Chapter 278 - A Royal Candidate
The debut has just ended, and I'm preparing to leave.
The party will continue without me since I'm tired and in need of rest. The Princess seems eager to retire as well, which means that it's not boring only to me. Once seen the girls and pretending to have assessed them, I don't have any other use, here.
The interesting part is over, so I collect my things to signal that I'm departing.
I will follow the Princess's suggestion and propose all four of the girls as candidates to his majesty. And those of last year as well. I haven't met them, but there's no need since none of the Ethirian young ladies stands a chance.
I get up and smooth my gown, wrinkled by sitting for too long.
?Duchess, let me accompany you,? the Emperor says, offering me his arm. ?At least through the imperial gardens.?
?I'm honoured, your majesty.?
?I'd like to ask you for an opinion while we have time.?
We cross a lateral door and reach the gardens in a few steps.
The Princess follows a few steps behind, and the Royal Guards are next to her. The Emperor doesn't walk anywhere without them. All he can do, at most, is to ask them to stay behind.
And only in some very controlled environments and during the day.
Since it's already night, this is the most privacy we're going to have.
?Is this discreet enough to hear a word of advice?? he asks me as soon as we're outside.
?Yes, your majesty. My advice isn't secret by any means. I'd just avoid being targeted by those that have different opinions.?
We walk in between the flowers, the buds closed for the night. The garden lamps lighten our way, and the guards have additional torches.
?What do you think about the debutants of this year?? the Emperor starts.
This is a very standard question. I guess it's what people talk about, the few days after the ball. I'm not sure it can be considered positive, but it's one of the few cases when gossip isn't malicious.
?They're very young, your majesty. I haven't got used to it yet. But they indeed are pretty.?
?Is that so??
?Yes, your majesty. I've noticed that all the girls have perfect manners and demeanour. Any of them would make Ethiro proud.?
?Do you see a potential Empress??
We're in a crowded situation right now. I have to remember to avoid mentioning the decisions that are set in stone. It's better to keep them private, not to spoil the whole purpose of the selection.
?Oh, not yet. Well, actually, I see four potential Empresses...? I chuckle. ?If your majesty likes to hear my suggestion, I think all four are worth being part of the selection.?
?It will become crowded, Duchess.?
The more crowded it is, the less those harpies will have time to bother me. My life will be less troubled if there are many girls battling for the Emperor's hand.
?It will be a difficult process, your majesty. We shouldn't lose a potential gem just because it might be dusted. All the girls will reveal their nature with time. And your majesty will be able to choose the right one with all the information available.?
?If you think it's for the best, I will follow your advice,? the Emperor states. ?After all, it won't be much of a hassle, right??
?The costs will be limited: the girls already live in the Palace. They will have their family's support, so it won't be much of a trauma either...?
?If that's the case, I don't see a reason why not to name them all as candidates.?
?After all, your majesty, every woman that is accepted as a candidate will be deemed valuable after the selection. Not just the one that is chosen. Foreign dignitaries won't disdain to accept as a wife who once was thought worthy of becoming Empress.?
?What about the foreign ladies??
?They're on their way, your majesty. I've checked with your assistants, and they sent the invitation days ago. By now, we should wait for the first replies... I believe the girls will begin their journey while sending the letter, without delay, so we should have the first guests in a week or a little more.?
?How are we going to proceed with the selection? Are you going to organise challenges or something similar to assess the candidates??
?It's not a selection for an officer,? I chuckle. ?Also, I'd like to keep my role less evident. I'd prefer to know the girls better before they realise I have a saying in the process. They wouldn't show me their less beautiful sides if they knew... And your majesty should choose the Empress judging her dark side rather than her qualities.?
?Why so??
?A young lady can learn anything she isn't good at, with enough time. She can't control her hidden desires, be it money, influence, or power in general. Ethiro doesn't deserve a greedy Empress. Nor a petty one. The worst part of her character should be easy to control. Then, once certain there won't be problems in the future, your majesty will be able to choose the lady that better fits your majesty's taste.?
