Chapter 316   - Goodbye Glances

Lorene is a pain. I have to make her leave as soon as the other ladies are away.

I know how, and I won't need to dirty my hands to get rid of her presence.

Today, the delegation from Myrya leaves.

Georgia and Eliza are both wearing comfortable travel clothes. Yet, one has a few jewels and many pillows, while the other doesn't.

Is the difference in treatment between the two princesses this visible? Whatever, it will be solved by the end of the year. His majesty will send the offer for an engagement to Myrya, and Eliza won't be the last soul of the family anymore.

It's not something I need to solve; she can do it by herself. It will be a piece of her training for the future.

An Empress shall learn how to exercise power.

?It has been a pleasure to meet you, ladies,? I say to both. Then, I take out a piece of paper from my purse. ?I have here the list of books I suggested to you, lady Eliza. I'm a bit late, but your Palace's library should have most of these titles.?

?Thank you, your highness,? she says. Her eyes start shining with something similar to hope. Is it greed? Is she starting to believe she can be chosen?

?I hope you'll remember what we talked about,? I add.

Georgia observes our exchange with annoyance, but she doesn't dare to butt in. She just curtseys when it's time to go.

?I have to go now. I wish you both a pleasant journey,? I say.

?Thank you, your highness,? they both reply.

Then, when they raise their head, Eliza looks behind me with wide eyes. A little, slightly forced, smile decorates her lips.

She's doing as I told her, right? She's showing interest in his majesty.

Georgia is doing the same, with red cheeks and an innocent look. But this is something everyone already saw. Eliza's happy expression, on the other side, is new.

?What a coincidence,? the Emperor declares while reaching us with a few steps.

I have no choice but to acknowledge his presence and greet him now. So I turn, curtsey, and voice the usual words.

The reply isn't usual, though.

?I was taking a break from my imperial duties, and here I find these two ladies ready to part. I wasn't expecting to bump into anyone.?

This is the fakest thing he's ever said, is it? It beats even his pretended fight with my husband.

But it's a good thing. It means he's still interested in this young lady here.

?Let's allow the ladies to depart without further delay, your majesty,? I reply.

He's already intrigued.

No need to allow more contact than this. The distance will transform the girl into a mythical creature in his mind, and he'll have fewer issues about choosing her name.

As we turn back towards the gardens, I stop behind the corner.

The Emperor gazes at me, and he comes closer to have a peek too.

Georgia says something to Eliza with her usual high and mighty expression. She seizes the paper I just gave her, and she takes a look.

Her face firstly becomes blank, and then she shakes her head, displeased. Those are not the kind of books she's interested in, I guess.

She crumples the paper and throws it on the ground.

Once Georgia is on the carriage, Eliza bends down and collects what's left of my letter. She smooths it with her fingers and folds it with care. Then, she puts it away in her pocket, in a safe place.

She gets on the carriage without the help of any servant, and the door is closed by the coachman before departing.

Just like this, the future Empress leaves the Palace with the hope to come back in a few years.

?Your majesty, there is another matter I'd like to talk about,? I say when all the drama is over.

The Emperor's expression is somehow distracted. I can recognise in his eyes a wish to protect that poor girl. I should have prepared some bullying instead of making them meet at random. It would have required less energy, and his majesty wouldn't have even considered another lady in her place.

Ah, men...

?There is something I'd like to counsel your majesty about,? I repeat.

He looks at me and nods, a bit dejected.

?Lady Lorene has used her wound as an excuse to stay longer in the Palace. Your majesty should be aware it's all part of a plot.?

?What if it is? She's not on the shortlist.?

As if he was obliged to follow the shortlist. It's not enough insurance, to me.

?The other ladies will be all gone in two days,? I remind him. ?Three days after that, so in five days, your majesty can suggest Lorene recuperates in one of the crown's outer residences. Is there a place where illnesses are cured??

?Yes, there are a few places where nobles from the Palace go to recuperate or recover.?

?It will be an honour for her. She won't be able to reject the offer. Especially if it's made during a public event.?

In the right circumstances, Lorene will have to accept and get out of here in silence. While pretending to be honoured and happy about it.

?I understand,? he sighs. ?I will do as you advise, Archduchess.?

?It will make the situation simpler. In the meantime, I'm sure they'll try to break a scandal. Especially after the offer is accepted. Knowing that she's to leave in a day or two, Lorene will find a way to meet with your majesty alone. And then, to be spotted by someone in a difficult position.?

?What would that bring them?? the Emperor scoffs.

?If we were talking about a random noble, nothing. But Lorene is related to an important family of Asteria. Not to mention her familiar link to the Ambassador. A scandal without marriage for reparation could bring our links to Asteria even further apart. It might cause war if used in the right way.?

?You are overreacting, Archduchess.?

?Your majesty will see. Lorene will build a situation for you two to be alone. And some of your close aides will collaborate. Please, be careful about the assistants. They're more dangerous than a teenage girl. This will be the right chance to find out about Asteria's moles.?

?You're using the chance for that?? he chuckles. ?Merciless like always, Archduchess. I don't think any of my closest servants will help a foreign country, especially another empire. But I will keep my eyes open. If you're right, I'll reward you for this plan.?

?Thank you, your majesty, but I don't need a reward. This is my job, isn't it??

?Indeed,? he sighs.

And I'll obtain more than he imagines. If I get rid of all the spies my uncle posted in the Palace, except for those I know of, I'll have an advantage over him.

His spies will be my spies for the time being, until the day to get even with him comes. Then, I won't need them anymore, and I will deliver the names to the royal guards to finish the work for me.

?The Dowager Empress has been rather calm, lately,? his majesty comments. ?Even after you talked back to her. I was expecting something great as revenge, but nothing happened.?

Oh, something did occur. I found my husband and her lady waiting together. And that woman was too close to my daughter.

But there's no need to accuse Alexander's family members yet.

I don't have any proof, but I can work on it.

For now, I have to study the recent years. The archive is now open to me, isn't it?

I won't have much else to do. Lavinia can now stay several hours without me. Alexander is busy with his tasks and pretending to plan a clue.

Duke Grahm is calm, waiting to see whether his granddaughter will be chosen, and Lorene will be out of the picture soon, drawing Asteria's faction to me. I'll be their only blood link to this place.

They won't overlook their connection to the rebel faction, though. Unless I give them a reason to withdraw from the Empress's side and stand behind my husband.

?I'm glad you're not interested in my position, Archduchess,? the Emperor sighs. ?I wouldn't be able to stand against one of your schemes.?

?Who said I wasn't interested?? I chuckle. ?How is your majesty sure about it??

?You already know how uncomfortable thrones are. You're not as dumb as to desire the most uncomfortable of them all.?

?Indeed,? I confirm. ?And, most of all, I don't want my husband to be troubled by it. As long as he's happy and can live in peace, I'll be happy as well.?

?I bet the Archduke would be delighted to hear your words. Do you say similar words to him too? Or only when he's not around to witness??

?Oh, he needs to work hard if he wants to hear some praise directly from me,? I declare. A bit too forward for this Archduchess.

And it's not like my hubby doesn't know how to get me to praise him to exhaustion.