
Current Patreon Members:

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All of a sudden, the door to Alan's room slammed open and Katherineand Susan burst in. Both of them were dressed in similarDaisy-Duke-styled outfits. Both wore cut-off blue jeans shorts cut downso dramatically that they practically looked like bikini bottoms.Katherine had cut up a flannel shirt to the size of a bikini top andthen tied it in the front. However, Susan felt so proud of hermilk-filled breasts that at the last minute she had shucked off theskimpy shirt she'd carefully prepared. Both women looked fantastic.

Alan took one look over the curves of Amy's delectable buttocks, saw the two of them, and burst into laughter.

Soon everyone else, including Katherine and Susan, was laughing too.

Alan joked, but also with heartfelt appreciation, "If theygave out Nobel Prizes for sexiest Daisy Duke outfits, I think we'd haveall four of this year's finalists right here."

Amy replied, "Well, they should!" She sounded so sincere andadamant that everyone laughed even more than they already would have.

Once Alan calmed down a bit, he said, "I think I can figureout what happened here. Aunt Suzy was supposed to have me all toherself, but Amy got clever, picked up on her mother's role-play, andjoined in. The two of you saw that, probably while watching us on videofrom the basement, and figured, 'Why not me?' Then you did the exactsame thing as Amy. But unfortunately, the excitement's all over. We'rewinding down now and just chilling out."

Susan stomped her foot on the floor in frustration. "Oh, poo!I told you Angel, we shouldn't have spent so much time on thecostumes."

Katherine explained to the others, "Unlike Amy, we didn'thave cut-off jeans to start with, so we ended up ruining two perfectlygood pairs of jeans."

Everyone laughed good-naturedly at that.

Alan looked contemplative, and said, "Hmmm. This opens up allkinds of possibilities. Role-plays are great, but we've never reallydone role-plays with multiple people." He bent forward and licked theinside of Amy's asshole with his tongue once more, just to feel her gaspand shudder again.

Amy said proudly, "Do you see what he's doing to me? He's licking my asshole!"

Susan and Katherine drew in, suddenly very curious. "Wow," Katherine said. "Does it feel good?"

"It feels awesome! Super duper awesome! I'm all, like,totally sensitive back there, so it's, like... super tinglytingle-o-rama!"

Katherine was all grins, but Susan looked conflicted."What's wrong?" Suzanne asked Susan. "You don't like what he's doing?"

"I do, but I'm torn. It's kind of unseemly behavior for amaster. He should be the one getting his ass licked." She thrust herbare chest out and struck a sexy pose. "Tiger, can I lick your ass?Please?"

lightsΝοvel "Thanks, Mom, but we really are just wrapping up here." Heslapped Amy playfully on the butt as a signal that it was time for herto get off of him. He was beginning to grow numb from having all thatweight on him for so long.

Amy hopped off. She realized that play time had to come to anend and that Alan had to get back to his work so he could finish hisresponsibilities before the party started. "Thanks, Brother! What wasthat you were saying about multiple role-plays?"magic

Suzanne smiled as she considered the role-play possibilities."Yes. I think the luckiest boy in Orange County just got a little bitluckier." The wheels began spinning in her head as several differentpossibilities for more elaborate role-plays came to her. She thought outloud, "Imagine, for instance, that little fantasy Doris was describing,of the teacher who's fucking all of his female students. He's not somuch teaching as leading an orgy. Wouldn't that be fun to act out?"

Alan replied, while looking off in the distance, imagining,"Hell yeah." His brain nearly exploded as he imagined the likes ofGlory, his sister, his mother, Aunt Suzy, Simone, Heather, Amy, Brenda,Xania, and others all sitting in the same classroom, pretending to bestudents in a sex role-play meant just for him. He practically drooledas he imagined the school girl outfits they could come up with.

He forced himself to think of other things and pressed onwith the conversation, saying, "I have a feeling all these newly cutcut-offs will come in handy. But Mother, you know what I'm thinking?When you dramatically impaled yourself on me earlier, I got this imagein my head of all the women in the Duke clan sitting down to dinner onspecial chairs with wooden dildos built right into the middle of them."

He mentally cursed himself after he said that, because thatimage was nearly as arousing as the classroom one. He couldn't keepfucking until he dropped; he had to try to get back into a studiousmode.

"Gosh!" Amy exclaimed. "That sounds like super fun! Serioussuper duper coolness! What if we actually did that? Who's to stop us?"

Susan, getting over her disappointment and into the spirit ofthings, said, "No one. No one can stop us. Or, more properly, no onecan stop Tiger. He can do whatever the hell he likes, and all we can dois bend over and take it! Hard and deep!" Her hands drifted up, and sheyanked on her sensitive nipples as she thought about getting royallyfucked.

But then she grew a bit more contemplative. "The five of usare going to have soooo much fun for the rest of our lives. In fact,we're just getting started. I know we're always going to be together toshare it, too. Heck, The Pact guarantees we'll always be together,doesn't it?"

