With all the secrecy - 1

David bit his lip and then he opened them to let out a faint gasp of air.

"Akira are you sure about doing it. I mean I am not against it but don't you think it is better if it happens the other way around?"

"I am not the girl who is going to wait for a knight in shining armor. Are you going to help me out or not?" Asked Akira with a slight;y irritated voice.

A perplexed David looked helplessly at Akira and then asked,

"What about Sunday? Sunday should be better. It's God's own day."

"No, I need it done this Saturday. At any cost. I have set my mind on it," replied Akira shaking her head.

"Why are you so hell-bent on Saturday?" Asked David.

"That's something that I would like to keep to myself," said Akira and then continued. "I will send you all the details via an email. And don't you dare to try sending it to your boss or anyone else. Oh, and btw did you check upon Dr. Nelson?"

"Yeah, I had texted him and he said he was fine. He is getting discharged tomorrow."

"Mmm.... he had told. Anyways, I gotta go now and I hope this time you are loyal to me," said Akira and left the room.

"Argghhhh... "

Grunted David and started pacing inside the room. He would have hardly made three laps when Raymond knocked on the door and entered.

He had never seen David pacing like this. Tension lines were etched all over his forehead.

"Did you see a ghost, David?" mocked Raymond and settled on the chair.

"I bet that would have been a happy encounter," muttered David.

"Is something bothering you? Has anything happened? Tell me," asked Raymond. This time his tone was normal and his concern was genuine.

"It's nothing that concerns you. It's something.... Something personal."

"Hmm.... ok. Then I won't poke further if it's something personal. But just so you know I am always there for you. Right?

"By the way, how is the plan for Saturday coming up?" asked Raymond.

"Well about that...." replied David with a bit of hesitation, "Can we push it to Sunday?"

"Sunday? No way. Not even one day I would like to push. Saturday is the max that I can wait for David. I have been waiting for it like forever," replied Raymond and got up from the chair.

"By the way make sure that none of this information is known to Akira. She is quite smart to figure out anything that is odd around her. You need to be very cautious. Everything needs to happen right under her nose," said Raymond and left the room.

David stood in the room for a while, thinking about how to complete the onerous task that had been bestowed upon his soldiers and that too when it was supposed to happen on the same day.

After finishing her meeting Akira texted Raymond,

"Where are we going for lunch today?" - Akira

"We are not going for lunch today. Instead, we are going for lunch today along with the entire staff." - Raymond

"Well, I won't mind. I am a very accommodating girlfriend." - Akira

"See you at the bay. After lunch, I need to head back to Walker Enterprises. There are some legal work pending for the transition" - Raymond

"Yeah, yeah... I get it. You are a big shot now. :P" - Akira

"Come how tonight. I am going to show you how much of a big shot I am." - Raymond

Akira giggled in the hallway as she saw the last text from Raymond. Two staff members passing by looked at her all amazed, as she was known to have a serious face at all times.

Zipping up her laugh Akira channeled her zen mode and walked ahead with a serious face and went to her chamber. Then she went inside the bathroom attached to her chamber and made a phone call.

"Hey, Akira !!!"

"Hey there !!! I will be quick as I don't have much time. Raymond can come into my chambers anytime soon."

"What happened? Everything ok?"

"Yeah, yeah... Everything is fine. Just that I wanted to tell you about something and saying that Akira narrated the whole thing that she was planned for this Saturday without even taking a breath.

"So how does it sound?" asked Akira.

"Umm... Err.... are you sure about this Akira.

"I was never this sure in my entire life. Never !!! I will manage everything. You don't need to worry about it. David is going to help me out with it," said Akira assuringly.

"And David agreed to this? He was ok with it?"

"Well he was hesitant at first, but then somehow I persuaded him," beamed Akira.

And then she heard the doorknob and whispered,

"I think Raymond is here. Gotta go but promise me you will not say a word to Raymond about this."

Holding the phone in her hand, Katherine couldn't believe for a moment what this girl was about to do. She couldn't believe that David was helping her out too when David was already aware of Raymond's plans.

So she called up David immediately.

"Hello, David !!!"

"Hello, Katherine. How are..."

But even before David could exchange pleasantries, Katherine screamed,

"How could you David? How could you agree with Akira's plans?"

"I had no other option. I swore in front of both of them that I will not tell about it to either of them. So what do I do tell me?", asked David.

"Damn it, even I promised that I won't say a word", muttered Katherine.

"I need to make arrangements. What shall I do?" asked David.

"What arrangements will you make? How on earth are you going arrange for two proposals for the same two people, on the same day at two different places?"

"Aghh.... these love birds are making me go insane."


[Author here - I have a new surprise for you guys. A new book - The rise of the saviour

Please give this book some love with your reviews and comments. I sincerely hope you will love this new book as well.]