Back at the colossus, Max, Jack, Carl, Karl, Sean, Tom, along with Alex's bodyguard; James, had ended their meeting.

The conclusion was that this player was the reason that Merlin had sent Max and Jack back to base. Noticing the fact that Merlin himself did not bother to return, and just sent Max and Jack over, the conclusion was that this threat would be handled by the lot of them present at the base and there was no need to put the entire base on alert, putting the target on guard.

Max was the only one who had actually experienced the incredible power boost of levels, and so had strongly opposed the idea of relaxing while the target had not been eliminated, but since Merlin had given each of them equal standing, combined with the fact that most of the people present here wanted to overrule the 'chief's' orders once, his objections were overruled by majority vote.

The final plan was to keep heavy surveillance on the target, without trying to alarm him. As soon as he showed odd behaviour, they would launch an all-out attack to eliminate the threat.

William, Jon, who were shadowing the target, were notified of this plan through SMS. At this time, internet, radio and calls still worked, since it had been less than 3 days since the beginning of the Apocalypse.magic

In the void outside planet Earth, Two Blood Wolfs were staring intently at the ongoing fight.

"It seems like our child has finally evolved to Tier 1!" said the female blood wolf in an excited tone.

"Hmph" snorted the male counterpart. Although he would not admit it, he was satisfied by the growth of their cub. Being the prince of an inter-dimensional race was not something that could be held by a weak being. Foveros needed to grow quickly in order to take his position as the rightful heir.As the battle progressed, and Merlin continued his best to try and avoid attacks which slowly chipping away at the HP the Sabercat, while Foveros was not even trying to fight it. He was simply trying to eat the beast. However, it's tiny mouth was akin to a fly to the tank. Ignoring the pesky Foveros who was nibbling away at the cat's leg, The Sabercat moved most of its attention to Merlin, who was continuously blasting spells at it.

Merlin was no longer thinking about the state of his base. He was currently thinking about his own safety.

Time passed, and soon almost 3 hours passed…

The HP of the muscle-head was nearly empty, and so was his own. Foveros had nearly no damage to his health, and he had already make a sizable dent hi the flesh of the beast's back leg and was sitting in the corner of the boss room, belly up and a satisfied smile on his face.

Most of his attacks were useless, and he would only get fur stuck in his teeth after every attempt. Suddenly, an idea struck him and he used his power over the fabric of space and condensed it into a blade. Controlling the space blade using his mind, Foveros cut his portion of delicious mana saturated flesh.

For beasts, who didn't have access to the interface, the could only grow in a similar way to zombies; by absorbing mana. Zombies can absorb mana from the blood of humans, and from the air. Beasts can absorb it from the air, and other beasts' flesh.

Therefore, the chunk of flesh was akin to a buffet of evolution points to Foveros, who happily devoured all things in his serving, before casually giving up on the fight and going to the side to rest.

This casual betrayal was heart breaking to Merlin. However, the emotion only lasted for a second before another one of the idiotic cat's attacks launched towards Merlin.After three hours of battling, Merlin used up all his remaining mana to perform a final spell. Over the course of time, Merlin had figured out that the beast was slightly leaning towards the fire-type, since water, and ice spells were the most effective against it.

The final spell was a peak Tier 1 spell [Condensed Lance] Which was similar to the [Earth Spike], however it was made from highly condensed ice, and was not limited to ground attacks.


With its last Health point being depleted, the Saber cat let out a begrudging screech before falling to the ground.

Seeing how the human had managed to kill a peak Tier 1, the two blood wolves nodded in silence before looking at each other with satisfied expressions.

"With this, the human should be able to keep Foveros safe until the first mana burst occurs."

"Hmm. We should leave soon. The other nobles will try to track our location and might even find Foveros' nurturing planet if we don't return soon"


It was a long tradition among blood wolves. Every cub was to be sent to their own 'nurturing planet' in order to grow and become stronger. Only the ones that could reach the peak of Tier 14 on their planets were allowed to return to the Blood-wolves' mother planet to receive the blessing of the Blood Being and advance to the 15th Tier.

Tier 14 is a bottleneck that separates Mortals from Higher existences. It is the point from where life-span is no longer an issue for the being. However, the only way to advance to the next Tier war to be given permission from one of the Supreme beings. Blood being was one such existence, one who had reached Tier 20.

Just as Merlin was about to rest, he remembered his vision and suddenly stood back up, picked up Foveros and ran to the end of the dungeon, so that he could quickly leave this place.