As Thorian nimbly descended the wall and approached the group, Lapis, engrossed in conversation with Nox, noticed him.

"Thorian, are you okay?" The brown kobold, concern etching his features, divided his gaze between Thorian and the shadowstalker. "Nox just filled me in. You got roughed up quite bad in that dungeon, didn't you?"

“It’s a mere flesh wound,” Thorian countered, dismissively waving his scarred palm and wrist. “We were able to return safely with the spoils of war thanks to it.”

“That skill combination was insane!” Nox interjected, his eyes sparkling with admiration. “I never thought something like that was possible. Making Ventus’s Gale Slash full of flames made it so much more powerful, it just sliced through that Guardian like butter.”

"It's a high-risk strategy," Thorian conceded, a note of pride creeping into his voice. "But the payoff is undoubtedly worth it."

As Thorian and Nox delved deeper into their exploits, Lapis, along with several other kobolds, listened attentively.

“If I may ask, what is this Guardian you two are speaking of?” Lapis interjected with an interested look.

“It’s the final monster you’ll have to kill to finish the dungeon and get all the rewards!” Nox elucidated, his voice thrumming with exhilaration. “I also leveled up twice just when it died!”

“That is impressive,” Lapis acknowledged, his gaze subtly shifting to the shadowstalker's attire. “Is that where you got this green cloak from? It looks very nice.”

"Nailed it," Nox chuckled, proudly displaying his Thorned Cloak, its fabric rustling softly. "And it gives a solid ten-point boost to my agility," he added, before casting a glance at Thorian, who was similarly clad in a Verdant Robe. "See? We're even matching."

Thorian dismissed the superficial comparison with a shake of his head. Despite himself, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He then turned to Lapis and reassured him, "Don't worry, your turn to dive into the dungeon will come soon enough. Your men are developing well, just as you promised me."

"Perhaps a little too well..." Lapis murmured, his gaze lowering. A self-deprecating smile sketched itself across his face.

Thorian clapped him on the shoulder, offering a confident smile. "You'll have your own shot too. Just keep putting in the effort."

The brown kobold nodded in agreement, a gesture Thorian reciprocated. His gaze then shifted, sweeping over the rest of Lapis's men.

Clearing his throat to command their attention, Thorian asked a seemingly simple question, "Do you like it here?"

Thorian's query was met with a ripple of confusion, as the kobolds exchanged murmurs and whispers amongst themselves. It took a few moments for one of the tallest kobold warriors, his broad shoulders suggesting a formidable strength, to step forward.

"I, for one, am content here," he declared, a satisfied look softening his rugged features. "You never demand our food, and you permit us to hunt freely. I see no reason to dislike it."

At the kobold's declaration, a wave of laughter and enthusiastic chortles surged through the crowd behind him.

"Flame Kobold is the best!"

"You're a great leader!"

The effusion of praise was so intense that it left Thorian momentarily stunned. He had anticipated some measure of positivity, but he had never dared to dream that the group would respond with such solidarity. A flicker of suspicion crossed his face, and he turned his gaze to Lapis.

Could Lapis have instructed them on what to say beforehand? No, that's unlikely. He couldn't have anticipated my spontaneous question.

As Thorian studied Lapis, his bewilderment deepened. The brown kobold seemed as taken aback as he was.

Could he be putting on an act? No, not even Brix could act so convincingly...

Left with no other plausible explanation, Thorian turned back to the crowd, his eyes wide with surprise. Despite his extensive career, he had seldom encountered such a spontaneously jubilant congregation, making the moment decidedly extraordinary.

And I didn’t plant a single one amongst them.

Slowly, a serene smile spread across Thorian's face as priests and warriors alike expressed their gratitude for the opportunities he'd presented them. However, indulging in sentiment wasn't Thorian's style. After gathering his thoughts, he pressed forward with the plan he'd been concocting all along.

Turning back to Lapis, he asked a question that had been brewing in his mind for quite some time. "Lapis, can I entrust you with an important mission?"

The brown kobold tilted his head curiously. "Of course, Thorian. What would that be?"

Thorian nodded, elaborating on his request. "I want you to bring some of the members of your tribe to join us here."

Upon hearing Thorian's request, Lapis responded with a hearty laugh. "Is that all? They would love nothing more than to come here. How many are you hoping for?"

"As many as can be safely managed," Thorian replied. If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.

“Are we gonna have more brown kobloids join us?” Nox chimed in, a spark of excitement lighting his eyes. “We’re growing so much, it’s almost hard to keep up!”

"You'll have to get accustomed to it," Thorian replied with a chuckle. "This is just the beginning."

"Should I depart immediately?" Lapis inquired. "Should my group accompany me?"

"Not immediately," Thorian shook his head. "I need to return to the Village Hall for a meeting with my team. Afterwards, Nox and I will return here and take your place guarding the gate."

"Alright, I understand," Lapis agreed, nodding. "Good luck, Thorian."

With that, the pair ventured back to the Village Hall. Upon entering, they discovered Ventus and Saxum lounging on the floor, while Melina graciously offered each of them a cup of tea.

As the elven lady caught sight of Thorian and Nox entering through the door, she offered a respectful bow. "I am relieved to see your safe return, my lord."

"Thank you, Melina," Thorian reciprocated with a slight nod. "Could you assist us in submitting the quests we've completed?"

"Immediately, my lord." Melina moved towards her desk, with Thorian and Nox following in her wake. As was customary, she marked their quest parchments with her magical stamp, allowing them to claim the rewards of their arduous efforts.

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