
Outer City

Jacob squinted up at the dual suns in the sky, a hint of annoyance tinging his expression. The advent of the second sun brought with it an oppressive heat. The sweltering temperatures were made all the more unbearable by the stench of decaying corpses - both human and monster alike - that littered the city.

Astride his armored grey steed, Jacob held his lance at the ready to repel any who dared approach. He and his squadron of seven riders formed an impervious bulwark against the beasts that infested the city. A lone hobgoblin, however, brazenly rushed towards Jacob, its own spear poised to skewer him.

"Repugnant beast," Jacob muttered, deftly driving his lance through the charging monster. The hobgoblin's weapon may have boasted a decent reach, but it was no match for the knight's formidable lance.

Once the hobgoblin fell, a member of Jacob's squad edged his horse closer. “Captain, were we not supposed to wait for the prince first? Did the plans change?”

"You're green, aren't you?" Jacob responded, a note of derision in his voice. "Leave such concerns to me. I know Prince Tristan better than anyone. He will very much appreciate our scouting efforts to make sure the plaza is safe before his arrival.”

“Eh, I see. Sorry for my intrusion…” The novice knight retreated hesitantly, resuming his position within the formation.

Jacob watched him return to his post with a trace of a confident smile. However, as he turned back to face the desolate cityscape, his expression had once again shifted, assuming a stoic neutrality.

I would be mad to leave this opportunity. I need to get to the plaza first to gain those magical powers.

Jacob had observed with a potent mix of awe and resentment as the elderly man's strength burgeoned, surpassing his own hard-earned capabilities. The old man needed only to slay a handful of those grotesque beasts to amass a power that Jacob had devoted an entire lifetime to cultivate.

With the despotic reign of Nalia and her henchmen overthrown, an opening had presented itself - an opportunity that Jacob could not afford to overlook. He couldn't passively sit back, entrusting his fate to the whims of the soon-to-arrive prince, who would undoubtedly lay claim to the plaza and wield control over who could and couldn't amass the coveted powers. Such a wait could prove fatal, and even if he were to survive, the early bird knights bestowed with the powers would be poised for exponential advancement. They would ascend to prestigious ranks of centillion leaders or even vice-generals, while Jacob would remain tethered to his unremarkable post as a mere squadron leader. Such a prospect was untenable, he couldn't let this transpire.

Soon enough, their path led them through the ghost of a once thriving marketplace, its current desolation bearing testament to recent turmoil. Their journey ended at the plaza, where the sight of the four gargantuan statues provoked a broad smile to stretch across Jacob's face. They were every bit as magnificent as the tales had suggested - their grandeur living up to every whispered rumor that had tantalized his curiosity.

“So these are the magical statues we heard about?” One of the knights nudged his armored steed closer to Jacob, his eyes reflecting the grand spectacle before them. "What's our next move, captain?"

"Survey the surroundings first," commanded Jacob, his tone authoritative. “Make sure that whore’s goons are nowhere to be seen.”

“Roger that, captain.”

Heeding Jacob's mandate, the squadron of knights scattered across the expansive plaza, their gazes sweeping over the space, vigilant and calculating. They had already borne witness to the viciousness Nalia's followers were capable of unleashing, from a distance nonetheless, and had no desire to incite their wrath unnecessarily.

Simultaneously, Jacob found himself drawn towards the statue depicting a warrior, its intense countenance and air of indomitable strength resonating with his spirit. It epitomized the apex of masculine prowess, a beacon for every man to aspire towards.

A smile of anticipation spread across Jacob's face as he edged his horse closer to the towering figure of stone and marble. The instant his hand came into contact with the statue, his eyes widened, flitting with a surge of unexpected surprise.

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