A visit to Dr. Nelson - 1

After Akira heard about the elaborate plan of Raymond, she was completely dumbstruck. She couldn't fathom in the wildest of her dreams that Raymond had jotted down such an elaborate plan to set everything all right.

She took a long deep breath and then paused to think.

"Are you with me Akira?"

"Yes, I am. It's just that, its too much information to process in a day."

"It's going to be all right. Life will be just the way that we wanted to."

"Are you sure about the complete transfer of the whole empire to a trust? I mean this is all blood and sweat of your father Raymond. Don't you think it will break him completely?"

"There are certain things that you will know when the time is right Akira. He is still the man who dared to ask you to spend the night with him. He is still the man who had put a bounty over you. I will never forget that. So even if the hells ascends the earth, I am not going to trust this man."

Even though the conversation was over the phone, Akira could still sense that acute resentment in his tone. Unable to say anything she just whispered softly into the phone,

"I just don't want you to hurt later becasue of your decisions."

"I have never regretted, any of my decisions Akira."

"Then I have faith in you, Raymond."

"That is all I am asking for."

Said Raymond and then took a deep breath, before disconnecting the call and got up from his seat.

Head rush !!!

Suddenly his whole past came swimming back to him. For the last couple of days, he had changed his medications and as a result of which he was getting some flashbacks of his childhood days which he couldn't even connect.

This was the third time it happened, so he decided to call up Dr. Nelson to check about it.

"Hello, Raymond."

"Hello, Doctor."

"How are things with you?"

"Things are good, but I needed some medical consultation."

"Everything ok with you?"

"Well, sort of. I am not sure if it is the side effects of the new medicine or what, but I am getting these weird flashes."

"Wait !!! Since when are you getting them?"

"A day or two."

"Um... I will try to clear my schedule. If possible can you try to visit my hospital now?"

"Ermm... there is something really important that I need to attend this evening. Can we do it some other day, if it will take time?"

"Sure, but it won't take long. I just need to do some basic tests."

"Ok, then, I will be there in thirty to forty minutes."


After disconnecting the call, Raymond wanted to call up Akira and tell her about it, but then he was worried that she might overthink into it and decided not to inform her about it. Picking up his car keys and jacket, he opened his phone to check the picture of Dr. Nelson again and started for his hospital.

On his way to the hospital, he called up David and asked about the status of the final arrangements. He just wanted to be sure that everything went as per his plan.


After his call ended with Raymond, David took a deep breath and looked at the file on his desk and then dialed a number.


"Hello, Mr. Sebastian."

"Hello, David !!!. Did you do what I had asked?"

David hesitated for a moment and then said,

"It is done, sir !!!"

A smile spread on the face of Mr. Sebastian and he said,

"I always knew that your loyalties lie with me, David."

"I am not sure where my loyalties lie these days sir."

Mr. Sebastian laughed a bit and then said,

"Well, no need to question your conscience over this. Just know that you have helped an ailing father."

"That was the only reason why I took his signatures on this piece of paper Mr. Sebastian."