Chapter 289   - Informal Chat

After sending Elisabeth off, it's time to focus on the selection.

Caroline reaches the garden with the other girls, and she spots me. She smiles, polite and gentle.

She assumes I'm one of those curious ladies walking around here to take a look. Well, I am, in a certain way...

After all, the choice won't be mine. I will just participate in the shortlist of the candidates. And I made sure my name wouldn't be brought up until the right moment, which is the first challenge for the girls.

Before, I'll be able to talk with them with more sincerity. They won't lick boots to be liked by me because I'm no one in their eyes. What more, I've just had a baby. I'm supposed to stay in the room, resting.

Not working for the crown.

?Hello, ladies,? I say, approaching the first group. Let's give some names to those pretty, and less pretty, faces. ?May I sit here??

They observe my simple hairstyle and dark, unadorned dress. One of them gets up to let me sit down more comfortably, maybe because she doesn't want to stay close... Who knows?

They don't have anything against it, so I accommodate my bottom and observe their reactions to an anonymous woman barging into their group without being invited. Moreover, said lady is wearing simple clothes and few jewels, which doesn't scream her status to the surroundings.

The ladies from the court have a small advantage right now. They know who I am, and they'll figure out that something is off since I'm walking around with such a simple dress. In Ethirian style, to add some suspiciousness to the whole matter.

Let's hear what they're talking about.

?Have you ever met his majesty?? one of them whispers.

Oh, figures. What could they be talking about?

?No, but I heard he's as cruel as his father, the late Emperor.?

?I'm a bit worried. I'm not sure I want to be selected.?

?But look at the Dowager Empress: she survived her husband and now looks so good!?

Has that wench had time to visit them already? She wasn't bedridden for days, indeed. Ah, Lavinia, you tired your mother for good.

?I'm sure his majesty isn't worse than the late Emperor. If her majesty survived, then so will we.?

Oh, but I don't need another woman like that in the royal family.

?I've also heard that he's ugly,? one adds, whispering like a guilty.

?His majesty is the most influential man in the continent. Who cares about his appearance??

They will all care when they see he's not ugly. But that's something to solve later. Now, who is this one, claiming she's looking for power? She's somehow familiar...

?Georgia, don't say things like this!?

Oh, Georgia from Myrya. The twelfth princess, born a couple of months earlier than the thirteenth. They insisted on sending two since we only asked for the one they didn't feel confident about. Apparently, Georgia isn't going to stand in the same group as her sister.

Well, they don't look like sisters. They didn't meet very often before this day. I allocated the same suite for Georgia and Eliza, the thirteenth. I didn't want to waste space with someone I didn't care much about, but everyone must have thought it's the other way around.

?Why not? My father told me that being at the side of Ethiro's Emperor means being the most powerful woman on the continent. Maybe, in the world. He sent me this far because it's a good chance for my future.?

?There are so many ladies, Georgia. What makes you think you will be selected??

?Everyone has the right to dream,? she replies, half-hearted.

Oh, well, this is not wrong.

However, from her tone, I guess she thinks that explaining her motives would be a waste of time. But she allowed this other girl to call her by name.

These double-faced little doves.

After hearing some more of the girls' emotions and thoughts, I start feeling bored. Maybe, I should talk with Eliza and find the girl sent from Asteria. After that, I can retire for today.

After all, the others have low chances of surprising me. I've already read all about them. The Palace's informers have done a thorough job in this matter.

I guess everyone wants an Empress, possibly not as greedy as the previous one.

?How are you girls finding the Palace's reception?? I ask them while getting up.

?I was expecting something more grandiose,? one comments. ?But I understand there are many of us.?

?I heard there will be a formal welcome event very soon,? I say.

?A ball?? she inquires, her eyes shining with expectation.

?Oh, that would be too ambitious,? I chuckle. ?I hear it will be something less... grandiose. Something like a tea party.?

?Will his majesty attend as well?? Georgia asks, interrupting the complaint of the other girl.

?I don't dare to speculate about his majesty's intentions,? I point out, reminding her to behave. What she says when she thinks she's in a casual conversation is her business. But what she tells me needs to be proper and polite.

