At Thorian's command, they exited through the North Gate, setting their course towards the West. Upon reaching their intended location, Thorian initiated a dialogue with the brown kobold, detailing the same protocol that Lapis had employed with his team. Once the briefing concluded, the kobloid pack dutifully trailed their brown leader into the village to test their class aptitudes.

With the group of kobloids engrossed in accepting their quests and assessing their individual talents for each class, Nox and Thorian commenced their duty as guards. Thorian adhered strictly to his previous plan, utilizing solely his waterball spell for the entire shift. Despite Nox shouldering the bulk of the workload, Thorian's long-range assistance with his water spell was not without its merits. Nox's shadow-engulfing ability amplified the impact of Thorian's waterball spell, turning it into a formidable weapon. Their combined powers enabled Thorian to shatter enemies' bones and blast them away with a potent shockwave.

As the hours rapidly ticked away, Nox dispatched the final Rabbarian from a group that had naively attempted to penetrate the village's defensive wall. He then scaled the barrier in a single leap, swiftly joining Thorian in the watchtower.

“Thorian, why aren’t you using your other skills?” Nox eventually queried, his bewilderment palpable. “It would have been so much easier if you fought with me down there, we could have killed even more!”

Meanwhile, Thorian was assessing the advancement of his spell:



You summon a watery orb and launch it at your enemies, drenching them and knocking them off balance.

