Dirty Dancing !!!

"Huh?", Akira asked.

"I meant how was the dance? Was it good?", asked Raymond.

"Yeah it was good", she said and removed her hand from his shoulder and moved a bit away to pause the iPod.

"Good? Just good?", Raymond questioned her. He was the sort of guy who was an epitome of perfection and just getting a 'GOOD' for his work was unacceptable for him.

"I mean yeah, as a beginner on Day 1 you were absolutely fantastic. So much better than people who have actually learned for a couple of days or even weeks I must say. Plus your footwork, totally amazing. You will reach a professional level in no time", Akira said and paused the iPod.

"I see. So what's your ideal dance level?", Raymond asked and leaned on the table.

"My dance level? What do you mean?", Akira asked looking at him.

"I mean when do you consider a couple-dance ideal?", Raymond asked and clearly, his tone was impatient and eager to know about the target level as per her.

"Well for couple-dance, it's ideal when there is clear chemistry and spark between the two partners. I mean they should be able to make you feel the love that they are feeling for each other through their dance. Their moves must tell you about the longing, the desire, the love that they have for each other", Akira said and looked at him. But she could sense that her answer was still a bit ambiguous as his brows were still furrowed.

"I mean, just to simplify, it should be like Dirty Dancing", Akira said and folded her arms defensively in front of herself.

"Dirty Dancing as in like Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey's Dirty Dancing?", asked Raymond all astonished.

"Yeah exactly. Have you watched it?", asked Akira.

"Yeah, I have. A romantic dance movie to be precise", Raymond said.

"Yup exactly. The way they move, the way they dance like there is no tomorrow. it's just amazing", Akira said all beaming up.

"But isn't that dance a bit too hot to handle sort of? You know what I mean", Raymond said and quizzically looked at Akira.

"Well it is, but it's totally normal for people passionate about dance to be able to dance like that. You immerse yourself into it like dancing is part of your routine. I have never danced that way, but I believe that if I ever would be with someone that I love, then probably we would dance that way".

She said and paused to see if he was still having a judgemental look on his face, and then she continued.

"Its like two people in love have only one language to express love and that's dance. Isn't it just amazing?", Akira said and was lost in thoughts of her own.

She loved to dance courtesy her mother and always dreamt of being able to dance like Jennifer and Patrick with her partner someday. She had boxed this desire of hers deep in some random corner of her heart, ever since she had seen the movie. She hadn't even disclosed it to Anthony when they used to date as she knew that he was a terrible dancer and never displayed any interest at dancing as well. Rather he considered it a waste of time and energy.

She had delved into the thoughts of her past but when she heard Raymond clear his throat, she snapped out of her own old memories and saw his gawking at her with a weird smile on his face.

"Are you judging me for liking dirty dancing?", she asked.

"No", he said.

"To be clear I like it purely as a form of art. Nothing more and nothing less. I consider dancing as another way of expressing yourself. Hope you understand that and not think of me as some kind of pervert", Akira said and tried to explain herself profusely. After all, she was an intern and worked under him. So she wanted to keep her slate clean.

"Uh..huh", Raymond said with the same unfazed smile on his face.

She got a bit irritated with his attitude but she pretended to ignore him and said,

"So shall we practice again from the top what we have covered till now?",

"Yeah sure, but this time I am going to choose the song", Raymond said and scrolled through his playlist. Finally he found the song that he wanted to play and pushed the play button. The song slowly started flooding the room.

Now I've had the time of my life

No, I never felt like this before

Yes I swear it's the truth

And I owe it all to you

'Cause I've had the time of my life

And I owe it all to you.....

"No way !!!", Akira looked up to him in disbelief. He had put Dirty Dancing ending song "Time of my Life" which was her favorite of all.

"You want to do 1-2-2, 1-2-2 on this song?", Akira asked him all perplexed.

"Uh..huh. Can't we?", asked Raymond.

"What we are doing is very basic Raymond. It's like directly disrespecting this song", Akira said and rolled her eyes.

Raymond sighed and came forward. He looked at her and said,

"Doesn't matter. All I want to do is to practise my dance with you".

There was a certain command in his voice. So when she heard him, she closed in towards the center of the room where he was standing. Before she could even stretch her hand out for him to hold, she felt his warm palm gliding on her waist and then rested firmly on her back.

He extended his other arm for her to embrace her palm in his own and once she did, with one sudden swift movement he pulled her close. So close that the only gap between them was the air they were breathing. His lips were at a threatening distance from hers. His intoxicating eyes were fixated on hers and all that she could do was to gasp for air.

Slowly he tilted his head and came forward with just an inch of gap from her ears. Then he whispered into them in his husky tone,

"This time I lead".