Chapter 287  

Chapter 287  : Kang Chul-In vs Brynhildr Part 2 (1)

“K-Kang Chul-In!”

Having heard the news that Kang Chul-In appeared in Zolushka, Vilhelm immediately held an emergency meeting . The source of the information was indeed dubious . He had never even heard of the name Lee Ji-Tae before . It was hence difficult to trust him wholeheartedly . However, Lee Ji-Tae’s master – Atal Ramanujan – was an Overlord . He wouldn’t just make up stories for naught .

“Your Majesty . ”

Kwak Jun spoke .

“Oh, military advisor Kwak . Do you have anything to say?”

“We have to be even more cautious in situations like this . ”

“Cautious, you say…?”

“According to my discretion, it is unlikely that Kang Chul-In is in that rural region all by himself . ”

“Why do you say that?”

“Your Majesty, how many enemies does Kang Chul-In have?”

“What kind of question is that… ah…!”

Vilhelm was about to get angry at such a redundant question, when he suddenly came to a realization .

“Do you get it now?”

Kwak Jun spoke .

“Kang Chul-In is more cunning than we think . Didn’t he even infiltrate the Pentagon with a hostage?”

“Yes, you are right!”

“There’s no way a cunning man like him would be so reckless . ”

It was a logical train of thought .

“With countless enemies everywhere, it doesn’t make sense for Kang Chul-In to stroll around alone . ”

“Hmm . . . ”

“Therefore, I suggest you ignore this report . ”

“Ignore . . . ”

“Kang Chul-In may appear to be cocky, but he has a sharp dagger hidden behind his back . Just observing may be the best option in this circumstance . ”

Kwak Jun knew nothing about Kang Chul-In’s whereabouts, but he tried his best to distract Vilhelm . He did not want anyone to interfere with Kang Chul-In’s actions . Why?

It was because he was Kang Chul-In’s spy in the Gullveig Alliance!

“Upon hearing your thoughts, I agree . . . ”

At that moment .


A white knight stepped in front of Vilhelm .

“Your Majesty . ”

“Oh, Brynhildr!”

Vilhelm’s face lit up .

“I will personally check it out . ”


“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Vilhelm was very surprised by Brynhildr’s statement . He had always been adopting a passive stance . It was rare for him to volunteer for such a task .

“Your Majesty, Kang Chul-In isn’t just your opponent . He is my nemesis as well . ”

Brynhildr, who had lost to Kang Chul-In before, was eager .


“It is certainly possible that he may have devised some scheme, as military advisor Kwak mentioned . ”

“Right . . . ”


Brynhildr exclaimed staunchly .

“Assuming Lee Ji-Tae’s information is correct and Kang Chul-In is really alone, then isn’t this the perfect opportKwak Jung was referring to Atal Ramanujan .

“Well, so what if you’ve conquered Itaracia?”

Kwak Jung chuckled condescendingly .

“That territory is too much for you to swallow . Time for you to spit it out . ”

Kwak Jung had no intention to join Kang Chul-In in Zolushka . His target was Itaracia, located in the Chamonix mountains . Lee Ji-Tae was currently using that territory as the command center for the Shatyameba army .

Why? Located in the Chamonix mountains, Itaracia was great at defense but was extremely small in size . In other words, it was difficult to post a large army in Itaracia!

At beast, there will only be 30,000 soldiers in that tiny ass territory… if we conquer this area, then we can shut off future enemy reinforcements… if so . . .

The Shatyameba army would be sandwiched between Itaracia and Zolushka . That was Kwak Jung’s intention . Instead of just defending Zolushka, he planned to conquer Itaracia, restrict enemy reinforcements, and thus annihilate the Shatyameba soldiers!


hours later .

“ . . . ”

Kang Chul-In, who had already seized Zolushka’s outer castle, was lost for words .

“Long live His Majesty, Kang Chul-In!”

“Long live Valhalla!”

“I love you!”


“Just take us in!”

Now, almost 5000 Shatyameba soldiers were fighting amongst themselves to be the first to pledge loyalty to Kang Chul-In . As a result, he had to shake hands and pat backs, instead of battling them .

What’s going on?

Kang Chul-In was puzzled, but he managed to put on a façade .

“Good job all for your hard work!”

How could a Lord ever appear disconcerted?

“Y-your Majesty?”

Kim Sung-Hee was equally surprised .

“How in the world… what magic did you . . . “

Thousands of surrendering enemies? She had never seen something like that .

“Haha! As expected from His Majesty!”

Nilus let out a hearty laugh . As a Kang-Chul-In fanatic, Nilus was hardly surprised to see thousands of Shatyameba soldiers surrender . To him, this was nothing out of ordinary for his king .

“Kang Chul-In!”

At that moment . . .

“Kang Chul-In you bastard! Where are you!?”

“Come out, Kang Chul-In!”

“Find Kang Chul-In!”

Various elite troops sent by the Lords of the Gullveig Alliance appeared and started looking for Kang Chul-In .

“Huh . ”

Kang Chul-In smirked .

“Have they gone mad?”

Even a large army wasn’t sufficient to challenge Kang Chul-In . To attack in such an uncoordinated manner was hardly a wise move .

“Kang Chul-In!”

Suddenly, a knight in emerald armor charged straight at Kang Chul-In .


However, his death came almost immediately .


With a swing of Kaiforce, the knight’s corpse was sliced into eight pieces and was tossed onto the floor . A dog’s death for a small fry .


“So that is the Supreme King of the West!”

“Keh… what majestic strength . ”

The Shatyameba soldiers, now Kang Chul-In’s underlings, exclaimed in excitement .

“It’s annoying, so just come at me in groups . ”


Kang Chul-In rested Kaiforce on his shoulder and stood arrogantly . He was displaying charisma and confidence befitting a king . magic

“Kang Chul-In . ”

A voice intruded .

“I’m your opponent . ”

Brynhildr swerved past the crowd and stood in front of Kang Chul-In . The cormorant had appeared .

“God damn it!”

Kang Chul-In’s face crumpled .