Will give you sleepless nights

The next day Akira woke up when she heard her phone ringing. It was a call from Vikram. She was still groggy and sleepy as hell but decided to pick up his call.

"Why on earth are you calling me at this ungodly hour Vikram?", complained a sleepy version of Akira.

"Ungodly? It's 8 o'clock in the morning. Even the owls will be up by this time", lamented Vikram.

"Oh please, it's all cause of you."

"Me? for real?" Vikram was surprised to hear Akira's accusation.

"No no not because of you. But because of a person who was driving his car like a bullock cart and helped me reach my place post midnight. Oh but wait that person was you." Sneered Akira.

Vikram laughed at her childish accusations. He didn't deny it because he did drive very slow yesterday night and that was because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. It was a full moon night and she was looking really pretty. He was unable to take his eyes off her. He recollected her dewy image and smile spread on his face.

"Fine fine... next time will drop you in a jet. You have extremely high ambitions I must say," joked Vikram.

"You are really messing my sleep with your super pathetic jokes Vikram."

"Ok ok calm down. It's a beautiful Sunday morning, so get up and do something productive. Don't keep lying on the bed like a lazy log", said Vikram.

"Lazy Log? Oh, and may I know what oh so productive work you are doing right now?", asked Akira. Her tone was dripping with irritation.

"I am trying to save a girl from wasting the precious hours of her life. Its productive and noble at the same time", Vikram said and chuckled.

"You so have a death wish!!!", grumbled Akira. "Because of you, my precious sleep ran away deserting me on a Sunday morning. Mark my words, one day you will have sleepless nights because of me. Bye now".

After Akira disconnected the call, Vikram sighed and mumbled, "You already are giving me sleepless nights Akira."


After finishing her breakfast she started to read the file which she has picked up from Vikram's house the night before. That file contained all the details about the upcoming project by Delphi. Their game plan and guild design were very impressive. She really liked their project plan and meticulous approach in which they had divided the stages.

But then she sighed. Her liking the project was one thing but them hiring her was another. She was disappointed for the last couple of days because she was not getting a call from any of the companies where she was applying, so even though Vikram had told her that this new company was expanding she did not want to raise her hopes high.

She then opened her laptop and did a few modifications to her resume (curriculum vitae) and then mailed her resume to Delphi HR desk. She flipped a few pages of a magazine but then got bored. Then she went to Mike's room and found that he was still sleeping.

"This guy", she murmured and went to her room and sent a text to Vikram.

"Thanks for the suggestion. I have sent my resume to their HR desk. Finger's crossed".

"Just thanks?" - Vikram

"Don't be greedy, you are already rich." - Akira

"But I am hungry, it's going to be lunch time soon. So shouldn't you be treating me?" - Vikram

"Oh, now I know how rich gets richer." - Akira

"How?" - Vikram

"By feeding on poor people like me." - Akira

"You can't be serious. That's a hell of an accusation." - Vikram

"Trutch is always painful my friend." - Akira

"Fine, I give up. Today's lunch is my treat. Will come and pick you guys." - Vikram

"I knew you had a generous side. Just that you had lost it. I am so glad that you found it again." -Akira

"Go and get ready. Eat lunch food and don't eye fro my head." - Vikram

After Vikram finished texting with Akira, he shot another text to Raymond.

"Application has been sent to your HR desk. Schedule an interview as per convenience."


Raymond saw the message and called up Delphie HR in charge - Chloe.

"Hello, Mr. Raymond. How may I help you?"

"Hi, Chloe. Please update about the job openings on the portal on Tuesday. Meanwhile, I want to see if any resumes are available with us right now."

"Well whatever resumes we had, we had already hired them last season. I have only one resume with me. Someone has applied today for an internship position. Once I update in the portal regarding vacancies, I guess we will have more candidates."

"That's fine. Can you schedule an interview with the person who has applied for an internship? Preferably tomorrow or day-after-tomorrow?"

"Sure sir. I will inform the tech team also about it."

"Not needed, I have some free time now today and tomorrow, so I can interview the candidate myself. Just book a slot."

Chloe was surprised to hear that Raymond himself wanted to interview an intern. But then she thought to herself - "Maybe he wants to hire the best people even if it's just an intern." After a moment she stopped the thought process in her head and replied,

"Sure sir. Anything else?".

"No that would be all."

And the call was disconnected.