Foveros had changed his impression of Merlin over the past few hours. At first, he was simply interested in the 'new thing' with similar aura to his parents. But over the past few hours, Merlin had treated him like royalty, and given him everything he asked for. He even gave him a comfortable and dark placed to sleep in his hoodie.

He had also given him that meditation thing allowing Foveros to increase the amount of blue energy, or as Merlin called it, mana he could hold inside his body. It also slowly changed the colour from barely visible blue mist, to dense blue fog.

Therefore, Foveros decided to accept Merlin as one of his family. Someone who he could trust and would protect. He even had a feeling that Merlin would be willing to do the same for himself.This feeling was something even Merlin felt when Foveros puffed out his chest and gave confirmation. He had already accepted the cute ball of fluffy death and destruction as his true family. They only other people who he had accepted as his true family were Jack, Alice, Alex, and a few more people from the future. These were people who would give their lives to save Merlin, and who Merlin would give his life to protect this time around.

With this formation, the group of four began to move towards the building.

Opening the door, Merlin quickly sent out a large mana wave to detect life forms. Thankfully nothing was visible, and so they entered the place, carefully keeping up their guards for traps, and sneak attacks.

They soon found a majestic door, complete with elaborate gold carvings and silver ornaments."No one touches that door."

Merlin had remembered the trap that was placed at the door. When they had come here the first time, Dexter was completely incinerated by the powerful electric magic coming from the door. What had seemed like gold and silver was simply processed copper which resembled gold and silver in looks. The entire door was actually a giant 'electric racket' for humans.

But he already knew this and so he used simple Tier 0 earth magic to ground the door, and discharge its electricity into the ground. This way, they would not be harmed by its power. On top of that, I made sure everyone was wearing rubber boots, to make them poor conductors, and force the electricity to flow through the un-insulated earth instead.

After resting for some time from the constant battling outside the gate, waiting for the electricity to disperse, Merlin and the other 2 members of his dungeon delving party entered the gate.

Upon entering, a blast of cold air blew into their faces, along with a horrendous stench of rotting flesh. Stretching out his mana sense, Merlin faintly noticed 2 small mana sources.

"Watch out! 10 o'clock 10m, 2 o'clock 17 meters" he whispered to both Jack and Max, who both suddenly tensed up.magic

Being a Tier 1 being, Merlin's mana sense had grown to about twice of what it was before, and now act efficiently as his 'Domain'. A domain was the area around a Tier 1 being which was under his full control. As a Tier 1 being, Merlin could sense everything within this domain, that was around 50 meters for him. A Tier 2 being could exercise a small amount of control over the elements within their domain, and Tier 7 beings could even affect the laws inside their domain.