Upon admitting the new contingent of brown kobolds and kobloids within the village boundaries, Thorian allocated the responsibility of the eastern gate's security to Lapis's squad. Subsequently, they shepherded the sizeable group towards the hall, the locale for their citizenship ceremony. Lapis, already well-versed in the rites of integrating newcomers into the ranks of disciplined soldiers, was entrusted with this duty by Thorian. The only specific instruction he imparted to the brown kobold was the imperative to undertake the 'Revenge on the Monsters' quest, a directive intended for him and his kinfolk.
With these tasks set in motion, Thorian turned his steps towards the territory altar. The area surrounding the demonic face was awash with a profusion of tree trunks, varying in size and scale. A vast, brown tide had overtaken the place, its weight compressing the verdant grass beneath into submission.
I should have all my men finish their tree quest first before I start upgrading the village.
With a clear objective in mind, Thorian embarked on a comprehensive tour of the village. Deciding to journey to the northern side, he chose Aqua to accompany him. Aqua, with his quick learning abilities and reliability, was an obvious choice for Thorian. He showed the water magus how to allow the Altar to absorb a precise quantity of wood and then guided him from one gateway to another. At each, Thorian would assume guard duties while Aqua shepherded the group towards the territory altar, enabling them to accomplish their quest.
This methodical approach was replicated at every gate until all of Thorian's men had successfully completed their respective quests, earning them each a reward of 100 Arcane Coins. The only remaining participants were the newly admitted kobolds and kobloids who were still navigating their way through the guilds' aptitude tests. Reflecting on the time required for Lapis's compact unit to complete their journey, Thorian estimated that the latest entrants would not acquire their classes by day's end. As a result, he redirected their efforts towards the tree quest, ensuring they capitalized on the day's quest rewards and didn't squander the opportunity entirely.
After the combined efforts of over a hundred kobloids and kobolds, resulting in the absorption of 100 units of wood by the altar, the once dense ocean of tree trunks had considerably lessened. Now, Thorian could discern the demonic visage of the altar from a considerable distance.
With all the groundwork and tedious tasks now completed, Thorian could finally concentrate on the endeavor he had been eagerly anticipating: upgrading the village.
Territory Resources.
Gathered Experience