so?", he said and turned towards her.

"Strongly opinionated? Really? Then what about the fool I made out of myself by teaching you the rules of the dancing? Jeez, I even told you how to count the steps rhythmically. The whole time I was thinking I was teaching you and helping you learn", she said disappointedly.

"Yes, you were. It was a good brush up of the fundamentals you know. Your efforts are much appreciated and I must say, you do possess good teaching abilities", he said with all seriousness.

His words somehow made her even angrier. Her face turned red hot. She couldn't believe that he let her go on and on and on about dancing when he himself was a master and probably danced even better than her. She felt like a complete idiot.

"Then I guess you have practiced enough and probably that's all the assistance that you would be needing from me", Akira said sarcastically.

"Are you angry with me or something?" Raymond asked.

"Really? Did you get that now?", she asked disdainfully.

"How do I know? Your emotions are always jumbled up. Sometimes your heart wants something, but your mouth speaks otherwise", Raymond said and threw a double-edged knife of twisted words at her.

"What do you mean?", she demanded.

"Didn't you tell that you like dirty dancing and wanted to dance like that someday?", He asked.

"I did, so?", Akira questioned back.

"So instead of thanking me, I don't understand why are you getting angry with me", Raymond said and sat on the chair next to him.

"I am angry because you lied to me", Akira said and looked at him.

"I didn't and you know that", he said calmly and then again folded his hands in front of him defensively.

She opened her mouth to say something but then she restrained herself. She stomped her feet lightly on the floor and with a grudge-filled heart, she walked towards her shoes. She picked up her heels and turned towards the sofa which was present on the left end of the room. She slumped on the sofa and started buckling up the straps of her heels on her ankles.

Her hands were still trembling as she hadn't fully recovered from the intimate dance that they had shared. Her heart was still racing at its peak and her focus was dispersed. She struggled a bit to get the strap into the pin correctly.

"Do you need help with that?", he asked.

She saw that he was still gawking at her intently and it seemed like he had no intention to give up.

"No thanks!!! I am good", she replied spitefully.

She was showing off of all her anger towards him because deep down she wasn't really angry because of his lies. She was angry with herself for the way she lost all her control. She was angry because she couldn't understand why she acted so recklessly. No matter what, he was still her boss. She was angry because with him she lost the sense of self-restraint. She was unable to accept the fact that even though she knew her boundaries clearly, she had herself pushed it way too far.

After she was done with her shoes, she got up and said,

"As our practice session is over, I guess I would take my leave now".

She knew that he would have had made plans for the cooking dinner with her as discussed earlier, but she was scared of spending more time with him.

Raymond didn't utter a single word and he sat on the chair nonchalantly. She walked to the desk where he was sitting to pick up her bag and mobile phone which she had kept on top of it. But before she could pick her stuff and move an inch away, he clasped her hands in his own. He didn't pull her close but made her turn towards him. He looked up into her eyes and said,

"Tell me why you are angry?".

Akira lost her patience and said,

"I told you earlier. I do not like twisted statements. You could have told me clearly that you just wanted a partner to practice".

Then she turned her face away unable to face his look.

"Akira can you look at me and tell me why are you really angry?", he asked again calmly.

"I told you already", she said but this time her voice staggered.

She nervously started fiddling with the hemline of her skirt and said,

"How many times do you want to hear the same thing? I thought you were the smart one?"

"I will just ask you one more time Akira. Why are you angry?", he asked this time with a gentle soft tone and took her other hand which was fiddling with her skirt into his own.

She continued looking down, unable to raise her head.

How could she tell him that she was angry with herself? How could she tell him she was angry because he made her heart race and skip a beat? How could she tell him that she was mad with herself for being so naive?

But probably he understood her. So no matter how angry she was at him, or at least pretended to, he didn't feel bad at all. Somehow he understood the predicament of the whole situation and wanted to draw her out of it.

So he let go of her hands and got up. He took a few steps and started walking out of the room. Then dramatically after a few steps he stopped and turned towards her and said,

"Some unapologetic moron promised me to be my sous-chef today. I just hope they don't back down on their words and simply run away".