“King, I’m sure everyone has wanted to ask you this, but how do you know so many things?”
The moment Ventus uttered those words, even Vigil ceased his actions, turning to listen with an intensity that was rarely seen. All eyes were on Thorian searching for an answer.
Well, it’s not like I didn’t expect this question.
Drawing a deep breath, Thorian locked eyes with Ventus and responded, “If that's what you desire, then so be it.”
At his words, the air of anticipation around Ventus and Vigil heightened, their eagerness for an answer unmistakable. Thorian indulged in the suspense, leisurely cracking his neck, before finally offering his revelation. “It was revealed to me in a dream.”
The room fell into a momentary hush before Ventus, disoriented by the unexpected reply, cocked his head to the side. “Hold on, King, I’m lost. What exactly was revealed to you in this dream?”
“It felt as though I had lived an entire lifetime,” Thorian articulated, his companions hanging on every word. “That dream was both lengthy and fleeting. I can’t recall all the events and the details, yet the insights I remember are tangible.”
“It must be Ulvaskye’s blessing,” Vigil hypothesized, connecting the dots. “I recall the elders speaking of such divine revelations too.”
Ulvaskye? Thorian raised an eyebrow. Oh, the wolf god.
"Aha, that makes sense now!" Ventus exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. “That means you have gotten god’s favor. That is so amazing, King!”
"I can't say for certain if it's him, but that's how it occurred," Thorian conceded with a shrug, before setting the group back in motion.
“That also explains your change, my king,” the priest observed sagely. “Once we came to this world, it’s as if you have become a completely different person.”
Thorian took a moment to fully absorb the weight of Vigil's words. So like I thought, this was the body of a different being before. I wonder where they are now.
"What was I like before?" Thorian queried, intrigued by the personality of his body's previous inhabitant.
“You didn’t talk much usually,” Ventus expounded, his face reflecting his puzzlement. “Now that you mention it, you really did change a lot, king.”
“Who wouldn’t change after getting Uldaskye’s blessing,” Vigil interjected with a chuckle. "I know I certainly would."
As his companions bantered about his shift in character, Thorian remained quiet. He merely smiled, amused by their ability to concoct a narrative more convincing than anything he could have fabricated.
The trio of kobolds persisted on their journey, with the other two regaling stories of their old world. Thorian merely listened, offering no input. Their small party, a splinter faction of the tribe, roamed the vast lands under the leadership of Forlune. In their desolate homeland, the gods had chosen them to venture into this new world. With little instruction beyond 'humans are the enemy' and the notion that 'they could evolve into superior beings', they had been flung into a dimensional portal and dispatched to this unfamiliar territory.
As the hours rolled by, their journey took them further from their home village. Simultaneously chatting and hunting, Thorian limited his skill use to the two basic abilities he had yet to fully master. His Fireball skill, combined with Ventus's Wind Gust, would only be used when they faced overwhelming odds necessitating mass destruction.The author's content has been appropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.
After about an hour and a half, Thorian finally noticed a sign of what they were searching for. His ears pricked up at the sound of distant howling.
"Those are dire wolves," he deduced, sharing a significant glance with his comrades.
Acknowledging his conclusion, the trio sprinted toward the howling, their supernatural speed blurring the trees as they shot past. Shortly, the dense forest gave way to a large clearing.
Ventus's succinct remark embodied the team's shared awe as they surveyed the gigantic pack of oversized wolves before them. Each beast was twice the size of an average wolf.
Yet, the denizens of these lands were far from impressed by their visitors. Five of the dire wolves rose, their eyes burning with threat as they growled menacingly at Thorian's group. Any second, they could launch themselves at the intruders, primed for the kill.
"We did not come here to fight," Thorian asserted, stepping forward. "Take me to your leader."
His words, however, were met with stony indifference. The moment Thorian finished speaking, the group of five lunged toward them, exuding lethal intent.
Ventus was swift to unleash his Wind Gust spell, which Thorian mirrored with his own. However, the gust of wind did nothing to halt the beasts' charge, the oversized wolves merely shaking off its effects.
Upon seeing their magic ineffective, Thorian clicked his tongue in frustration. Left with no other option, he conjured a rock bullet and hurled it toward the leading dire wolf's front leg.
With a sharp yelp, the beast lost its footing and tumbled to the ground, causing the wolves behind it to fall in a domino effect. Witnessing this turn of events, the remaining dire wolves, a sea of furry bodies, rose to their feet, their gaze sharp and alert.
Thorian, undeterred, made another attempt to defuse the tension. "We did not come here to fight. Please do not compel us to do so. Lead me to your leader."
The dire wolves seemed set to dismiss Thorian's words again when a creature, large as a carriage, made its way through the pack, parting them as if it were dividing the Red Sea.
"I am the king of the dire wolves," the massive beast intoned solemnly. “What do you wish to discuss with me?”
Unfazed and devoid of any hesitation, Thorian stared back at the colossal dire wolf king, stating his proposition. "I am here to establish a pact with you and your pack - a pact of mutual protection."
The king let out a sound, a seemingly amused chortle that resonated more as a fearsome growl. "What value could such a pact hold when you are so weak?"
"Weak?" Ventus advanced with deliberate, heavy steps. "Let me show you who the weak one is."
"Halt," Thorian intervened, restraining the wind magus with an upheld hand. "There is no purpose in fighting now."
Having voiced his stance, Thorian steadily approached the dire wolf king, all the while sweeping his gaze over the clearing. The pack of dire wolves was vast; he estimated more than fifty members in their midst. Yet, many bore significant wounds and scars marring their bodies. Some were even handicapped, reduced to functioning on three legs.
"We are not weak, but strength is not the only thing we offer," Thorian began in a subdued tone, gradually gathering intensity and commanding the clearing with his words. "Those among you who are wounded, we have priests who can heal you. With their spells, you'll be restored to your prime condition. Those who are handicapped, we can assist you in slaying as many monsters as you need to evolve. You will emerge a superior entity, a complete being free of defects or injuries."
His gaze locked onto the wolf king's, unyielding and firm. "With me, you won't have to fear injuries. You'll have the freedom to fight to your heart's content!"
The clearing fell silent as Thorian concluded his speech, all eyes riveted on his figure. The sight was almost comical – Thorian standing tall and unafraid before the enormous wolf king. Even the king himself seemed taken aback, his eyebrows lifting in surprise.
"Bold claims coming from you" the wolf king growled. "Show me this magic of which you speak, this healing power for my kin. If even a single word you've spoken proves false, your head will join the others."
The wolf king stepped aside, revealing a grisly scene. The clearing was strewn with the carcasses of various beasts and monsters. Some had already served as meals for the pack, leaving only bones behind, while others had been left to decay.
Thorian's expression remained unfazed at the sight. He simply met the gaze of the wolf king and said, "I ask for your word as a king, that if I fulfill my promise, you will form a pact with me."
"Insolent creature," the giant wolf rumbled, his tone begrudging. "Very well, if you deliver on your promise, I will enter your pact."
Thorian responded with a smile, turning his gaze back to the priest. Vigil's expression was a blend of awe and surprise.
"Show them what you can do, Vigil."