The backtracking !!!

With a heavy heart, Akira kept the call and then looked at her phone again. She saw his name and then sighed and pressed the dial button.

"Hey", Akira said.

"Hey, are you ok? I left so many messages and calls but you didn't receive any", Raymond said in a complaining tone.

'Sorry I slept off after taking some medicines", Akira said with a monotone.

"It's ok. I just wanted to know that if you are ok or not. You better take rest. Will see you in the office tomorrow", Raymond said and kept the call.

He was very disturbed to hear her lying but he knew she doing it all for his sake.

"How could she do this to me?", he thought and sighed.

On his desk were the same papers that Akira had gotten printed earlier. The legal documents that she had signed and had given to Scarlett.

Akira had no idea that David had stopped by to take a cup of coffee at the same shop but when he saw Akira with Scarlett he knew that something wasn't right. So he stayed back and sat at a place where they couldn't see him. He saw that Akira gave Scarlett some documents and then left after a small discussion. He waited in the cafe until Scarlett left and rushed back to the office immediately.

Before telling anything to Raymond he wanted to take some measures himself. So he went to the IT department and asked them to check if any document was given for printing by Akira. It was just a wild guess but worth a shot and luckily she had printed the documents in the office. As it was centralized easy-print, the IT guy was able to access the document and he got a copy of it for David.

The moment he read it, his face was filled with horror. He couldn't believe that Akira could frame up a legal document like this as the document was very thorough and detailed. He was out of his wits and he knew that Raymond needed to be informed. So he immediately went to his cabin and narrated the whole incident to him.

"We need to access her system", Raymond said and his tone was all urgent.

David arranged for the IP address immediately and provided it to Raymond.

Within 10 minutes he was into her system and tried to access anything available in the cache memory. Luckily he was able to retrieve the email which was sent to her and all the dots got connected. The email was also sent from the same IP which was one of the mirror IP's for the money transaction to Scarlett's account. He was shocked. Things were getting clear but somehow he was unable to figure out who was behind all this.

"Who would give Scarlett such a huge sum of money? It cannot be Anthony"

"Why did Scarlett make such a huge withdrawal from her account?"

"Why the person who sent Scarlett the money was after Akira?"

There were so many questions in his head that needed answers but right now he was just worried about one thing... "Akira".

He left the room after the call and went to the terrace. He stood in silence trying to feel the breeze on his face.

"You sacrificed your love for me, just because you want me to stay happy?"

"Am I so important to you?"

He thought and tears started floating in his eyes and he decided to call up Katherine. This whole game of chess had to end. Someone was sending his pawns one after the other into the battleground and he had to make sure that his queen stayed safe.

"Hello, Katherine !!! Are you busy?", Raymond asked.

"No, not really. I am about to close my clinic. What happened? You don't sound so good", Katherine asked all concerned.

"I am not good Katherine. Someone is plotting behind us and I am unable to trace anything", Raymond said sounding all sad and frustrated at the same time.

"Details Raymond. No puzzles", Katherine reprimanded him.

"I tried to trace the account which had made a huge transaction to Scarlett's account. And I found that the money was transferred to her by Anthony. So the next day I went to the penitentiary in which he had been kept to talk to him, but guess what he had been bailed out and they were all tight-lipped about who gave the bail money", Raymond spoke in one breath.

"So you think the timing of Scarlett's arrival and Anthony getting out on bail is all linked?", Katherine asked.

"Yes!!!", Raymond said.

"I have to tell you one more thing. The doubt that I had if Scarlett is really pregnant with your baby, it has intensified in my head.. I do not trust the Paternity test that you got done", Katherine said.

"Why? Why would you doubt?", Raymond asked.

"Because if I am not mistaken then Dr. Brooks was the same doctor who had done the abortion procedure for Scarlett. One of my college friend who studied with me during my post graduation is a Pediatrician in the same hospital and I had asked him to look into it. He confirmed from the hospital database that Dr. Brooks did the abortion procedure. So it can be one of the two things. Either Dr.Brooks and Scarlett both lied 2 months back and the baby was alive or they are lying now. Either way, Dr. Brooks is involved. I wanted to get the printed proof so didn't tell you till now. I am going to meet the same friend and get a copy of the procedure", Katherine said.

"Jesus Crist!!!", Raymond said and sat down on the terrace.

"What happened Raymond?"

"If the baby is really not mine, then why is she forcing the baby on me? Why is she making Akira leave me?", raymond yelled.

"Leave you? Why will Akira leave you? Today morning you told me that everything has been sorted. What happened now?", Katherine asked all surprised.

"Someone has sent a threat note to Akira that if she doesn't get away from me then he/she will kill my baby in Scarlett's womb. They made her sign a contract too. She has already signed it and has given it to Scarlett as instructed. But I am not sure if Scarlett alone is behind all this. Because she isn't that smart enough to plan these things. Someone else is supporting her and I need your help to figure out who", Raymond said.

"How can I figure it out when you can't?", Katherine asked all surprised.

"Who told you that I can't figure it out?", Raymond asked and chuckled.

"What are you saying?", Katherine asked.

"I am saying I myself can't figure it out, but with your help, I can", Raymond said and smiled.

"I have mailed you the details. Read it carefully. I know you will figure it out", Raymond said.

Katherine opened the email and read it quickly and then said,

"Bro !!! You are just brilliant".