Chapter 286   - The Wiped Generation

When I recover enough to walk, I bring Lavinia to the Empress Grandmother. I promised her that I would visit her after the debut to chat, but then so much happened that I couldn't keep my word.

As an apology, I'll let her see my daughter before the Emperor. He couldn't visit these days, so he'll lose his privileged position and be third in the family to see her. The first one, out of Alexander, was the Princess.

Kate is taking care of my baby as if she was trained, so I let her do most of the work. She was discharged from her other tasks as soon as it was clear that I wasn't going to die.

It's better that she focuses on Lavinia.

Once reached the building where the Empress Grandmother resides, I pick my daughter up and tell Kate to wait outside.

?You can come back in a couple of hours. I suspect it won't be a quick visit.?

?Are you sure you don't need me around?? she whispers. ?That woman is said to be completely crazy...?

?She's not dangerous. It will be fine. This is her own blood: she deserves to see Lavinia now that she's born.?

Kate crooks her mouth, but she doesn't dare to argue any further.

Once alone with the Empress, I cuddle my baby while analysing the snacks on the table.

?Would you like some wine, Theodora dear?? she asks me. ?You've finally free from the duty to drink water only.?

?Actually, I used to drink a lot of juices during pregnancy. But no, thanks. I prefer some light tea, your majesty.?

?Are you breastfeeding her??

?Yes, I am.?

?You can't trust anyone after what happened. Gossip reached my ears, but I'm not clear if my grandson got rid of the servants because they were inefficient or ill-intending.?

?Both, your majesty.?

?How both?? she chuckles. She observes the little ball with a curious look, but she doesn't move towards us. She just sits. And looks.

?Ill-intending towards my baby and me. Inefficient because they failed. As you see, we're both here. Alive and well.?

?Can I see her from closer??

?Sure,? I say.

I let her hold the baby; it's the first time the Empress smiles with sincerity, without any hint of sadness. She stares at the little ball, observing her traits and her motions, trying to guess what must be going on in that small, hairless head.

?She resembles you,? she comments.

Me? I see so much of Alexander in her. Her eyes are exactly the same. I wonder how they can shine with such a dark colour.

She's still too little to have expressions, but I feel cornered when she looks at me. And she does it often.

She doesn't like to cry too much, so she sometimes looks at me in silence. We don't get tired of exchanging glances, so it became our little habit.

With Alexander, Lavinia is more lively. She does let some sound out, and she moves her arms when he talks.

As soon as she hears his voice, she turns her face in his direction, looking for him. When she doesn't find him, she cries.

This little spoiled lady knows well who she can manipulate into coddling her...

?You were right, your majesty,? I sigh. ?It's a daughter. And my husband is happy about it.?

?Oh, Alexander isn't as dark as the court depicts him. I'm sure he will be a decent father.?

?He will,? I confirm.

It's in his nature. Maybe he'll be too permissive, but I'll correct our children if they become spoiled and difficult to handle.

?Now, I can die in peace,? she exclaims. ?I've seen a great-granddaughter. My paintings will be sent to the whole world, and Ethiro is in safe hands with you and my other grandchildren administering it. And Kyre has a Lady worthy of the name. My part of the job is done. The rest is on the younger generation...?

?Oh, you still have many years ahead, your majesty! You're in good shape, and there are so many things you could do. It's too early to think about death.?

?Oh, no. It's the right time. What should I do, imprisoned here? Theodora dear, I was left behind by the rest of my friends. They already crossed that border years ago. And the generation after mine has been wiped out as well.?

?Your grandchildren would be happy to hear of your recovery. I'm sure we can make it look normal, somehow. You will be able to spend some years with them, at least. His majesty is going to get married, so you will have other descendants too!?

She chuckles, amused by my clumsy try to cheer her up.

?It would be so complicated,? she sighs. ?But thanks for the thought, Theodora dear. I hope your daughter will have your spirit as well. It will help her in life.?

?Or it will bring her trouble,? I point out. If it wasn't for Alexander, I would have lost my temper ages ago, bent by the events.

?You said the Emperor is going to get married. How soon will that happen??

?I can't be sure, but the engagement will be confirmed by the end of the year.?

?Who will be the lucky one??

?I don't know, your majesty. There will be a selection... Ladies from all over the continent are crowding here to attempt the deed.?

?Ah, yes, I heard about it. What is your purpose??

?Buying time,? I confess. ?The bride will be chosen after I make sure there won't be so many factions fighting each other in court.?

?Ah, be careful. The monsters are lurking in the dark. They won't let you get rid of them without fighting back. Last time, it wasn't a pleasant spectacle.?

?Last time??

?I already told you that my first son was poisoned by a beast... I'd like to tell you about it in detail, but I'm afraid you would be in danger after.?

?I already suspect what you're hinting at me, your majesty. I am already in danger, so you can speak without worrying.?

?But you have a family to protect, now. Don't let them get to her,? she says, looking at Lavinia who fell asleep in a stranger's arms.

?I will be careful.?

?The beast poisoned my first son's body and soul. She made him drink a drop every day until he started seeing things that weren't there. Visions. Then, she poisoned his soul, making him believe there were dangers in every corner... Even as far as in Kyre.?

?She was the one convincing the Emperor that the Archduke and Archduchess were plotting treason,? I realise. I should have at least suspected it! That harpy!

She took so much away from Alexander, and she tried to do it again by killing his daughter.

?She dared...? I murmur, clenching my fists.

?Yes, she did. There wasn't any trial. The late Emperor summoned the Lord of Kyre and executed him. It all took a few days. I tried to stop him, but I was poisoned. I survived but got up from bed too late...?

?Oh,? I whisper.

?The first months, I was really crazy. Until I saw some hope in Alexander and Martia. Especially Martia. She was such a lively child, and she was so kind to her cousin, even if he was an illegitimate child. Then, I realised that making Alexander inherit the throne was the best chance for Ethiro, but not the only one. If the illegitimate son became Emperor, Alexander would be the second in line. If Alexander became the ruler, there wouldn't have been two people between the beast and the throne. Just one. As such, I used all that remained of my connections and helped my grandson reach the throne.?

?I figured as much,? I sigh. ?About how his majesty became Emperor. Not about the late Archduke's execution.?

?You gave the Archduchess's name to your child. Is it on purpose? Are you hoping to give them a warning about the side you're taking??

?Oh, no. It's just because I like the name,? I chuckle. ?And the Archduchess was a victim of the circumstances. Even more than the Archduke. Even if there was a hint of treason, she didn't need to pay for it just because she was married to...?

?She chose it,? the Empress declares. ?She chose to stay with her husband till the end. She asked me to protect her grandchildren. To contact her mother and send her to Kyre to take care of them. But she didn't want to survive to my son.?

?Oh,? I breathe. I can't say I don't understand her. ?So, Anne de Ruis was sent by you.?

?Yes, that's right.?

?Haven't you ever wanted revenge??

?Against whom? My first son??

?The beast,? I point out. ?Against the beast.?

?I tried, and I ended up here. I'm not the one that can win that battle. But you can. You have enough wits and energy to fight her... Don't let her ruin this generation as she did with the previous. Fulfil this last desire of mine. All I own will be yours,ì in return!?

I raise my brows and smile.

?I was going to do it regardless, your majesty. I don't need anything in return,? I declare.

And it's not like I have a choice.