You are a superhero Aunty !!!

After coming back from lunch, Akira took out her notepad and started working on the minutes of the meeting. Once she was done with it, she sent a mail to all the team members including Raymond. Then she sat for a while at her seat reflecting on what had happened a few hours back.

Raymond had instructed Simon earlier in the meeting to include Akira in the team activities. So after Simon saw that she was done with her minutes of the meeting he went to her desk and gave her one trial character development work. Akira was really enthusiastic about working on an actual character which could be a part of the game. So she asked all sorts of question to Simon so that she could have clarity about the character like the temperament, strength, height, weight, origin et cetera. Once she gathered all the information she started thinking about arbitrary forms of the character in her head and started drawing them one after the other.

After drawing tons of characters and discarding a couple more, she finally had three designs ready. She took her rough character designs and went to Simon.

"Hey Simon, I drew a couple of portrayals of the character. Can you please have a look?", Akira asked.

"Oh sure", Simon said all enthusiastically.

Kirk, who sat next to Simon, heard him beaming up like a CFL and faked a cough.

Simon got irked when he heard Kirk mocking him. So he immediately retorted,

"Do you need some cough drops for your bad throat or maybe a cello tape? Do something cause your voice is killing my creativity".

Kirk had a good laugh when he heard Simon getting irritated as that was the goal that he wanted to achieve.

After silencing Kirk, Simon focused his attention on the designs drawn by Akira. He rejected the first one quoting that it was too modern, but when he saw the second one, he was impressed. He said,

"This one is really quite nice. Just lose the boots and give leather gladiators to give that authentic rustic feeling".

"Sure thing," said Akira

"Have you thought of a color palette?", Simon asked.

"Well, I was thinking more of cement or grey colored outfit. That would look more natural with her characteristics. What do you think?", asked Akira.

"Yes, even I think so", said Simon.

"But I wanted to add one more thing", said Akira.

"Yes? What's that?", asked Simon.

"Well, I wanted to give her red hair. In my head that would give her a more fierce look. Don't you think so?", Akira asked Simon and threw a quizzical glance at him.

Simon closed his eyes like he was trying to picture the character with red hair, grey costume and gladiators. A few seconds later he opened his eyes and said,

"Perfect!!! It's just perfect".

Akira was extremely pleased to see his reaction.

"Ok, so which software have you used for model creation in your courses?", asked Simon.

"Well in our college Autodesk is preferred but I am also familiar with Make Human as well", Akira replied.

"Great then. At Delphi we use Autodesk. It should already be installed on your system by our IT. So I assume that you don't need our help with the tool or anything", Simon said.

Akira just gave us shoulder shrug after hearing Simon to convey her agreement.

"Off you go then", Simon said and gave a smile.

Akira took the design and went back to her seat and started working on it on her system.


Around 4:30 in the evening Akira received a text message from Katherine

"Hi, Aunty !!! Kate here. My party starts at 5.30 pm. I know that you have office, but can you please come by 6 pm?" - Katherine

"Sure my dear Kate. I will be there." - Akira

"You are awesome aunty. I have told all my friends that you saved me like a superhero. They are super excited to meet you" - Katherine

"No!!!!! You did not !!! I am no superhero", - Akira

"Hey sorry, Akira. My little one is a bit chatty. I didn't know she was texting you - Katherine

"It's ok Katherine. She is super sweet and adorable. Tell her that I will come pretty soon". - Akira

"Yeah please come. I am also waiting for you. I cannot handle all these kids alone by myself" - Katherine

"Sure sure, I will start after half an hour. I will be there before 6 p.m". - Akira

"Hey, one more thing. Don't tell Raymond that you are leaving office early and coming here. He will be pissed that the working hours of his employee is decreasing because of me. You know how paranoid is he about his work and deadlines right?" - Katherine

"Haha, I won't. It will be our secret party." - Akira

"Now you better wrap up your work. I won't disturb you any further" - Katherine

A smile of pure satisfaction spread on Katherine' face. She loved playing Cupid and right now in her chess board, both Raymond and Akira were her Pawns. Her aim was to help them reach the other side. She was lost in her thoughts when she got a call from Raymond.

"Hey Kat!!!", said Raymond.

"Ugh.... how late will you come?", sighed Katherine and asked.

"What I didn't even say anything about it. Why are you assuming that I will be late?", Raymond asked all surprised.

"Oh Com'on Raymond. Like you would have called me to tell me that you are coming on time?", sneered Katherine.

"Hmmm... looks like you know me too well. See, I am not lying, but I have an urgent meeting in the evening. I am going to try my best to wrap it up as early as possible. So just wanted to let you know that I might be a bit late. So don't freak out ok", said Raymond.

"I am telling you, you will regret it if you come late", Katherine said.

"Please, Katherine try to understand. I am not doing it deliberately. Please tell Kate as well. I can't see her getting sad", Raymond pleaded.

"Fine fine. Don't sulk now. Try to come as fast as possible. This party will be a welcome change for you as you have been working too hard for too long. Anyways we are accustomed to your absence. So this time also we will understand", Katherine said with an emotional tone.

"I am sorry Kat. I promise I will come no matter what. You have my word", Raymond said and disconnected the call.