Chapter 282  

Chapter 282  : The Girl’s SOS

“Hmm . . . ”

Atal Ramanujan pondered . 30,000 was not a big number for him . He had over 150,000 soldiers (although they weren’t really well-trained) under his command, hence he could just give Lee Ji-Tae the benefit of doubt . Even if he did lose the 30,000 soldiers, all he had to do was to gather another 50,000 . However, it was also true that he was hesitant to give a total stranger 30,000 soldiers .

“Your Majesty . ”

Lee Ji-Tae, having noticed Atal Ramanujan’s hesitation, spoke in a staunch tone .

“The answer to your ambition is the Northern Expedition . Only the Northern Expedition!”

“Northern Expedition!”

“If you continue to hole up in this southern region, only doom awaits!”

“Doom, you say . . . ”

“Both Kang Chul-In and Vilhelm have huge ambition . If they conquer central Pangaea while your Majesty hesitates, then . . . ”

“ . . . !”

“Do you think they will acknowledge your sovereignty? Do you think Kang Chul-In, now crowned an emperor, will grant you the title of ‘The King of the South’?”


The consequence was obvious . Atal Ramanujan would be conquered without a doubt .

“I will open up your path, your Majesty . ”

“Y-You will!?”

“Yes, your Majesty!”


Atal Ramanujan pondered one last time and,


He finally accepted Lee Ji-Tae’s request .

“Northern Expedition . . . that’s right, I have to accomplish it sooner or later . I just didn’t have the right talent to bring it to fruition . What a serendipity it is for you to appear in front of me at this timing . Lee Ji-Tae, I will give you my trust!”

“I’m eternally grateful, your Majesty!”

Lee Ji-Tae bowed .

However, there was a fact that Atal Ramanujan was unaware of . In Ancient Korea, there was a sovereign named Gungye who met someone called Ah Ji-Tae . He became overly obsessed over the idea of the Northern Expedition and met his end as the result!


“Hukkkk . . . ”


Cho Nak-Sam, the principal of Ongok elementary school, collapsed onto the floor .

“How dare you?”

Kang Chul-In glared coldly at the principal . magic

“How dare you mess with my daughter?”

“R-Really… s-sorry . . . ”

“If you lurk around my daughter one more time . . . ”

“ . . . ”

“I will give you a tour around the Aoji mine . ”

“A-Aoji… mine . . . ”

“In other words, I will make you an eternal slave in the other world . ”


Cho Nak-Sam squealed . It wasn’t just out of fear and shock . His teeth were scattered all over the office floor . He couldn’t pronounce his words due to air leaking through the holes .

“This is my first and final warning . You hear me?”

“Y-Yes, sir!”

“Well then, rest well . ”

Kang Chul-In brushed his hands off and left the principal's room .

I will destroy whoever dares to mess with my daughter . Yup, definitely .

Kang Chul-In was being a ‘good’ father as usual .


That evening, the whole family had gathered around the dining table . Kang Chul-In had an important announcement to make as the head of the family .

“14 nights and 15 days . ”

Kang Chul-In smiled faintly .

“I’m thinking of going on a family trip, mother . ”

The opinions of Ninetails, Lee Chae-Rin, Skadi and Arshelly did not matter at all . Was it because Kang Chul-In was patriarchal? Or was it because he was macho? If not, was he a mama’s boy?

Of course not!

There was no way that his lovely wives and daughter would have conflicting opinions . Moreover, the incredibly busy Kang Chul-In had made leeway to go for a family trip… who would be so undignified to reject that?

“F-Family trip!?”

Park Sun-Ja was surprised .

“Really, son?”

“Yes, mother . ”

Kang Chul-In nodded .

“I didn’t even go for a honeymoon trip because I was busy . But this time, I plan to bring you along this trip and have a good rest . ”

“No… you have your wives… this old mother doesn’t belong there . . . ”

“This is a consensus from your daughters-in-law . ”

“ . . . !”

“Your second daughter-in-law suggested it first . ”

Kang Chul-In pointed at Lee Chae-Rin .


“Yes, mother-in-law!”

Lee Chae-Rin replied delightfully .

