Merlin opened his eyes, only to find himself in an unknown place. The sky was as white as a sheet of paper and as bright as the sun. Looking at any part of the sky made Merlin's eyes hurt as though he was staring directly at a million suns at the same time.
Quickly, he closed his eyes and sat upright. Looking around, he noticed he was on a rather large plane of flat grass. On either side of him was nothing but grass, stretching for miles in every direction.
Suddenly, a voice drilled into his mind.
"So you are finally awake, huh?"
This voice dug deep into his mind, causing intense amount of mental damage, however, he did not actually receive any damage.
"No harm shall come to you here. Do not worry."
Another round of painful, yet not actually hurtful mental attacks barraged Merlin's mind.
"Stop! Do not speak!"
Instinctively, he spoke. As he did so, he used mana in his voice and tried to activate the skill [Predator].
However, nothing happened when he tried to inject mana, and the skill did not get activated.
"There is no mana here. This is my world! Why don't you come in and had some tea?" said the voice, which cause another round of attacks, which contained the same amount of force with it as when the being first spoke.
After a few seconds of recovering, Merlin said, "Who are you? What do you want?"
"It seems you do not know. I am the Supreme Being. The one and only! I am also the one who revived you from death and brought you back in time!"
Another barrage of attacks came from the being. However, the intensity was ever so slightly less. Merlin took this opportunity to find the source of the ravings.
Although it echoed from all directions, he faintly felt a stronger headache emanating from right in front him, about 3 centimetres away.
A sudden chill ran down his spine, as though he was staring right at a wolf in sheep's clothes, only difference being, this wolf was most definitely leagues stronger than Zero. He felt a sense of mortal fear for the first time since his re-incarnation, an ancient fear that rooted from the very cells in his body.
He simply stood rooted in his place not daring to move a muscle.
Time slowly passed, however, Merlin did not move, and the 'Supreme Being' did not speak any more.
Merlin lost track of how much time had passed, however he did not feel hunger, sleep, the need to excrete, or any desire except the need to leave this place as soon as possible.
He was staring as nothingness, and the nothingness was staring back at him. A sense of helplessness suddenly arose in Merlin as he came to the realisation that the objective of the being in front of him was to keep him in this space.Merlin gathered all the courage from the depths of his soul and took a step back.
Suddenly, the voice finally spoke up.
"It is better if you don't move."
Hearing this, Merlin was even more certain of his conjecture. He ignored the evidently weaker, but still excruciating pain in his mind as turned around and ran towards the edge of the plane behind him.
*tap* *tap* *tap*
He took another 3 steps, and was now only 2 steps away from jumping off the plane, when the voice rang once again.
"Stop running away"
This time, the voice's power had clearly dropped significantly, which made Merlin wonder, 'Does it really want me to stay?'
This question made him stop in his tracks, only a step away from jumping off. It also made him wonder about more things.
'Is it really capable of harming me? Its voice bring intense pain, but no actual harm. It is also growing weaker! Does that mean this is not 'its world' ? But them, where am I?'
with this though in mind, Merlin turned around to face the emptiness, and suddenly had an epiphany. Certain memories began to enter Merlin's mind.magic
'Isn't this the 'Heaven' I imagined just as Zero was about to kill me? The place where I was given the title 'Last Man Standing'? The place where the 'Arcania system' and its 'Master' resided?'
With this thought, More doubts arose in Merlin's mind.
'I was not killed by Zero, but just about to be. The being here said was brought back to life. Could it be that he isn't the 'Master'? Could it be that he just heard about me coming back to life in my old body, and decided to use that to fool me into being afraid. So afraid that I do not doubt its power?'
'But wait, it this is created from my fragmented memory, then what is outside?'
Merlin then turned to look outside the plan ones more, but this time, he attempted to look through the fog.
The scene that befell his eyes was not something a human could understand, any human other than himself.
It was a chaotic mesh of too many fragmented pieces of an illusory mirror stacked over, below, and into a completely formed illusory mirror, both containing memories, some of which overlapped, and some that did not.
This was his subconscious! He was in his own mind! And the part he was standing on was like a safe haven within a storm that could rip apart soul to the very bits of energy. Each of the memories was like a tidal wave crashing against each other, forming numerous more waves.
This scene sent a shiver down Merlin's spine. The being actually wanted him to leave the safe island and jump to his own demise. It used a reversal on Merlin's analytical skills which told him he was using reverse psychology to begin with.
Then, Merlin though of something and looked straight at the origins of the voice.
The fog quickly dispersed to reveal a cage. A cage made of innumerable, and unimaginably complex runes. Runes that exceeded his own [Magic Runes] in both complexity, compression, and even dimension!As soon as he took a look at the symbols, a faint system notice popped up.
Master Skill: Magic Runes Lv 5 has evolved to ?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 0
?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 0 has levelled up to Lv 1
?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 1 has levelled up to Lv 2
?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 2 has levelled up to Lv 3
?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 3 has levelled up to Lv 4
?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 4 has levelled up to Lv 5
?????? skill: Mana Language Lv 5 has evolved to #@%!*
#@%!* has exceeded the limitation of the Arcania system. The master has personally given it the name [Archive]