Sean had already reached the bay bridge and was currently searching for a building to set up camp. Merlin had instructed him to find the tallest building in the area and settle down there after clearing the ground floor.

While he was doing that, he suddenly hear engine sounds in the distance and instructed everyone to gather up and be prepared.

Naturally, they formed a defensive perimeter around the Jacksons, since these were people that the boss cared about a lot. Sean and the other team leaders had noticed this during all the phone calls and the way the boss acted around them.

The cars stopped outside the building, and a huge army of officers exited the vehicles in an orderly manner.magic

"Prepare to fire!" screamed Sean, followed by the other team leaders following his command, since Merlin had announced that Sean was the leader while he wasn't around.

"Halt!" screamed a voice from outside with an authoritative tone as he exited the car in style.'Chief?'

Everyone present excluding the Jacksons knew who the chief was. He was the head of the police department in the entire Staten island!

However, none of that mattered now. They could not betray the boss even if they wanted to, and so they stayed quiet, fingers locked onto the triggers. The atmosphere was oppressive, as if the air itself was frozen.

"Sir Merlin sent me"

With just four words, the tension suddenly vanished, and many officers dropped their guards.

"Show us proof!""Proof that Sir merlin sent you. Else you will only leave this place as swiss cheese!" yelled Sean, bringing everyone back to full alerts.

The chief smiled as he unhurriedly opened his shirt to reveal a chaotic tattoo of many colours, seeming as if it was moving around under his skin.

Seeing this, Sean lowered his gun followed closely by the other leaders. They too recognised Merlin's mark, the elemental storm.

"Back to work everyone!" yelled Sean, before walking up to the chief and discussing some matters regarding the 49 people following him.

Soon, they had already placed scouts in a few buildings around the current tower they were in; The Colossus. They had also cleared the entire ground floor and had guards on every possible entrance to the ground floor from the floors above, and from the outside.

Currently, Tom's, William's and Sean's groups were taking a nap, while the chief's group were taking on the task of patrolling, and Jon's group was ready on standby. This was naturally following the method that their boss had instructed them.

Suddenly, the chief's radio, and Jon's radio turned on, and a panicked voice came.