Not to mention that I'm not her personal informant.

?I hope his majesty comes,? another girl murmurs. ?It will be the first time we see him...?

?Who knows?? I say, getting up and walking in the direction where Eliza is standing, conversing with a single girl.

?Hello, ladies,? I greet them. ?Have you found the reception acceptable? Is there anything missing??

?Good afternoon,? Eliza replies. ?Regarding me, all is fine.?

She observes me on alert, wondering what I want.

She's right. I mean, I haven't introduced myself yet. And that is suspicious.

?And you, lady?? I ask the other one.

?All fine,? she whispers, confused that someone is asking around for things like these.

?If anything is missing, you can tell any servant of the Palace. They will do all in their power to fulfil your requests.?

?Thank you, my lady,? Eliza replies. Swift, still suspicious.

?We don't want the rest of the world to hear that Ethiro's hospitality isn't on par with the Empire's reputation.?

?Till now, it has been.?

Satisfied by the chat, I look around and continue my job. It takes me a while to reach the last group of maidens. They just love staying in small groups, adding to my tedious work.

Seeing that I've talked with all the other ladies from foreign lands, Caroline Grahm and the girl that debuted with her, the daughter of a court official, walk in my direction.

?Your highness,? they greet me.

They courtsey, and the rest of the attention is directed our way.

Oh, goodbye to anonymity. My undercover operation is now over. At least, I've managed to talk with everyone.

?We were wondering if we would have the honour to talk with you,? Caroline Grahm says. ?We dared to approach you first. I hope we didn't overstep the boundaries...?

?I was inquiring with our guests about their lodging and servants,? I chuckle. ?You two are at home, in this Palace. But we can chat if you have something to ask me.?

?Actually, we just wanted to greet you,? the other girl says. ?In hope that it's no disturbance.?

?It's fine.?

What was her name? I haven't paid much attention during the debut.

?Janette and I overheard there will be a welcome party. Will we be invited as well??

?Of course,? I sigh. ?You're among the candidates, after all.?

My facade falls on the ground, revealing to everyone that I have a saying in what happens here. At least regarding the selection.

The girls that talked with me start to repeat our conversation in their minds, wondering what my first impression was. Only those with higher status are tranquil.

After all, not just anyone can judge a royal for their lack of manners.

?I haven't introduced myself yet,? I say out loud. ?And there's no need to drag it longer. My name is Theodora Kyre. I'm the wife of his majesty's older cousin, Archduke Alexander of Kyre.?

They start whispering to one another, gathering information and weighing my power with that of the woman that walked in here earlier. Someone with a red gown, the imperial symbols all over her dress, and a refined hairstyle full of jewel pins.

?This is just an informal meeting: we will be introduced officially soon. Meanwhile, I encourage you to tell your needs to your servants. We tried organising the chambers and lodgings to suit all of your cultures, but I hope you understand we might have made some mistake. If anything is not right, tell someone. Don't expect us to read your minds.?

You're not empresses yet.

And it's something a ruler needs to learn sooner than later: how to express their will firmly but without terrorising the help. The servants will report about how the girls react when their requests are rejected, how they word their concern, and whether they choose to tolerate something missing in silence. All of them have a few of these events already organised. Every single one is different, not to make them understand it's a test.

?I will now retire; I'm very tired,? I finish.

?Your highness, might we walk with you?? Caroline asks. Oh, she's quick.

?Only to the exit of the garden.? I can't reject her and tell her to stay far away. We're kind of, pretending to be, allies.

?How are you feeling, your highness? Is your daughter healthy??

?She is.? I nod.

?I hope we'll see her one day.?

?She's still too little and frail for the court.?

?I'm relieved to see you walking, your highness. I don't know what's true, but there were talks about yours being one difficult labour.?

?It was. But I suggest you not use gossip as your source of information. It's dangerous and could bring trouble. To you, and even to people that might be innocently accused.?

?That is why I asked, your majesty.?

?Well, it was difficult. But it ended in a satisfying way. I have my daughter now. And I am well enough to walk.?

?I'm relieved that you recovered.?

Oh, a smart young lady. It won't sound odd when we keep her on the shortlist till the end.