The brown kobold could only watch in sheer horror as Thorian's foot swung through the Guild Master's form as if he were crafted from nothing more substantial than mist. The Shadowkin, however, seemed unperturbed, a hint of a grin playing on his lips as he returned Thorian's gaze.

"Lord Thorian, your capacity for surprise is unending," the Shadowkin remarked, his voice laced with amusement. "Your wisdom and knowledge exceed your years... quite remarkable."

“I just happen to be special,” Thorian replied curtly, refusing to divulge any more than that.

The Shadowkin glanced down, a low chuckle resonating in his chest before his gaze returned to the petrified kobold. "Don't let this dishearten you. It merely suggests you're more suited to a different class. 'Warrior', I believe, should fit you perfectly."

The brown kobold cast his gaze downwards, shame flushing his cheeks as he gritted his teeth. With a heavy sigh, he lifted his eyes back to the shadowkin, asking, "What does a warrior do?"

"Your role is defined by your specialization," the Guild Master replied in a low, measured tone. "You can serve as the shield of your team, drawing the enemy's attention and soaking up the damage. Or, you could become a relentless berserker, fuelled by an insatiable bloodlust and a passion for close combat."

The kobold's gaze dropped again, his brow furrowed in thought. As he mused over the options, Thorian turned his attention back to the shadowkin.

"Thank you for your time, Guild Master," he said, stepping towards the kobold to conclude the conversation. But just as he took that step, he paused, glancing back over his shoulder. "I realize I neglected to ask your name."

The shadowkin's silver eyes gleamed brightly as if peering into a distant horizon. "I lack a formal name, but some refer to me as Whisperwind."

"An honor to make your acquaintance, Whisperwind," Thorian responded, his head dipping in a respectful nod. "May our relationship be enduring and prosperous."

"The honor is mine," Whisperwind returned, his lips curling into a small, knowing smile. "Overseeing a lord as special as you promises to be most fascinating."

With no further words, Thorian moved towards the brown kobold, who was now gradually pulling himself upright. Seeing the kobold's downcast, crestfallen expression, Thorian softened his gaze. "Don't fret," he reassured, "The Guild Masters are currently insurmountable beings to us. There is no dishonor in your defeat."

The brown kobold glanced up at Thorian, nodding albeit reluctantly. As they resumed their journey, the kobold trailing behind Thorian, he couldn't help but voice a question that had been gnawing at him. "If they're so powerful, why can't they help us fight the monsters outside? We'd level up incredibly fast with their help!"

Thorian chuckled at the kobold's proposition. "It would indeed be advantageous if that were possible. But the Guild Masters are significantly limited outside of their guild. They lose all their powers and become extraordinarily weak if they venture beyond a certain radius."

The kobold stared at Thorian in disbelief, his jaw slack. Clicking his tongue in disappointment, he sighed, "That’s a shame. It would have been so amazing for us if we could receive their help."

"Don't let greed cloud your judgement," Thorian replied, a smile playing on his lips. "At this moment, you're about to transform into a being unlike any other in the world, found only here. Take pride in that."

As the brown kobold absorbed Thorian's unwavering confidence, his eyes widened in surprise, and he followed him with newfound respect. The pair continued their journey until they reached another guild.

Upon entering the newly minted Warrior Guild, Thorian was immediately enveloped by an aura of grit and resolve. The guild was unassuming yet formidable, reflecting its recent evolution from mere statue to a thriving hub of martial prowess. The walls, carved from sturdy wood, bore the scars of axes and swords, silent testimonies to the vigorous training conducted within.

To the left, a capacious training room was designed to push the physical limits and martial aptitude of budding warriors. The room was outfitted with weighty training dummies, an assortment of melee weapons, and a sand pit reserved for wrestling and close combat drills.

At the guild's rear, Thorian noticed a modest study where the Guild Master would craft battle strategies and inscribe skill scrolls for sale. Shelves brimming with military treatises and maps encircled a humble wooden table. Scattered across its surface were pieces of parchment, each inked with meticulous diagrams and battle tactics.

The Guild Master's desk, a thick slab of oak, was situated to the right of the entrance as usual. However, Thorian's gaze was immediately drawn to the hulking figure perched on a large chair, busily inscribing words onto parchment. The desk, which would have seemed sizeable under normal circumstances, appeared diminutive compared to the Guild Master.Stolen novel; please report.

A Mountain Goliath? The variety of races of these Guild Masters is truly interesting. Most of my previous ones were simple humans.

His skin had a rough, stone-like texture and a grayish hue, adorned with unique patterns that Mountain Goliaths regarded as marks of honor and age. His face was weather-beaten, crisscrossed with deep lines carved by both time and laughter, testament to a life abundantly lived. He was bald, with a thick beard woven with beads and small trinkets accrued from numerous battles.

The Mountain Goliath glanced up from his desk and noticed the new arrivals. A broad smile lit up his face, and he rose so abruptly that his chair toppled over. Standing at well over eight feet tall, his head nearly grazed the ceiling. Had he stretched, his hands would have punctured the guild's roof.

