I look like her

"Dr. Nelson !!! Are you listening to me?"

"I am fine David, I am completely fine. You go home and take rest. You also have been through the same ordeal as them. Nothing is going to happen to me in a couple of hours."

Taking a deep breath, David said,

"I am not going anywhere, Dr. Nelson." Then pinching the space between his brows he continued,

"Fate has a weird way of twisting everyone's life."

Getting slightly annoyed, Dr. Nelson said,

"I know that David. I know that. Her, coming back into my life is nothing but a joke of fate."

David paused for a while, trying to contemplate if she should share everything that he had gotten to know about Raymond. He had to share it with someone because it was indeed a big deal and the only person whom he could trust right now was this man in front of him.

"I am sure you will understand why I had the fear that Raymond might lose Akira after I tell you this."

"Tell me what?", Dr. Nelson asked all puzzled. He didn't know that there was something more to it.

"The real reason why I am scared that something might happen to those two is not because of how Akira looks. Not because you might have a soft corner for her. It's because...."

"Becasue of what David?" Dr. Nelson asked impatiently.

"Becasue Raymond is the real reason why Akira's parents died in the car crash."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It's true Dr. Nelson, it's true. Didn't I tell you that their fate is twisted...."

Said David and told him about everything that he heard and learned about Raymond's past in the penitentiary. The entirety of all the details stumped Dr. Nelson. He couldn't believe that those two had more bitterness coming back into their lives.

"She cannot know about this David! She cannot know about it !!! It will shatter her. Hope you know that David."

"I know. My lips are locked. But what will happen when Raymond himself will remember everything? What will happen when he would realize that unknowingly he had destroyed the life of the girl with whom he has fallen in love?"

"Oh ! Damn !!!" Suddenly Dr. Nelson muttered.

"What now?", asked David.

"I have been helping him recollect the memories of his past. He can remember bits and pieces of couple of things from the past. I thought I was helping him try to find out more about his family, helping him find his memory back, but I have been throwing him into the ravine myself. God! What have I done," Dr. Nelson said and looked at David with worry etched all over his face.

"Can we do some damage control?", asked David.

David hesitated for a bit and then said,

"Well yes !!! I think that would the best thing to do. Anyways he had adapted to his illness and no good will come if he can start remembering faces. We can bury everything from the past with us and let them live a happy life."

"But that might not be a permanent solution."

"Then do you have any better way?" David asked sarcastically. "Don't you know what will happen if he remembers? He will tell everything to Akira. And do you know what Akira will do? No, you don't, because I do. She will shut herself completely because even though it was a mistake commented years ago, she will never forgive him. Never." David said and got up from the seat impatiently.

This perennial calm man who was never budged by any situation seemed disturbed.

"David !!! Calm down! Nothing like this will happen. I can change Raymond's medication, no issues in that, but the problem is, will he visit me after knowing about my past? Will he trust me the same way that he did before? I am a bit doubtful about it." Dr. Nelson said and let out a gasp of air.

"Leave that to me. I will explain everything to him. I know Raymond for long. He will understand your predicament. I know that it's cruel of me to expect help from you regarding their situation. I know it's really selfish, but apart from you there is no one who can really help me out here," said David and looked at Dr. Nelson with hope.


magic "Ummhhh..... Where are you going?" Asked a groggy voiced Raymond.

"The bathroom silly," said Akira and planted a kiss on his head before getting down from the bed.

"Come back fast ok. I can't sleep alone on this bed," mumbled Raymond.

Akira giggled hearing words and said,

"Will be back in a flash. Sleep tight."

As she entered the washroom, she saw his phone next to the sink.

"Gosh !!! How forgetful this man is," she thought and went to pee.

After washing her hands and wiping it with a towel, she picked up his phone, and somehow when she did, her hands touched the main screen and it lit up. There was a couple of notification of his screen and one of them was a Gmail notification from David with subject line Alita.

"What does David know about Alita," Akira thought and just out of whim, she unlocked the phone and opened the email.

The moment she opened the attachment, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There was a picture of a newspaper clip in which Dr. Nelson was attending a charity event along with his wife Alita.

"This can't be her !!!"

She muttered in disbelief.

She could feel the air around her freeze. Her mind was going blank, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.


She slumped on the bathroom floor holding her head in her hands and hearing the sound of her fall, Raymond came rushing towards the bathroom and opened the door.

With tears in her eyes, she looked up at him and said,

"I look like her !!!"


[Author here - I have a new surprise for you guys. A new book - The rise of the saviour

Please give this book some love with your reviews and comments. I sincerely hope you will love this new book as well.]