Alan could see Susan needed some reassurance, so he firmly nodded his head.

"That's right," Susan said just as firmly. "Let me quote fromThe Pact: 'Alan is the head of the family, and master of the familyharem. We trust him to lead us-'"

Katherine cut her off, and continued her quote. "'... insexual matters and we pledge to obey his every desire.' Mom, we'vememorized every word."lights

Susan looked doubtful. "Really? What about the part that says, 'The women of this harem pledge to avoid-"

This time, Amy cut her off and continued the sentence."'...any physical intimacy with other men, without exception, and devotethemselves fully to pleasing Alan and his insatiable cock.' Mom, weknow it already, backwards and forwards. Geez, Louise!"

Susan looked at Suzanne, but Suzanne gave her a lookindicating that she had it memorized too, and if Susan asked her aboutit yet again, she'd scream. "Right, then," Susan finally concluded."That's a very key part. My point is, we're his sex slaves now, andthat's a lifetime commitment. Let's never forget the magnitude of whatwe've pledged to each other."

Everyone was quiet with their thoughts for a few moments,imagining a road stretching out to the horizon and well beyond it, withyears and years of good times together to look forward to.

Susan slipped her hand into her short shorts, and then yankedthem down her legs because they were on so tightly she could barelyreach her pussy. As she started to frig herself, she thought, I can'thelp it: every time I hear the words "sex slave," I get too hot to bebelieved! Even if I'm the one saying them, hee-hee! Every morning, Iwake up and recite The Pact, and it makes me so horny! The fact thateveryone has completely accepted the reality of The Pact makes my everymoment on this Earth a living dream. My son is my master! Thank you,God.

But then Susan's mood grew more serious and motherly,"Speaking of getting started, Tiger, if you mean what you said that youwere winding things down, then I think it's time you get back to thebooks, don't you?" She was trying to show that Suzanne wasn't the onlyone who could be a responsible mother at times.

He replied, "Oh, man! Unfortunately, you made the break fartoo enjoyable. How can I go back to the books when my mind is on theDuke girls?" He looked especially at Katherine and Susan, still dressedin their outfits, thinking about all the fun he could have with all fourof them at once. He sighed loudly and steeled his resolve. "Okay. Fine.I'll give it a shot. Maybe if I take a shower first, that'll get me inthe right mindset."Suzanne, who had been sitting naked on the edge of the bed,got up and began shooing the others out of the room. "Good call, Mom,good call. Sweetie, let this be an incentive. Remember all the work thatwe agreed you'd try to finish today. I know it's a lot, but us fourgals have all agreed that there will be no poke-her party for you untilyou're all done and the work is approved. The sooner you finish, thesooner the fun can begin. So we're all rooting for you to hurry."

Alan knew that he could easily blow past their attempts torestrict him. He could just go downstairs to the poke-her party at anytime of his choosing and do whatever the hell he wanted, to whomever thehell he wanted. If anyone had a problem with that, he'd simply tellthem, 'No sex for you until you change your mind and let me have myway.' But he didn't want to do that. He truly wanted to do the rightthing, get back on track with his studies, and ultimately get acceptedto a good university.

Most of all, he didn't want to let the "Bad Alan" win andturn him into the kind of person that he would hate to meet. Hisgreatest fear was becoming some kind of family despot or dictator andlosing the special love they all shared. The fact that The Pactexplicitly gave him tremendous powers made it all the more importantthat he had the willpower to resist using those powers willy nilly.

So, although he was tempted to do otherwise, he justshrugged, nodded, and said, "Maybe I'll hold off on the shower for awhile then and use that as another break, later."

He thought, I don't know why I'm so keen on going tocollege, given that these four are going to out and out kill me withsexual pleasure before the year is over. Seriously! That is, if thefootball players don't get me first. His back stiffened at thatunpleasant reminder of earlier events, but then he forced himself tothink of other things. With all the fun he'd just had and the goodfeelings he still basked in, it was surprisingly easy to put thefootball player troubles out of his mind, at least for a while.

The others watched from the doorway as he put a shirt on (but still no shorts or pants) and headed back to his computer.

Amy said to Katherine, as the two of them started to walkaway, "I think we need to check for bumps right now!" That had becometheir fond nickname for their mutual daily pussy shaving sessions.

Katherine replied, "You have to tell me EVERYTHING about how Brother's tongue felt up your ass!"


Susan and Suzanne lingered a little longer, standing near thedoorway in a light embrace with each other. Both were so in love withtheir son that they didn't want to leave.

Alan looked at them and thought, This is completelyinsane. There they are, standing proudly over their son like some kindof Leave It to Beaver 50's sitcom parents. So serene and approving. Butat the same time, they're both freaking completely buck naked and soscorchingly sexy! Even though I feel like I want to sleep for threeyears non-stop, it's all I can do to stop myself from rushing across theroom and fucking them both again and again! It's not fair. It's like Ihave Venus and Aphrodite as my two parents now. One I might be able tohandle, maybe, but two?!