?So, in the end, I will choose the one I like the most? Just like that? The council of the selection will shortlist the candidates for me, so all I have to do is to find the prettiest girl??
?Oh, no... I'd like to say that beauty isn't needed for an Empress. Your majesty will have all the women he desires. There's no need to insist on having a pretty lady on your side, your majesty. It's better to focus on the desirable sides of her character. I'd suggest avoiding stubborn women, and those that have purposes that are too clear in their mind, for they won't be easy to handle once the crown is on their head. Also, political advantage has to be considered. I've already suggested someone from a country with turbulent relations or no diplomacy at all. A country smaller than Ethiro that will be a valid ally but won't be able to impose conditions.?
?Asteria is ruled out.?
?Oh, I wouldn't say to consider the Princess they send. But it would be too complicated. It's worthy only if the girl truly is exceptional.? And they don't have many exceptional girls in Asteria. My mother was a rare one.
?Do you think they will send anyone from Myrya??
?I do,? I say. Their thirteenth Princess is already on the way. ?We will welcome the daughter of a concubine. Thirteen for order of birth, but actually overlooked by the family because her mother doesn't have any influence.?
?Is that a good thing for us??
?I don't know. I believe the miss was sent here to get rid of a nuisance. She might be desperate to be chosen, as they said her not to come back.?
?How do you know all of this??
?Secrets of the job, your majesty. I have international contacts that don't overlook such relevant details.? Oh, my contacts are actually gossiping ladies. They were kind to me when I was Queen of Polis, so I can't find a fault in their chatty letters. And they're so beneficial right now.
?Well, desperate might not be a bad thing,? the Emperor comments.
?No, that's correct. We should wait and see how she reacts to pressure, though.?
?We already have a favourite, Duchess. Isn't it a bit too early to be biased??
?It's not a favourite, your majesty,? I point out. ?There are other ladies in similar conditions. But Myrya is not far from this side of the continent. And the relations among our countries have been almost nonexistent. The Princess hasn't talked out a deal about customs, so we will have some links, but yet... It's not enough to be considered allies.?
?You said Myrya is meaningless when you thought I was marrying off my older sister there.?
?Yes, your majesty. I did say that,? I confess. There's no point in denying it. And there's no point in making up weird interpretations of my words. I didn't know anything about this thirteenth Princess, back then. But now, from what I've read, she seems interesting.
I can't let the hope she's the right one for the job sink, just to save my bottom from punishment. Lying at the Emperor is a crime.
?I understand my mistake. All I can say in my defence is that I was thinking of Ethiro's well-being and future. Her highness, Princess Lyland, is too precious to lose her to another kingdom.?
?Are you telling me that Myrya is good to provide us with an Empress, but not good enough to allow them to have our only Princess as their Queen??
?Yes, your majesty,? I sigh, relieved that his majesty helped me out.
He could use my slip of the tongue to force me in a defensive position, but he chose to overlook it and find an excuse for me.
I wasn't expecting it, but it's not that bad. I can work with less pressure, knowing that the Emperor isn't looking forward to a way to see me make the wrong step. It's not the same for other people, but he's the only one that has a saying for now.
?There is another thing, Duchess.?
Oh, what have I done, now?
?Will you attend tomorrow's public session in the throne hall??
?Yes, of course, your majesty.?
?Whenever you have time. You won't need to stay there for long, so just walk forward when you're there so that I can see you.?
?Is it bad or good news, your majesty??
?You will hear tomorrow, Duchess. I don't want to ruin the surprise...?
That said, he turns on his feet and returns to the centre of the Palace. The Princess and I continue our stroll, but we're too tired or pondering to talk.
I wanted to have tea with the Empress Grandmother tomorrow. It seems I'll have to postpone it after hearing what his majesty has to say. I hope she won't take it to heart.
It will be just half an hour of waiting, after all. I will go to her as soon as I'm done with anything his majesty has in store for me.