“And the first and third daughters-in-law also persuaded me to bring you along on this trip . ”


“Yes . I was also thinking the same thing . ”

What a heartwarming sight .

Kang Chul-In and his three wives were all on the same page .


As a result, Park Sun-Ja began to tear up .

“M-My dear daughters-in-law… t-thank you . . . I’m already grateful for you loving my son… now you even care about this old woman… sob sob, I really… have nothing else to wish for . . . ”

Some would have criticized her for being so emotional, but it was understandable for Park Sun-Ja to react this way . Kang Chul-In, her only son, had grown into a fine man who saved the country and became a national hero . In addition, he brought in three daughters-in-law, who were all kind and caring . Park Sun-Ja was receiving a massage from a native masseur under a gigantic parasol .

“Honey, isn’t this place good?”

“Hmm… yes, it’s definitely good . ”

“Hehe~! I bought this place as a present for you . ”


Kang Chul-In was flabbergasted .

“Yes . ”

“This whole place?”

“Of course! Look around, aren’t we the only ones here?”

“Don’t tell me . . . ”

“Yup, I chased everyone away!”

“Incredible . ”

Lee Chae-Rin’s spending was on another level .

She owned a marvelous resort like this… Kang Chul-In, the niggard, could never even imagine such a situation .

“Nah, it’s nothing much . This is all yours now . ”

“Is that so?”

“Of course . I’m yours after all . ”

“ . . . !”

“I love you . ”


Lee Chae-Rin glanced quickly around at her surroundings to make sure nobody was around . She then suddenly kissed Kang Chul-In without notice . She was getting bolder by the day .

“Ah, and also . . . ”

Lee Chae-Rin added .

“What is it?”

“Please give more attention to my little sister . . . ”

“Ah . ”

“You know what I’m talking about . . . ”

“I know . ”

Kang Chul-In nodded .

Skadi Andevari .

She was once a powerful, rank 3 magician Overlord, but she had to forfeit her position due to Vilhelm and Rothschild’s threat .

“Actually, I was thinking of talking to her this evening . ”


“To be honest, our relationship is strictly transactional . ”

“That is true . . . ”

“That’s why I’m going to ask . ”


“Whether she will continue to live with me, or . . . ”


“Whether she will leave me the moment I conquer Esmeralda . ”


“It’s time for some real talking . ”

Kang Chul-In was right .

Thanks to Kwak Jung who had already conquered Venedig the port city, it was almost time for a battle to brew over the ownership of Esmeralda . In the near future, the Valhalla Kingdom and the Gullveig Alliance will have another bloody battle again .

If Kang Chul-In emerged victorious… then Skadi Andevari was no longer useful to him .


It was because she was the rightful owner of Esmeralda in the first place .

Moreover, Skadi wished for the people of Esmeralda to become Kang Chul-In’s people and thus live a happy life .


At that moment, Kang Chul-In’s phone rang .

-Your Majesty!

Kwak Jung was the caller .

-Are you free to talk…?

“Didn’t I tell you that I’m on a vacation?”

Kang Chul-In replied in an irritated tone .

It was his first vacation in 13 years .

Kwak Jung’s call was surely about a work-related affair .

“I will listen to your report later . ”

-W-Will you?

“It wasn’t easy to find time for this vacation . Unless Laputa is engulfed in flames, don’t report to me . ”

Laputa in flames?

That would never happen . Kang Chul-In was indirectly telling Kwak Jung to screw off .

-Hmm… you sure you won’t regret this?

“I’m having a family vacation . What’s there to regret?”

-Keh… what a family-oriented person . You are truly the number 1 husband material!

“Let’s end the call since you know that . ”

-Alright, then I will tell that girl that you are uncontactable…


Kang Chul-In replied to Kwak Jung as a reflex .

-Yes .

“What girl?”

-Did you… make some sort of deal with a girl by any chance?

“Who? Speak clearly . ”

-Lily Sephardi…

“God damn it!”

Kang Chul-In frowned .

“You can request help if you need it . I promise to help you . In return… I shall take the talisman . ”

Vacation was over .

The Amplifier Talisman – one of the three items in the Trinity Impact – was calling for him .