Time passed, and 4 months went by in a flash.

In the blistering heat of the afternoon sun in mid-May, Ethan was driving south from Brooklyn, intending on taking the 278.

At this time, Maya, Ethan's sister was just waking up from a short nap.

"Ethan~ Where are we going? Yawn~"

"Somewhere safe…"

Saying this, Ethan's mind drifted into deep thought as though he was reminiscing something in the past.

"But we have been driving for the past 2 days, and we still haven't reached! Does that place really exist?"" "

Silently pondering, Ethan though for a moment before replying…

"Yes. Rumours of that place have been spreading constantly throughout east coast! They supposedly have people who are reaching Level 4! U should know that I am only a level 3."magic

"Really? People can be that strong?!"

"Yes. I have seen one with my own eyes. I saw a group of theirs, with most people at level 2, a handful at level 3, and one whose level I could not [Inspect]. You should know that this means the person's level is above mine"


"Yes, and you know what else?""What? What?"

"Their leader, is supposedly someone who has already crossed the Level 5 and become a Tier 1 being! Most of the knowledge about Arcania that is currently being share is provided by them."

"Oh! So that mean that the leader of the group will extremely strong right?"

"Yes. Incredibly strong!"

"But then, would they allow me to enter? I am not even level 1 yet…"

"Hmm. Don't worry. According to the rumours, they have rules. As long as someone is level 2, they can join the group. And each member of the group can bring along up to 2 member of their family."

"So… u can bring me along?"

"Yes." Replied Ethan bitterly, as though he was recalling a bitter memory.

Just then, the car reached a bridge, having a large blockade.

Seeing this seen, Ethan unconsciously gulped, and slowly replied,

"Here it is… Staten Island… the headquarters of Merlin's Sanctum… the land of Puppets!"