"Are you the lord of this territory?" The Goliath regarded Thorian before his features creased into a frown. "It's a pity that you're already a Magus. You would have made a formidable warrior, leading your troops into the thick of battle!"

"Alas, I'm more inclined towards strategy," Thorian replied with a smile. He then gestured towards the brown kobold at his side. "But my companion here harbors an interest in the warrior's path. Perhaps you could evaluate him?"

"A brown kobold, eh?" The Goliath stroked his beard contemplatively, his face soon breaking into a wide grin. "I like it. Brown kobolds are a hardy folk with big hearts. I once counted one among my friends."

Caught in a moment of nostalgia, the Goliath's gaze drifted upwards before snapping back to the present. He refocused on the brown kobold, "Regardless, I'll need to assess you to determine if you have what it takes to become a mighty warrior." His eyes slid to the training grounds on the left, a thoughtful click resonating from his tongue. "A standard test won't be enough. How about a friendly spar?"

Upon hearing the Guild Master's proposition, the brown kobold visibly shrank back. Words failed him as his gaze darted nervously between the towering Mountain Goliath and Thorian.

Recognizing his subordinate's plea for intervention, Thorian stepped in, "I fear a spar might be rather unfair given the significant size disparity. Wouldn't you agree, Guild Master?"

The Goliath responded to Thorian's comment with a broad grin, "My name is Rumblestone, Lord...?"

"-Thorian," he supplied.

"Yes, Thorian. That's a fine name," Rumblestone nodded approvingly. "And if size is the concern, we can easily remedy that."

Assuming a firm stance, Rumblestone tensed his muscles. A low growl resonated from his chest as a black aura enveloped him, and he began to shrink rapidly. In mere seconds, the aura subsided, revealing a significantly leaner form.

Rumblestone now matched the brown kobold's height. Despite his trimmer silhouette, his muscles were still markedly larger than the kobold's, his biceps seeming to strain against the confines of his clothing. Although he bore the signs of age, his strength remained undeniably formidable.

Rumblestone cast a glance at the training room before returning his gaze to the brown kobold. "Let's go outside. That training room isn't designed to accommodate our level of strength. It'd crumble within a few minutes of our sparring."

The brown kobold, still taken aback by the Guild Master's transformation, found Rumblestone's new form somewhat reassuring. At least now he didn't have to crane his neck to make eye contact. Together, they exited the guild, Thorian trailing closely behind. Much like with Whisperwind earlier, the two assumed their positions, ready for a friendly bout.

"Come! Show me what you've got!"

Spurred by Rumblestone's challenge, the brown kobold lunged at the grinning elder, aiming a right hook at him. The Goliath effortlessly deflected the strike, but the kobold was quick to follow up with an uppercut.

Grinning, the Guild Master nimbly sidestepped before launching a counterattack. His fist, as solid and formidable as a slab of meat, sped towards his opponent in a swift, downward punch.

Seeing the blow hurtling towards him, the brown kobold raised his hand to shield himself, encasing it in a protective armor of rock. The force of the Guild Master's punch forced him to stagger back a step, but his armored guard successfully absorbed the impact.

"Quick reflexes," the old Goliath roared with laughter. "Your snout would've been flattened if you hadn't blocked that."

However, the brown kobold was in no position to share the humor. His gaze remained riveted on the elder, before he launched himself at him once more.

As the kobold unleashed a torrent of punches, the Guild Master either blocked or evaded each attack. But, just as he was about to parry another of the kobold's strikes, the latter encased his fist in the same rocky armor.

Bypassing the elder's defense, the kobold's punch connected squarely with his face, causing him to bleed from his lips. Without granting him a moment's respite, the kobold unleashed a barrage of attacks - kicks, punches, swipes, and even bites. It was a brutal brawl, where instincts reigned supreme.

"You're a clever little rascal, aren't you?" Even amidst the flurry of the kobold's onslaught, the elder couldn't contain his laughter. As the kobold readied a powerful haymaker punch, Rumblestone swiftly closed in and tackled him to the ground.

With the kobold held firmly in his grip, Rumblestone tightened his hold, his grip audibly cracking the kobold's back as the latter futilely clawed and punched at his captor.

Watching the skirmish devolve into chaos, Thorian decided to intervene. "Why don't we call it a draw? I believe this suffices as a test."

"Oh, it seems I got a bit carried away," Rumblestone rose to his feet, laughing heartily while the brown kobold gasped for breath. The Guild Master's bear-like embrace had left him winded and on the verge of having his bones crushed.

"You've passed," Rumblestone beamed at the brown kobold. "You possess a fearless spirit and fierce instincts. With the right training and guidance, you'll grow into a formidable warrior."

Caught off guard by Rumblestone's declaration, the brown kobold looked from him to Thorian, a proud smile stretching across his face. Despite his labored breathing, he couldn't suppress his ear-to-ear grin.