Creating distance

"We can go in the morning. He must be resting right now. You can ask him whatever you want to ask about when we go to the hospital together."

But she looked up at him helplessly and said,

"But I don't feel well Raymond. There is this pit in my stomach that I can't get rid of. It feels like ...."

"What do you feel Akira?" Asked Raymond, with his heart in his mouth. He was scared to know her reasons, but at the same time he wanted to ease her condition as well. He knew that deep down she was going through a turmoil, which probably she didn't want to show on her face. But her thoughts, her fears where are already known to Raymond and probably that was the reason why he was so uncomfortable after knowing the truth.

"Erm...," she hesitated at first, and sure of the fact that how Raymond would take it. But then she decided to open her heart in front of him, because she knew that apart from her if there was any one else who knew her better then that was Raymond.

"Somehow I feel that.... I don't know probably he felt a connection with me. I mean on the dance floor I saw him looking at me with a weird longing in his eyes. At the time I just thought it was all because of the music, the mood but now that I think of it..."

"He likes you, doesn't he?"

"Not me Raymond. Not me. Perhaps he just likes me because I looked like her. So I need to get my thoughts cleared up. I need to make him understand that it's not going to happen. I don't want a man like him to live with a false sense of hope," she said and he could see that her eyes were slowly welling up with tears again.

"Come here!!!" He said and stretched his arms.

"You don't want to hurt him right?" He asked as she perched in his lap.

"I just want to tell him to live in the present. Even after knowing everything about him, I just can't make myself to hate him for what he did. He didn't have to lie. At least not to me," said Akira and curled up in his lap.

"We will visit in the hospital in the morning. Can you please try to sleep at least for a few hours for my sake?" Raymond said and lifted her up in his arms and put her to sleep on the bed.

He switched the light off in the hope that she will fall asleep. But sleep was miles and miles away for both of them.

After tossing and turning for the rest of the night, he next morning as Raymond got up, I found a note on top of Akira's pillow.

It read,

"Have gone to talk with Dr. Conrad. It would be weird to confront him in front of you. Hope you understand that.

P.S. I am yours and only yours."

He had mixed feelings about it.

Even though every single time Akira tried to ascertain that she had feelings for him and only him, somehow doubt and uncertainty kept creeping inside his heart.


"How is he?" Akira asked with her tone filled with concern.

"Well he is sleeping right now. That's why I came out of the room. Didn't want to disturb him," said David and closed the door behind him.

"He is sleeping now? Isn't this the time for his breakfast and medication?" Asked Akira all puzzled.

"Wow, I did not think about that," thought David and then said.

"Well actually he slept quite late yesterday night."

"Why did he sleep late?"

"How would I know Akira? I was sleeping here in the waiting room," David replied, trying hard to shrug off her questions.

Akira turned to look at the waiting area and then looked at his face. Then letting out a gasp of air she said,

"Raymond texted you right? You knew that I was coming to hospital right now. Didn't you?"

"Akira !!! We just..."

"We just what? We don't want you to enter inside the room? Or we don't want to talk with you right now?"

Asked Akira and then stormed inside the room before David could even complete his sentence. As she entered the room, she saw Dr. Nelson sitting and having his breakfast. For a moment she couldn't believe that her relationship with him had come to this sort of sad phase.

Shocked to see her inside, Dr. Nelson exclaimed,

"Akira!!! You are here?"

"Why Dr. Nelson? Why shouldn't I be here? Are we in avoiding terms with each other?"

Dr. Nelson stayed silent without saying a word.

"So is this how you want things to be?"

"I am not the one who is saying anything here Akira? Am I?"

"Well then what was all that about. Why did David lie to me about you sleeping right now?" She asked and looked at him with her eyes filled with hope. She did not want to lose this friendship at any cost.

"How can you ask a 'Why' after knowing everything about me Akira?"

"That's because I know you and I understand you and I expect you to do the same. I do not want you to create a distance between us," said Akira and sat next to him.

He looked at her for a while, trying to understand what exactly she was feeling through her eyes, and then said,

"It is not me who is creating distance between us. It is you?"

"Me? How is it me?" She asked with a tone of surprise.

"Why have you started calling me Dr. Nelson? I think until yesterday I was Jaby for you."


[Author here - I have a new surprise for you guys. A new book -?The rise of the saviour

Please give this book some love with your reviews and comments. I sincerely hope you will love this new book as well.]