Tell me now !!!

"Where are we going Raymond?" Akira asked the moment Raymond took a sharp U turn.

"To my place", he said and sped through.

"No , no, no Raymond, Please don't do that. I am not in a good state. Please don't create troubles for my sake. You tell her later when the time is right and that's not today", Akira said all scared.

"When the time is right? You are kidding me right? You think the time can ever be right when we are like this?", he said and looked into her eyes.

Rain had started pouring in heavy and it was quite risky to drive but he still continued. Akira wanted to stop him but the rage in his eyes got her scared. She was silenced with his reply. Suddenly his tires skid in the rain and his car swivelled. He was already driving at a very high speed. He instantly slammed his brakes and his car came to a standstill in a split second. Immediately his hands went up to shield Akira like a natural instinct.

"God, I am sorry. Are you ok Akira?", he asked all worried.

She had her eyes closed and her fists all clenched with fear. She opened her eyes once she heard his voice.

"I am ok", she said and then looked down to see his hand embracing her chest. His touch was making her restless every passing second. She gasped for air and then conjuring all her strength and sanity she said,

"Umm.. your hand".

It was then that he realized that his hand was placed awkwardly on her chest.

He immediately retracted his arm but he couldn't retract the surge of feelings rushing within him.

He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and leaned on to her and kissed her forehead. Then he ran his fingers on her face and said,

"I am sorry. I was a bit rash".

"It's risky to drive right now. We will start once the rain reduces a bit", he said and focused his attention to his mobile phone. He didn't look at her even once afterwards.

Seconds passed, minutes passed and she started becoming restless.

"Are you angry with me?", Akira asked.

"No", he said without even turning it looking at her.

"Then why won't you look at me?", she asked.

"Why? So that again after two minutes you will ask me to not look at you? Because it's making you uncomfortable?", Raymond said sarcastically.

"Why are you like this Raymond?", Akira asked with tears welling up.

"Isn't it because of you?", he said and turned to look at her.

"Look what you have made me into. I can't sleep, I can't breathe without you. I have no self restrain when it comes to you. I will do anything to get back your trust and I do not care what's happening in the third world because of it. I don't care what it takes but today I am going to make it clear how much you mean to me", he said and wiped the tears from her face.

She looked into his eyes which were brimming with sincerity and then placed her hand on his hand which was caressing her face and said,

"I trust you more than I trust myself Raymond and you don't need to prove anything. I feel every bit of love that you have in your heart for me. But not every love is fated to be together Raymond. Maybe ours is not that kind", she said and then lifted his hand and kept it back of his lap.

"Then you don't understand how much I love you and how much I want you right here right now", he said and his voice sounded all hoarse.

"I am loosing my mind Akira and I can't stand it anymore. So let me make things clear".

"One - I am just a string away from losing my patience. Why it is difficult for you to understand that I want you and only you. you are not jeopardizing her life, you are ruining mine by not believing in me.

Two - Stop arguing with me coz I might just lose myself with you sitting so close to me like this".

He sighed and then rested his hand back on the steering wheel.

"Why?", she asked.

"Why? You want to know why? Then come and feel my heart. It kills me everytime you are around me. My hands itch to touch you. My lips want no other taste than yours. And I want to love you in ways that you can't even imagine in your head", he said and became silent.

Suddenly there was absolute silence in between them and the only sound that was heard was that of the rain drops falling on the windshield.

Then suddenly her entire demeanour changed and she turned towards him.

"Then show me !!!", she said looking at him. Hey eyes raging with the fires of desire. The rain, his hot breath, his smell had already rendered her helpless and hearing those words of his she couldn't help but to speak her mind.

He couldn't believe what he heard. He looked at her in disbelief and lost all the words and his capacity to speak.

His hands moved and unbuckled her seat belt in a second and then he moved his seat back. He held her waist and with one swift move, he pulled her towards himself and made her sit in his lap. He held her face tenderly in his hands and kissed her with such a hunger like his soul had been deprived of everything since centuries. The slow tender kiss slowly turned into an urgent one. He started with nibbling her lips and then moved on to bite them, inch by inch, lip by lip, not even sparing her for one second. There was no mercy to be given. There was no limit that needed to be maintained..

As his hands traced all over her body she shivered with pleasure and melted in his arms. As his mouth moved to her chin and the curve of her neck, she moaned and arched her back and closed her eyes. His hands pulled her shirt which was tucked in her jeans. This right hand slid under her shirt grazing her skin ever so tenderly that she came forward and hugged him tight.

His hands loitered around and moved to the center of her back. He was about to unclasp her bra. His fingers twined around the hook eager to unhook it any second, but he stopped himself and invoked all his strength and asked her.

"If you want me to stop, then tell me now".