Chapter 300 - Tricks And Plans
In the end, I decide not to attend the tea party. I just read the reports about it.
As expected, Georgia threw a tantrum about her seat's position. She even accused her half-sister of being the one behind it.
She hinted it might have been a mistake, given that Eliza has a better position. I needed the latter to be visible from the Emperor for the whole time so that he can check whether she's pretty and elegant enough for his standards.
I let the days pass without getting involved in the selection. I just check that the Dowager Empress doesn't do any irreparable damage.
Alexander has to leave for a couple of days, so I greet him in the morning with Lavinia in my arms.
?Your dad will be back soon,? he whispers before kissing her hand. Then, he lands a peck on my forehead and then my lips.
It's a quick and gentle kiss, for we don't want our daughter to burst out crying for nothing.
?When you come back, our daughter will be a lady,? I chuckle. She's almost two months old.
And also, I'm completely healed from childbirth. Alexander won't have any other excuse for postponing his duties towards his wife.
I'll finally get my hands on him when he comes back.
But first, I have to attend the official test today.
?Kate, will you take care of Lavinia? I'll be back to feed her soon, and you can come to look for me if she's restless.?
?Yes, my Lady,? she murmurs, taking the baby and cradling her until she accepts to be in her arms. Those two are getting along rather well.
It seems we won't need a nanny. Not for our firstborn, at least.
After today, my job will be decreased. I'll just sit behind and observe how my little schemes unfold.
But first, I have to make sure that the girls I support pass the selection. And that those who are not suitable are ruled out.
Duchess Prim accepted to help me, so I won't even need to appear at court to know the whole circumstances.
?Your highness, I was there when the first chance encounter happened,? she says after greeting me. ?And I have to admit it was more natural than the one with the girl from Asteria. At least, because Eliza didn't know it was staged.?
?All right.? I nod.
?Isn't your highness going to ask for details??
No, I am not. Why would I care? It's the private life of two teenagers struggling to survive. They deserve at least some discretion.
?It was so romantic, now that I think about it...? Duchess Prim comments. She leans a hand on her cheek and closes her eyes, envisioning the encounter she witnessed a few hours ago.
She will tell me even if I don't ask.
In fact, she starts her story. I suspect she's exaggerating a bit, by the way. Chance encounters don't feel this magical.
?The thirteenth Princess was walking in the garden to relax some of the tension of the challenge,? the Duchess says. ?She was alone, except for the maid that follows her anywhere. She was so nervous about the test, and her place was so late... Ah, poor girl!?
I don't buy this.
?Are you sure the girl was nervous?? I inquire. It doesn't seem like her character. She's more uninterested in this whole matter than fearsome.
I hoped to have a Princess with all her interest in staying here, but, with Georgia, all of that changed. Eliza now thinks she's just a decoration of her adored older sister.
?She became after the meeting,? the Duchess comments.
Oh, well, I hope it's a good sign.
?The thirteenth Princess was lost in her thoughts. She was wondering what could be asked of her during the test. Her fear of being rejected before even starting the selection lingered in her heart...? The Duchess sighs, holding her heart. ?But luckily, mhm... Better say by chance. Yes, chance-ly, she met his majesty in between the trees.?
I roll my eyes but can't help but imagine the scene. It's kind of poetic if I believe Duchess Prim's words.
?His majesty, the Sun of the Empire, was discussing some important matters with two of his trusted aides. It was a heated discussion, but it couldn't be postponed. Their voices were kept low to ensure secrecy, but the young Princess couldn't avoid grasping a few words of it. She had just turned around a bush, and it was too late to retreat when she saw what was happening...?
It was easy to set up this scene. Eliza tends to always make the same path when strolling in the woods of the imperial gardens.
The aides talking with the Emperor were instructed by me to stand in that exact place and trained to keep that exact same volume while talking. It had all been computed so that Eliza couldn't realise and turn back before being spotted.
?Then, noticed by the three, she didn't have any other choice but to greet his majesty and apologise for the interruption.?
?What you heard were confidential matters of the Empire!? I exclaim with the same tone the aide used.
?Yes, exactly like that,? the Duchess confirms. ?Your instinct is quite accurate, your highness. The aides accused her of poking her nose into state affairs.?
?Oh, my! What a scandal!? I continue, my eyes wide. I'll just play along and listen to the rest of the story. Or of the report, whatever. ?What happened then??
?The Princess bowed her head and apologised for the intrusion, but she clearly stated that it wasn't her intention.?
?His majesty raised a hand to interrupt his aides' accusations. He walked to the girl and comforted her. He said it didn't matter, as long as she promised not to reveal what she heard to anyone else.?
?What did the girl say??
?She promised, and she made it clear that she didn't hear anything that made sense to her. His majesty was heartened by her admission and offered to accompany her back to the garden.?
Oh, I knew the Emperor would understand that I created that whole situation. He even collaborated!
?But the Princess refused. She said that there was no need to inconvenience his majesty. She curtseyed and walked away with a quick step and low gaze. Only once alone, she leaned on a tree and covered her mouth with a hand. Her nervousness finally showed up, and she needed quite some time to calm down and reach the others in the central part of the garden.?
I wonder how close was Duchess Prim to all the events. She knows too many details to have just listened to soulless reports.
?How are the tests going on your end?? she then asks. ?Are the ladies as educated as their parents swear??
?Most of them are,? I affirm. ?But they mostly don't have the character to be Empress. There are only a few that will make it through this phase.?
I've found less than five ladies, so far, that can be my backup plan in case anything happens to Eliza. And they don't have her astonishing beauty, so they wouldn't be a real competition to Lorene.
?May I assist with the rest?? the Duchess inquires.
?Why not?? I shrug. She'll be of help to find new potential candidates for the further phase.
We get into the room where the candidate is being assessed. I've already collected enough information about the ladies to know that this one won't pass.
Even if she's answering all the questions without fail.
?Next one is Lorene Zolokis, daughter of Grand Duke Zolokis of Asteria,? the herald announces.
Ah, should have stayed on break longer.
?Good day, my lords,? she says with a bright smile. ?And ladies!? she adds when she sees the Duchess and me. ?I hope you won't be too strict with me.?
?What are the qualities of a ruler?? one of the assessors asks.
It's a standard question, and Lorene gives a standard answer. She cites some old poems and treaties, even those that most ladies never heard about. Her education is deeper than usual, and it will be hard to find fault in her.
?I'm done,? the assessor says after a few other standard questions. ?Anyone else has a question??
?Oh, yes,? the Duchess exclaims. ?Just one.?
They all glared at her, disturbed by her intrusion. I just turn in her direction and nod. It turns out that bringing her along was the right choice.
?What are the duties of the Empress of Ethiro?? she says. ?I heard your words about the duties of a ruler, and they're so inspiring. But the role you're proposing to fulfil isn't that of a ruler. Am I wrong??
No one dares to say a word, and I laugh inside.
This straightforwardness would have been rewarded in my court. Here in Ethiro, it's difficult to find. But the Duchess is here as a counsellor. Therefore, she has the right to make questions that can sound impolite.
It's part of the assessment.
And Lorene won't be able to ignore the question and pass to the next.