I let the last of the evolutions fade from my active control, mana spiraling out into my halls; already my improved regeneration rate felt like a breath of fresh air, pure mana unlike anything found naturally on Aiqith bright and vibrant through my control. Coral lingered on the back of my awareness, the schema ready to be used.
Which I could be using; my little faux plan for the sixth floor was ready to be set into action, to carve out a new home for the fledgling sea serpent and Seros to reign over, to create a reef with all the majesty that my memories reminded me of. Even if I couldn't go back to the ocean of my previous life, I could still bring it to me.
But not yet. For all that I'd finished choosing the evolutions, I still wasn't done—my halls were littered in bodies and debris beyond number, scattered all over the place without a single care for all the work I put into maintaining this place. Terribly rude.
But, well. When invaders came in, all brash and bold and idiotic, and cluttered up my gorgeous halls; they were cluttering it with things. Delicious, wonderful things delivered straight to my waiting grasp.
This had not been a particularly established horde, unfortunately, and I'd already noticed how many of them weren't particularly strapped in the way that I presumed dungeon delving groups tended to be. Ah well. Even the bare trinkets they wore were prizes nonetheless.
I rooted my way around the scattered corpses, slipping tendrils of mana through bloodstained armour and abandoned spell focuses. Creatures scattered from my heightened concentration, letting me meander my way through at my leisure. There wasn't a chance I would risk missing something of importance, because I knew damn well that if I didn't stake a claim on it, a burrowing rat with a greed far too big for its pitiful little body would be trying to drag the damn thing into its den.
And for all I encouraged their evolution, I would not allow them to steal from me.
So. Mine first.
I flitted my way around, points of awareness spiraling throughout my endless caverns. A few things jumped immediately out at me: underdressed and ill-prepared as they were, these were still adventurers, and mages didn't risk coming without—so numerous gems were littered over their bodies, tucked into pockets or strung up on either tasteful or crude jewelry. Most were those I'd already collected, but I found a beautiful little opal that hummed and glowed with air-attuned mana, so that was a lovely addition. That brought me up to eight different jewels I could reproduce, each with their own attunement; sapphire for water, ruby for fire, topaz for lightning, jet for shadow, jade for plants, rose quartz for healing, and now opal for air—alongside diamond for pure mana, and regular quartz for simple light. Quite a little haul, if I did say so myself. Once I had mana to spare, I would adorn my hoard room with more jewels.
The operative words being mana to spare. Considering I had many, many creatures to make, it would be a long while until I had any, but it was a pleasant thought for the future.
I dissolved down at least one of each to make sure I knew how to make them, and then left the rest for clever little rats to siphon away. With any luck, one would bring an opal down to the fourth floor; I wanted to see how the mage ratkin would respond to a newly introduced attunement. She was a delightfully clever little thing; though she had already chosen the jadestone as her attunement, would she be able to experiment with others?
I was very interested in seeing it.
Something else quickly caught my attention—one of my many, many gripes with invaders was that they didn't coordinate on what they brought in to help me. One would wear armour made from the skin of a creature but that was it; no bone, no flesh, no nothing that would actually allow me to gain their schema. Just scattered bits and pieces in a horrible mosaic that never went anywhere. One of these bastards had a handle on her dagger made of ivory, and as I dissolved it I got a taste of a massive, lumbering beast with leathery skin and the weight of a mountain—but with only ivory, it wasn't enough for a schema.
Can you even comprehend how infuriating that is? So desperately close to such a powerful schema, yet no way to properly obtain it?
So that made it all the sweeter when I noticed that one of the invaders—a bulky, strong-jawed woman with fists still splattered in gore—had modified her armour to have odd, ribcage-like protrusions extending over her chest. Clearly they'd done their job; things that hit her had their force redirected off of her more squishy organs, though that hadn't stopped the strike to the back of her head that had taken her to the ground, where other kobolds had been quick to finish the job.
But those protrusions weren't simple wood or metal; no, they were antlers.
I flew through my dungeon in a mad rush of speed; every corpse was investigated, a fraction dissolved just so I could know what they were made of, until– there. A body, bobbing through the Underlake, its leather armour drifting in Mayalle's current.
Leather armour with the same pattern as the antlers.
I ate them both, shoving the information together until they twined and combined and melded and shifted and joined and–
Bounding Deer (Common)
Traveling in herds, they flee at the slightest sign of danger with wild, extensive leaps, carrying them far from the threat. If needed, they can defend themselves with their branching antlers, but they much prefer to run.