
Even though he heard David's words, he still started at the piece of paper in disbelief but after a few seconds, the look of astonishment slowly melted away. A soft smile spread on his face and looking at David he asked,

"You did this didn't you?"

"Guilty !!!"

David said and raised both his hands.

"And somehow I feel that my father had something to do with this."

The moment David heard this statement from Raymond, he started getting a bit worried. He was now unsure as to how Raymond would react to the breach of trust. He had got his signatures without his knowledge. That was the only way to stop the company from going public and to establish Raymond as the rightful heir of Walker enterprises.

"Erm... Yes. But it was all for your benefit."

Raymond gave a weird look to David and turned towards Vikram, who was unable to understand what sort of conversation was ongoing. Seeing the expression of anxiety written all over Vikram's face, gave a weird sense of solace to his heart.

Holding the file in his hands he took a step forward and said,

"From today onwards we will be supporting all the transport needs that Mr. Mitiyoshi's company has. And apart from that, I am willing to add his company as one of our sister companies. I am very much interested in his publishing house these days."

Saying that Raymond turned slightly towards Mr. Mitiyoshi and gave a slight nod and seeing that an obliged Mr. Mitiyoshi's face beamed with a smile.

"Do you even hear how ridiculous you sound Raymond?"

Vikram retorted.

"I thought of you as an impeccable businessman with a keen eye and acumen. But hearing your decisions, it looks like you are going to bankrupt Delphie just for the sake of this land, or maybe just for the sake of your pride."

Then coming closer to Raymond Vikram said,

"It hurts your pride, doesn't it. Does it hurt you so much that you are willing to sacrifice the future of Delphie for it?"

Saying that Vikram gave out a smug smile.

But that smile didn't last for long when he saw Raymond smiling back, even after hearing the harsh reality. Instead, he looked even more composed than before like he was holding the reigns of the entire universe.

Shaking his head a bit, Raymond laughed at the illusion that Vikram was swirling in and then said,

"My company is not going to take any hit. We have enough resources to support it."

"Haah... Do you? Then why did Akira need all my funding for Delphie's new project?"

"Who said I am talking about Delphie?"

Raymond said sarcastically and folded his hands in front of his chest, just waiting to find the right moment to show Vikram the taste of dust.

"Didn't you say that you are going to support Mr. Mitiyoshi's transport needs. Delphie doesn't have the resources for that. Even a layman knows that."

"But when did I say Delphie is going to support Mr. Mitiyoshi's transport needs?"

His words struck Vikram like shards of ice. Unable to process anything he stood there rooted to the ground.

"What happened Vikram? Do you have any issues if my company - THE WALKER ENTERPRISES supports Mr. Mitiyoshi?"




There was a dead silence that prevailed in the atmosphere.

Vikram felt like he had been hit by a tight slap on his face. He couldn't believe that Raymond was still the owner of the company.

"But didn't yesterday night the company go public?"

"Well to be honest even I thought so."

Saying that Raymond opened the file and showed it to Vikram.

"SO as you can see, I am still the rightful heir of Walker Enterprises. So it will be nice if you can just let me do my work. Else you know what can happen right?"

Saying that Raymond turned towards Mr. Mitiyoshi and asked,

"What did he tell you about the future of your company Mr. Mitiyoshi?"

"That my company will go bankrupt."

Mr. Mitiyoshi quipped.

"Exactly... The same can happen to your company Mr. Vikram. So if you are... Erm ... What did you say? An impeccable businessman with a keen eye and acumen, then you know it would be best if you steer clear of me."

Then looking towards Katherine, Raymond said,

"Come sister. Let's go. The so-called media is waiting for you to cut those ribbons. Don't make them wait for too long."

Hearing that an elated Katherine walked ahead with her hand interlocked in the hands of Shawn. His dream was waiting for her to be turned into reality. A dream that a few seconds ago looked like a bubble that was ready to be burst. But all because of David, she was saved. She thanked her heavens and marched towards the entrance.

Vikram watched her walking ahead, trampling on his wishes, turning them into mulch.

"So much for revenge Vikram?"

Vikram turned suddenly hearing her voice.

She had been silent for so long, still unable to believe that so much darkness was there inside the heart of the man whom she adored the most in her entire life.

"You disgust me Vikram. You literally disgust me."

Saying that Akira also walked ahead to join Katherine and Shawn for the inauguration.

That one line of hers battered his soul, his very existence. He felt like he would succumb to death at that very instant as her words were cutting him deep.

Raymond saw him wincing in pain because of the insult, but that was not enough for him. That man had intended to kill him, but still, he had kept all his anger at bay. But now he had tried to touch his family and that somehow had turned him unforgiving.

He picked up his jacket from the car and wore it slowly in front of Vikram, with his eyes fixated on him. And as he was done buttoning it up, he walked past him but halted just after a few steps. Turning back he said,

"You know what, when you had the chance, you should have put the bullet in me."

And then before Vikram could understand anything he turned ahead and as he walked he said,

"Because I am not going to think twice before shredding you now."