Chapter 303 - Months Of Waiting
Kate is taking care of Lavinia in my room. The maids have brought dinner and set the table, lighting a candle in the middle for a better atmosphere.
I've taken a long, scented bath and combed my hair in an elegant braid that is now resting on my shoulder. The nightgown I've chosen is red and translucent, and there is absolutely nothing underneath.
Alexander is a bit late, but he'll be here in a moment or two. He's been away for two days already, and he wrote that he would come back in the evening.
I've chosen only food that is eaten cold, so it doesn't matter how long I wait for him. I'm only worried about the wine, but it's still in the bottle and not in the cups. It should be fine.
I relax on the sofa with my eyes closed until I hear the doors open.
Alexander storms in, already looking for our daughter.
?Where is Vinnie?? he inquires when he sees the empty cradle.
I sit up on the sofa and wait for him to realise.
?It's been two months since her birth,? he says. ?We should celebrate...?
?Yes, we should,? I sigh. It's been exactly two months since the birth. My body is now healed, and I can finally jump on Alexander without restraints.
He observes my nightgown and then the table. He takes his damn time to understand, but, in the end, he seems to accept my idea.
?Oh, well...? he mutters. ?We can greet Vinnie tomorrow.?
He shrugs, smiling as if it was his idea.
?I don't think she will mind the delay.?
He sits next to me and waits. As if I would do anything the moment he walked in.
?Let's eat, hubby,? I say, and I pull him towards the table. He gets up again, and I feel his eyes on the nightgown, analysing my shapes that can be guessed through the light fabric. It's translucent, but not enough to allow him to see the details, luckily. Just sufficient to let him imagine...
He sits on the chair, and I sit on his lap. Just as promised.
?Is my wife going to feed me?? Alexander starts.
?Already demanding,? I sigh. ?It's what I promised, isn't it??
?I didn't think you would really do it, though. I was sure you were just teasing.?
?I keep my word.?
?I'm glad you do,? he chuckles.
The first food I feed my hubby is beef. Then, when he lowers his guard, I add vegetables. He's just as picky as to when I married him. But in some circumstances, he seems to forget it.
It takes us forever to finish eating, but neither of us is in a hurry. There isn't even any need to talk. Silence is as comfortable as any chatter would be.
Alexander's arms are surrounding me, one on my lap and one on my lower back, keeping me close yet free to move.
?I missed you,? he whispers at some point. I'm not sure whether he's referring to the last two days or a few months, but I can just agree with him.
When he's less hungry than eager to embrace me, his arms tighten their clench, and his lips find mine. It's a sweet kiss, without haste and without burning passion. Just longing and love.
?You promised red ropes,? he says before returning to kiss me.
Oh, the ropes are so ready. And so red.
?I'm going to fulfil my promise,? I breathe and surround his neck with my arms.
He's still completely dressed, and his clothes have many layers. I'll help him get rid of them before proceeding.
?Wait a moment,? I say when he grabs my bottom. ?Wait...?
I unfasten the first few buttons of his shirt and kiss his skin, peeling off the clothes one after the other.
?Thea, the bed might be a better place...?
?Hmm...? I moan, pressing my tongue on his neck. After a year of marriage, I dare to leave a love bite on him.
I haven't ever wanted to do such a thing. I was fine with being at the receiving end of something this childish. Yet, now, I'm just in the right mood for it.
?Are you marking your territory?? Alexander inquires with a chuckle. He caresses my head, playing with my hair. His grin makes my stomach clench, and his eyes are shining with desire.
He can't resist two split seconds before biting my shoulder. His teeth leave a mark that will become darker than mine. And mine didn't hurt.
?Enough playing, already,? he murmurs, and he gets up, carrying me to the bed. He lets me go on the mattress, and I bounce in place with a low scream.
I was trying to take the lead, but it seems I'll have to wait for a while.
He tries to remove the nightgown, but I stop his hands.
?I prefer it like this,? I explain.
He frowns, but his hands move up. He towers on me, one knee on the mattress, and I split my legs to lock them around his hips.
When we return to kiss, I sigh with relief.
I reach down to his belt and help him unfasten his trousers. He moves back for a second, just to take them off, and we're back to rolling on the mattress.
?Alexander,? I whisper, pulling his shirt until a couple of the buttons detach. He gets rid of that last, annoying piece of clothing, and I can admire the muscles on his chest.
He didn't stop training, even if I still have to look at him doing some serious physical activity. Other than what we do in bed, of course.
His fingers tug the nightgown down, the ribbon still tied, and I turn my head to let him kiss, lick, and bite to his heart content.
?Let's leave the ropes for later,? he murmurs to my ear.
I nod since my tongue doesn't respond to my orders. I can't talk, but a moan escapes my throat when Alexander cups my right breast.
?Don't be this rough,? I complain, but my voice is anything but convincing. I'd like to ask him to touch me more, but my body isn't how it used to be.
?Thea, you're playing with me.?
?No,? I deny. ?Just stop teasing and get to the point!?
His fingers slip down, reaching my knee. Then, passing under the nightgown, they return up. When they land in my secret place, I bite my lip and breathe hard.
?Alexander,? I moan again. ?Don't be this cruel...?
He chuckles, amused and surprised that I can still talk.
?What's the matter, wife??
?Hurry up,? I say, moving my hips to reach his member and lifting the nightgown just enough. ?Please, just hurry up...?
?You seem...?
?Eager,? I cut him off. ?I am so eager.?
My admission has the hoped effect, as he looks at me with the darkest gaze ever. He gulps, looking at my face as if I just said something weird.
?Will you help me, now?? I add, caressing his face while he ponders about it.
In the end, I get what I asked for. A couple of kisses later, our bodies are joined. My moans are louder than his, but that is not surprising.
Yet, he doesn't dare to accelerate. Maybe, it's not to hurt me. More probably, because he wants me to beg.
?Alexander,? I call him. ?Don't be like this.?
We haven't been together for months! He can find another moment to exercise control.
?Please,? I add.
?Are you in a hurry, wife??
?It's not a hurry, hubby. Just, please...? I moan.
He breathes on my ear, forgetting what he was going to say. He pecks my skin and increases the pace, fulfilling my request.
I move my hips at the same time, clenching the sheets to avoid scratching his back.
?More?? he murmurs. He grips my bottom, pressing me closer to him.
?More,? I breathe, hard and hasty. ?More, hubby.?
It doesn't take us more than a few minutes to reach pleasure. Almost together, this time.
The world disappears for a couple of minutes, and I gasp for air. I haven't felt this for months. It was so long, yet now... It's as if I never stopped being embraced like this.
Oh, no. It's so much better than before. Waiting made it worth any hassle that is going to happen as soon as Alexander returns in control of his body.
I already know it will be a long night.
?You don't think this will be enough, do you?? he says, in fact.
?I was already planning the next move,? I chuckle. My laughter is low in volume and broken by my sighs. I still need to recuperate all the air that flew out in all that screaming.
The doors should have failed at keeping it private.
Oh, not that I care about any kind of gossip. Not now, while in this man's arms.
?It's just the beginning,? I say, stealing the words from Alexander's mouth.
He moves the hair away from my forehead, looking at my face with his tempting grin.
?I was going to say the same,? he states.