The dance floor opens - 2

So he moved a step ahead and inched the gap between him and Akira and extended his hand for her to hold on to, and the moment she did, with his other hand, he pulled her a bit close and his hand continued to rest on her back.

It was completely normal, like the protocol of dance. Any other day, any other human being as a partner and she would have been ok. But not today and not him. She was all dressed up for Raymond. Her entire body cringed as time passed, and she was just waiting for the music to end.

Faking a smile on her face, she twirled and swayed with the beats of the music. The only thing that was calming her nerves down was the presence of Dr. Nelson next to her, who was reassuring her just with his eyes.

But Akira could see that Dr. Nelson and Dr. Oshana were dancing all clumsily. Neither there was rhythm, not feel. Maybe it was because of the fact that they eternally hated each other. But she couldn't understand, why did they even come to dance in the first place.

Before she could think any further, as Oshana twirled, she collided slightly with Vikram.

"I am so sorry."

Dr. Oshana quipped and stopped dancing. She moved towards Vikram and then apologized again.

"I am so sorry. It's just that I am very enthusiastic about dancing, while my partner is not."

As she was talking to Vikram, he had to stop the dance, much to the pleasure of Akira.

"It's totally fine. It's not like you killed me or something."

Oshana smiled briefly and then suddenly said,

"Then may I have a dance with you? I am a doctor and I am pretty sure, I will never be invited again to something like this."

Each and every cell inside of his body wanted to scream NO.

"Oh, sure. Vikram is an amazing dancer. He will show you how it is done."

Akira said with a smile on her face and moved a bit away.

Now he had to say yes. Not because he didn't want to disappoint the lady, but he didn't want to disappoint Akira. He glanced at Akira and then looking towards Dr. Oshana he said,

"Sure thing."

As Oshana took Akira's place, Dr. Nelson didn't waste any time and extended his hand in front of Akira and said,

"I don't dance well, but I can give you my company."

"That's way more than what I need right now."

Saying that Akira smiled and held his hand.

Dr. Nelson, as being the perfect gentleman, held her with the slightest possible human touch that he could and guided her on the dance floor.

The beats of the music, which once sounded like the hymn of melancholy, now resonated in her body like a happy feeling. Dancing was something she was always passionate about, and with the music, she blossomed and flowed in the hands of Dr. Nelson.

"Thanks for saving me."


"Oh please. I get to dance with the most gorgeous lady tonight, what more do I need."

"Oh, please. Just stop with the fake flattering."

"I am not kidding Akira."

Dr. Nelson replied with his face looking all serious and Akira realized that he was actually being sincere with it.

"Then why are you dancing with me, like I am some fragile untouchable stuff?"

"Or did you take a vow that you will never dance with any woman?"