I can't think, without you interrupting me

"But I thought we can be friends !!!" - Raymond

Akira read the line like a hundred times and her heart fluttered with happiness.

"And here I thought I already was (smiley face)" - Akira

"You are trying to double cross me here?" - Raymond

"Ha ha ... Not at all" - Akira

"Ok then, see you on Sunday. What time should I come and pick you up?" - Raymond

"No need for all that formality. I can come to your place. I already know where it is" - Akira

"I guess there is a confusion here. I don't stay with my sister. I stay separately. So I am quite sure you don't know where my pad is" - Raymond

"Oh, I see. You can text me your address. I will be there by let's say five?" - Akira

"I am asking for a favor as a friend here, not as a boss. I will pick you up at 4:30 pm. Sounds good?" - Raymond

"Yeah" - Akira

"Cool, the deal is sealed then" - Raymond

"Now you are speaking like my boss" - Akira

"Am, I?" - Raymond

"Yeah. You know earlier I thought of you as a very ice cold and reserved sort of. You gave a typical boss vibe kind of" - Akira

"And now?" - Raymond

"You still do (smiley face)" - Akira

"Oh, please" - Raymond

"Sorry, I was just kidding" - Akira

"So?" - Raymond

"You are still my boss with a boss vibe but its different now. I mean you are like an onion. One has to peel your layers to know the kind and considerate side of you. Why don't you let people see the good in you in the first place?" - Akira

"Because I don't want them to see the good in me" - Raymond

"Why?" - Akira

"Because that's when people start taking advantage of you. They take you for granted. It's like a game of love. Till the point a guy is after you he will do everything in his control to please you. But once he has your green signal, you are taken for granted. You know the theory - The maid was once upon a time a reigning queen." - Raymond

"Love is not a game" - Akira

"It is a well-calculated game of chess. You make the right moves, you win. But one wrong move and there you go. Check-mate" - Raymond

"I guess that's what happened to me. Probably I was stupid. I gave too much without even thinking about what I deserved in my relationship and see what happened" - Akira

"I guess that's why he dumped me for someone younger and prettier, who could give him what he wanted" - Akira

Raymond started regretting his words. He didn't know that it would remind her of her past and make her feel all sad.

"Probably I should have done other things rather than taking care of him" - Akira

"Akira, when I say this you should know that I am speaking it from the bottom of my heart. All these theories are applicable for other girls, but not for you" - Raymond

"Why not me?" - Akira

"Because you are not like others. You are not a pawn on the chessboard. You are the queen with your own terms. You are not someone to be played with or conditioned. I wouldn't dare to" - Raymond

"Why wouldn't you?" - Akira

"Because a person so pure like you deserves unconditional love. A love which is far away from all games and all conditions. A love with no boundaries that transcends even the concepts of mortality" - Raymond

"Your words make me feel so warm. But does love like that exist?" - Akira

"Maybe it does. Maybe you just need to open your eyes and search (smiley face)" - Raymond

"Have you ever found such love?" - Akira

"I guess so" - Raymond

Her heart broke when she read it. The butterflies which were running all over the place came back silently. Suddenly the vibgyor of happiness turned to a black and white image.

"Oh, so you are in a relationship?" - Akira

Raymond laughed in his head after seeing her question. He could clearly sense her disappointment.

"If I would have been in a relationship then would I be talking to you this late in the night? Would I be asking you to come and teach me to dance?" - Raymond

A smile returned back on her face.

"Yeah right. But it's not wrong to be friends with someone even if you are committed. I mean if someday you get your girl then will you stop being friends with me?" - Akira

"We might not be friends by then" - Raymond

"But why?" - Akira

"Why do you want to think about something distant and ruin what we have now Akira? Who has seen tomorrow? I am speaking to you today, tomorrow I might die. There is no guarantee of tomorrow. So stop worrying about the future and start living today. In fact, start living now. Do what your heart pleases and not what will please others" - Raymond

"I will" - Akira

"So to be practical, come to teach me to dance only if you want to, not because I told you so" - Raymond

"But I want to" - Akira

She replied instantly without even thinking for a second. His heart swayed with joy. There are hundreds of ways in which you can touch someone's heart and this was her way of doing so.

"Thanks. Should I be humbled now?" - Raymond

"No, just remember me when you dance on the D-day. That would be more than enough" - Akira

This girl had no idea how bad he wanted to dance with her on the gala night dinner. But he decided to give her some space and didn't tell her up front. He didn't want a 'YES' from her just because he was her boss. He wanted a 'YES' from her only if she also wanted to dance with him the same way that he did.

"Your favor will be returned as a dinner treat on Sunday evening" - Raymond

"C'mon, there is no need for that. Plus I don't like eating so much outside" - Akira

"Fine then what about dinner at my place?" - Raymond

"You cook? Oh my God. Is anything there that you cannot do?" - Akira

"Well you can be my sous-chef"- Raymond

"I am honored then" - Akira

They talked endlessly like two teenagers in love. There was a bit of inhibition, a bit of eagerness to explore the other. There was a curiosity to sail into each other's territories and find out what was underneath. But at the same time, they were themselves scared of their own vulnerabilities so they had their guards up the whole time.

"Ok, now go to sleep. It's really really late right now" - Raymond

"Ok, if you say so" - Akira

She really didn't want to go to sleep. She just wanted to keep texting him. He had become like a drug that ran deep in her veins and in no way she could survive without him.

"Good Night Akira" - Raymond

"Good Night Raymond" - Akira

He saw her text and tossed uncomfortably on the bed. He didn't want to end the conversation but he didn't want to push his luck either. His heart yearned for her, but he decided to keep his foot down. He didn't do that for her, he did that for himself because he was scared of getting too attached with her. He was slowly becoming aware of the power that she had over him and wanted to cast it away. But he knew that he himself had given her all the power and he knew that over time he won't be able to quit her.


The next day evening Akira got all ready for her dinner with Vikram. She wore a pair of ice blue jeans and a black tank top and layered it with a denim blue jacket. Vikram was also dressed up casually in denim jeans and a linen black shirt.

"Oiii we are color blocked", Akira said and pinched Vikram's arm.