Mac and cheese

Raymond beamed with hope after hearing what Katherine said. He looked at her, trying to convey unsaid gratitude.

"You are welcome", said Katherine, mouthing her words in his direction silently.

Akira stood there in surprise and before she could even try to utter a word further, Katherine came forward and snatched the phone from her hand and said,

"C'mon Akira. It's just 10.45 pm and it's Friday night. Don't let me sulk alone. Give us some company for God's sake. You gave so much attention to all the random bunch of kids today so you can spare some for us too right?"

"But it's already late Katherine and you should rest too", said Akira, trying to escape from the invitation.

"Oh bollocks!!!, I will rest tomorrow. The only company I get is of all other moms like me or patients. And all we do is crib about kids pooping and being unruly or about some eczema that just doesn't go and so on and so forth. So for a change give me some company girl. let me feel young again",

Katherine said, acting all dramatic.

"Finally some perks of having an overdramatic sister", Raymond thought in his head and laughed.

Akira slightly giggled after listening to Katherine's endless rant.

"Stop being so over dramatic, Kat", Raymond said.

"Should I?", Katherine said and winked at Raymond.

Raymond threw the cleaning cloth at Katherine and said,

"You better stop blabbering nonsense and give me something nice to eat. I am hungry as hell".

"Oh really? Wait, I will order something nice for you", Katherine said.

"There is no food left? Really nothing is left for me? You invite me but don't even arrange food for me. Great !!!", Raymond exclaimed sarcastically.

"Ordering food will take another half an hour and by that ..."

"I can quickly make some Mac and cheese for you if you want?", Akira interrupted Raymond halfway through.

Raymond heard her say that and looked at her for a while with disbelief. Then without even saying a word, he went upstairs. Akira couldn't understand what went wrong. She looked at Katherine helplessly with a puzzled expression. She could not understand if she offended him in any way.

Katherine looked at Akira's worried expression and came close to her and said,

"It's not your fault that he is upset. He just misses mom."

"What happened? Is she???", Akira couldn't ask further.

"She left us a couple of years ago. I have come to terms with it with time but Raymond was very much attached to her. So even now her memories are painful for him. She used to make Mac and Cheese for us as midnight snack whenever we use to crib about being hungry late in the night. So probably he just remembered all that and got a bit upset, you know. Don't take it on yourself. Its none of your fault." Katherine said and gently held Akira's hand to comfort her.

She heard Katherine and then looked upstairs. All this time this guy was tending to her feelings, making sure she was alright, worried about her pain but deep down he was carrying the baggage of his own sorrows, bottled up tight so that not even a drop of it could spill anywhere. She stood there in silence for some time trying to figure out what to do?

She asked Katherine to help her find the ingredients and quickly made a portion of Mac and Cheese. She then handed the bowl to Katherine and said,

"Can you please pass this on to him? He must be very hungry by now".

Katherine held the hot piping bowl for a moment and then she gave it back to her and said,

"You better go and give it to him. I am feeling sleepy now".

"What? What about all the slogans you gave a few minutes back about wanting to get young, wanting to enjoy the night?" Akira asked, all surprised.

"My mind is fickle. What can I do?", Katherine said and shrugged her shoulder and marched away upstairs towards her room. Then she halted midway, looked down at Akira who was standing rooted at the same position in the kitchen and said,

"Do you like serving cold food to people?"

"Huh...", exclaimed Akira unable to understand anything.

"He is in the top floor bedroom", Katherine said and then without even waiting for Akira's reply, she went ahead without even turning once.

Akira stood there dumbfounded and stumped after being deserted by Katherine. After mustering a little bit of courage, she went upstairs to the top floor and knocked lightly on the bedroom door.

"Come in", his voice was hoarse.

Akira went in near the table where he was sitting and placed the bowl in front of him. He looked like a complete mess. His eyes were a bit misty. Probably he had shed a drop or two tears. He looked uncomfortable. She wanted to hug him tight and tell him that it was going to be ok. She could very well understand the pain that he was going through and she was a traveler in the same boat. She knew how bad it could get sometimes.

Even though she was standing so close to him, he did not look up even once. She could not understand whether she was even welcome in that room or not. She decided to leave but before that, she just wanted to make sure that he ate.

"I made this especially for you. Hope you will like it", Akira said and looked at him. He was still looking down and just said,


She didn't know what to do next or what to say next. She stood there for sometime uncomfortably in silence.

When he didn't move an inch from his position for a while, she felt that it was about time that she left. She again looked at him and said,

"Please eat it. Don't stay hungry. Your mom's heart will ache to see you hungry and upset like this. So at least eat for her sake".

He finally looked at her after hearing her say that. He didn't say a word but his expressive eyes were calm and still like an ocean stays still before an upcoming storm.

"I will take my leave then", she said and looked at him.

"Stay", he said again with a hoarse voice.

"Huh...", Akira blinked in surprise.

"It's late. I will drop you home", Raymond said.