The "YES" !!!

Akira stood there in the room all stupified. She had great difficulty in comprehending the recent happenings. His voice kept reverberating in her head like an echo going over and over till infinity.

She touched her lips with her fingers and remembered the ways in which he played with them and she blushed instantly. She rubbed her palm on her shoulder to calm down all her goosebumps. But then instantly she realized his absence. She turned around and didn't find him in the room. Upon realizing that he had left, she immediately felt the pang of separation. Without him, the room appeared like it was closing in to engulf her into some void. She covered herself quickly with a rug and immediately ran outside with her bare feet.

He was about to enter the car and drive away but something within him made him turn back. Probably it was his heart which longed to see her once more. Probably just a look of hers was enough to soothe his heart which was in shambles. He turned back and was surprised to see her standing in the porch barefoot. She had a rug over her and her hair was all tussled up and messy. She was looking at him, her eyes all restless, conveying a sense of trepidation underneath.

Both their hearts spoke in a language of their own. There were so many things to be said. There were so many things to be felt but they stood there in silence just gazing at each other tapping deep into each others soul, looking for the answers. They gave each other's heart an untold comfort, a comfort that was evolving from the mere presence of each other.

He wanted to leave as soon as possible, but he was trapped in her net. Moving even an inch away from her was impossible. He knew that she was in pain, he knew that her heart wanted him but the pain was stopping her from doing so. He didn't know how to make her understand that right now the only thing that mattered to him was her. He didn't even know where Scarlett was, he hadn't even contacted her from the day she had turned her back on him. She was like a fading memory hidden underneath some unknown layer which he had kept locked up securely because for him she was a synonym of pain and betrayal. His mind, his body and his soul needed only one thing and that was Akira. If only he could tear his heart apart and show her how much his heart was imbibed with her.

She didn't want to understand the intricacies of this love. She couldn't dare to take a step further, for she knew that her heart was not ready to take another toll. But before she could weigh her reasons, she saw him walking back towards her. She stood there perplexed unaware of his intentions.

"I don't want my life to be based on a 'WHAT IF?' Akira", he said closing in.

"I like you a lot, but I don't know what it is. Neither I want to give it a name, not I want to classify it under any category because I think what I feel for you, is something that I want to treasure for myself and not for others".

She heard him and then looked at him with her brows arched up. He came closer and tugged the rug wrapped around her with both his hands and brought her even closer.

"If you give me a chance then probably I would like to spend my entire life with you. You make me happy and you make me go crazy Akira. Don't you get that?"

"Listen to your heart Akira. It wants to be with me but you are not allowing yourself. Why do you need this shield around you? Why can't you let go of my past and be with me right now Akira?", he asked tugging her even tighter.

"Because your past is still a present Raymond and you can't deny that. She is still in your present Raymond. The only thing between you two is mere distance", she said in words but her eyes spoke her pain.

"I am telling you this for the last time. She left me in shambles and when she left me she didn't just leave, she took a leave from my life and.."

"But what if she comes back?", Akira asked interrupting him. Her eyes pleading for an answer that she wanted in her favor.

"Shh.... ", he said and covered her lips with his finger.

"I don't want to live my life thinking about a 'WHAT IF?'. I think I made that pretty clear'", he said and then kissed on his finger which was covering her lips, slightly touching hers at the edges, here and there.

She quivered with his slightest touch. He held her face in his palm and touched her forehead with his own. His nose slightly rubbed into hers. He closed his eyes and asked her with a soft voice,

"Say yes to us Akira. Just give us a chance to have a new beginning. Can you?"

She stood there in silence and then slightly nodded her head. Tears of joy ran on her face.

He couldn't thank his stars enough for this moment right now. He opened his eyes in disbelief and saw her smiling even with tears in her eyes. His own eyes became all moist. He hugged her tight like he didn't want to let her go, like EVER. She slowly raised her arms and hugged him back but suddenly her rug came off and slid down her shoulder. She twitched when she sensed it falling off, but he embraced her even tighter and stroking her bare back gently and whispered into her ears softly.

"It's ok. Don't bother. Just let it go".

She let all her inhibitions go and on a whim, she stood up on her tiptoes and gave a small peck on his chin. His fingers which were wandering on her back like in search of a trail halted their march. His hands aligned themselves to support her as he made her lean a bit down.

He looked into her eyes and sighed She was a beautiful sight to begin with. His heart wanted to shout out and tell everyone that he had got an angel in his arms.