Suzanne's the worst because she never turns off that "comehither and fuck me" look. She does something like walking down thehallway so sensuously that it's like she's having sex with the wholeroom as she goes. In fact, even as I sit here, she's subtly andrhythmically pressing one of her tits into Susan's as if to say, "Don'tyou want to be in the middle of a four-tits fuck sandwich right now?"Arrgh! How can I concentrate on finishing my college applications? Howcould anybody?! Maybe I need to start downing Viagra a couple times aday just to survive around here. Geez!

He tried to focus on other things to help distract hisattention from his two hot mothers. A question popped into his mind,thanks to the recent reminder of his football player problem. "AuntSuzy? Before you go, I have a question for you. You said earlier thisafternoon that you have a plan to help take care of the thugs that areafter me? What is it? It'd be nice to feel like I don't have to worryabout that anymore."

Suzanne looked over at Susan briefly. "Actually, it'ssomething both of your mothers are going to help out with. All thosebrutes are real flesh and blood people with mothers and fathers. Ipresume most of their parents would be appalled by their behavior, ifthey knew about it, but there are a lot of spoiled latchkey kids in thisneighborhood. The plan is to befriend the parents, especially themothers. If you just give me the full names of the worst troublemakers, Ican pretty much guarantee you that Susan and I will be like long lostsisters to their mothers by the end of this weekend. Then there are somany possibilities to work with at that point, if one can just keep aneye open. Mostly, I plan to pump them for information on their kids so Ican find out what makes their little brats tick. For instance, what ifone of them has an unrequited crush on a certain girl? How can we usethat to our advantage?"

Susan noted, "Speaking of pumping, wouldn't it be rich ifsome of those mothers turn out to be hotties, and Tiger got to fuckthem? That would be sweet revenge."

Suzanne rolled her eyes. "Mom, you don't know when to stop.That's asking for trouble. Besides, Sweetie has a clear 'no adultery'policy."

Susan pointed out to Suzanne, "Well, I'm married, and so areyou, and so is Brenda. It gets me so hot whenever I think that Tiger notonly enslaved my big-titted body, but he stole me away from Ron to doit."

"True," Suzanne conceded, "but those are specialcircumstances. Let's not go into that right now. Sweetie, what do youthink of my ideas?"

Alan was impressed, but disappointed at the same time. "That sounds good, but it also sounds like a long term plan."

"Unfortunately, yes," Suzanne conceded as one of her handsidly explored Susan's ass cheeks. "I have a feeling that some of thosethugs will soon find themselves getting an earful from suddenly muchmore attentive parents, but will that be enough to help if there's animmediate plan against you? I don't know."

"But you think you'll be able to make an impact by Monday?"he asked. "I suppose that's okay, unless they try something at thefootball game on Friday. There's no way Amy or Sis can get out of theirresponsibilities there."

"Well, Sweetie, I hope we'll start to make an impact byMonday, but there are so many unknown variables. My tactics will take alittle time to bear fruit, and that's assuming you can find out theirnames. I've been trying to learn from Brad what he knows about yourenemies, but he hasn't said much because of his divided loyalties.However, just a couple of hours ago I told him about the threat to Amyand he was suddenly a lot more forthcoming. The only problem is that hesays that those guys have never forgotten that he's Amy's brother, sothey could very well be feeding him disinformation. This is very, verytricky stuff. You've stirred up a hornet's nest at the school with yoursexual prowess, my love. No doubt about it. I'm sorry, but there's noquick and easy fix."

Susan joked, "I think one solution is to show off thatprowess more at home and less at school." Actually, it wasn't exactly ajoke, since that was also her strong desire. Everyone knew that, so sheteased with an infectious happiness, "That's just my completely unbiasedopinion, of course." She reached over and gave Suzanne's nearest breasta playful squeeze.

"Of course," Alan replied, rolling his eyes but grinning. Herecalled not so long ago when Susan was too uptight to have a sense ofhumor, and greatly enjoyed this newly revealed side to her. "And thanksfor the help. I love you both so much. You're far too good for me."

Suzanne waved a hand dismissively. "Pshaw. Speaking formyself at least, it's my pleasure," she purred suggestively, "and thensome. You know me, I'm just happy to have a fun new scheme to sink myteeth into."

He nodded. But inwardly he thought, Names! How am I goingto get all the names? I know a few for sure, like Ryan and Rock, but formost of the rest I'm just making an educated guess. How do I separatethe criminals from the mere assholes? There are so many egotisticalassholes on that team. Could, maybe, the names Amy got be right? How canwe be sure?

Susan and Suzanne continued to stand together in a lightembrace and watch their son as he finally started to turn his attentionback to his UC Berkeley and UCLA applications. They silently beamed withapproval. Then, together, they pulled his door handle closed behindthem and let him be.