Now you have my number

Akira's eyes were filled with tears of gratefulness when she heard what Vikram had to say about her. She wiped away the tiny drop of tear which was flooding her eye and gave a beautiful smile back to Vikram. That million dollar smile was so genuine that it totally expressed how grateful and how indebted she was feeling right now.

Vikram smiled back at her and they both went to the main room where Mike was waiting for them. Akira sat down on the chair and had some water. She was mentally exhausted after her encounter with Anthony. Mike give her time to settle down and didn't ask anything. Vikram knew that Mike was restless to know what her sister had decided, so he gave a wink and a half smile to Mike.

That wink was enough for Mike. He was more than glad to know that his sister has acted sanely.

Akira kept the water glass down on the desk and looked at Vikram's lawyer and said,

"Please try to get rid of him as fast as possible. Guys like him don't deserve a second chance. I am sorry for rethinking about this whole thing and causing so much delay in the procedure. Please go ahead. I am confirming my statement".

A smile of victory floated on the faces of both Vikram and Mike. They were not happy because the guy was getting punished but because they knew that finally, Akira was getting a closure.

"I will drop her back at her office. You can take the car and go home", Vikram said to Mike.

Akira followed Vikram and sat inside his car. Before Vikram could start the car, Akira looked at him and said with a smile,

"Nice punch work!!!".

"What do you mean?", Vikram asked acting all innocent and clueless..

"You think I didn't notice his broken nose", Akira said and looked at Vikram.

Vikram didn't say a word. He just smiled and started his car.


Vikram dropped Akira in front of Delphi's office. But before Akira got down from the car, he cupped her chin in his right hand and looked at her and said,

"I am proud of you".

Akira smiled at him and went inside the office.

The moment she entered the cubicle, everyone rushed towards her and surrounded her like ants surrounding a cube of sugar. Thanks to Chloe everybody knew about the incident which had happened yesterday and people were throwing questions at her about what how why and who.

Akira took a deep breath and explained everybody what happened the day before. Everybody knew about the incident but when they heard the first-hand experience coming out from the mouth of Akira, they were all shocked.

"So, in short, our boss came and saved your life like a knight in shining armor?" asked Kirk who worked under Simon.

All Akira could do was to shrug her shoulder in affirmation.

After everyone left, Akira tried hard to concentrate on the work which was pending. But she couldn't fully concentrate as her mind was too busy rethinking, re-evaluating and reassessing everything that was happening around her. By evening she started to have a throbbing pain in her head so she decided to leave early.

After reaching home to distract herself from thinking about anything negative, she watched a movie with Mike and then prepared dinner as well. In the back of her head, she just wanted to call Raymond once and ask him if he was ok, but as she didn't have his number she kept the thought to herself.

After dinner, Akira went back to her bedroom and took out her diary and started scribbling about her deepest and darkest feelings. Her diary was her secret companion to whom she never had to lie. It never judged her or gave an opinion. Her diary was her silent companion throughout her life.


Akira decided to go to the office early the next day because she wanted to finish the report which Raymond had asked her to prepare on the first day itself. Yesterday she was busy at the police station so she couldn't give enough time to complete it. Being a diligent student throughout her life, she wanted to complete it before Raymond came back to the office.

She was the only person who took the lift from the parking lot as it was almost empty as it was quite early. Again the thoughts of Anthony started haunting her and she quickly prayed for the first floor to arrive as fast as possible. But the lift stopped at the ground floor and she was surprised to see Raymond waiting to get in.

"Hi", she said in a very feeble tone.

"Hi" Raymond replied back and was surprised to see her in office so early.

"How's your arm? You could have taken more rest. Why did you come to the office so early?", Akira started her series of questions.

"I was bored", Raymond said and asked,

"Why are you here so early?".

"I have some pending work. I mean the assignment which you had given. I couldn't finish it in time so I thought I could...."

And the elevator arrived on the first floor before she could finish her sentence. Knowing that now they would go separate ways, Raymond asked,

"Everything went ok at the police station?"

He kept walking along with her to the cubicle area.

"Yeah. I even came back to the office afterward but left early due to headache" she said apologetically.

Raymond couldn't say anything further because he was feeling torn for her. Sensing the awkward silence which was fast approaching between them, Akira asked,,

"Did the police come to collect your statement as well?

"Yeah, they came just before I was supposed to get discharged from the hospital".

"Oh, I see. Yesterday also I wanted to check if you're ok but since I didn't have your number I couldn't call up."

She paused for a while and then continued,

"I don't know how to say it but I am really thankful for what you did for me. If I am alive right now that's probably because of you. I couldn't even thank you properly," Akira said and hung her head low.

Raymond could feel every single bit of sincerity in her words.

"Umm... Can I have your phone?", Raymond asked.

Akira was surprised by Raymond's random request. She unlocked her phone and gave it to Raymond.

Raymond quickly typed his number using Akira dial pad and called himself. The moment his phone rang, he disconnected the call.

Then he gave the phone to Akira and with a sly smile on his face he said,

"Now you have my number. You can call me anytime and ask me how I am?"